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نظام المعلومات المحاسبية ودوره في عملية اتخاذ القرارات
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يرجع تاريخ الاصلاحات الادارية إلى سبعينات القرن الماضي  ،ولاسيما الندوة التي عقدت لبحث العوامل المؤثرة في انخفاض الانتاجية عام 1976، وعملية ترشيق الاجهزة الادارية للدولة عام 1987.

            ان بحثنا الموسوم (نظام المعلومات المحاسبية ودوره في عملية اتخاذ القرارات) يتم عرضه في فرعين مترابطين، هما:

  • المحاسبة نظام معلومات.
  • الادارة صانعة للقرار.

لا شك ان المحاسبة هي علم وفن يختص بتسجيل الاحداث المالية، وتبويبها وتلخيصها بقوائم مالية بهدف تحديد نتيجة النشاط وتصوير المركز المالي في نهاية الفترة المالية ثم استخدام المعلومات الواردة في القوائم المالية (بوصفها مؤشرات كمية ومنها تشتق المؤشرات النوعية الملائمة) بهدف تقويم نشاط الوحدة الاقتصادية خلال الفترة المالية ومن ثم الاستفادة من معلومات التقويم لاغراض التخطيط، والرقابة، واتخاذ القرارات.

      وبناءا على ما تقدم فان للمحاسبة وظيفتين اساسيتين الاولى هي كونها نظام معلومات أي ان تسجيل الاحداث المالية بوصفها بيانات خام يتم معالجتها وفق النظرية المحاسبية لتكون معلومات ويمثل هذا الجانب المحاسبي للادارة المالية.

اما الثانية فتنصب على تحليل المعلومات المحاسبية الواردة في القوائم والكشوفات المالية الملحقة بها لغرض تقويم نشاط الوحدة الاقتصادية خلال الفترة المالية، ومن ثم الاستفادة من المعلومات الناتجة عن التقويم لاغراض التخطيط ،والرقابة، واتخاذ القرارات، ويمثل هذا الجانب التحليل المالي

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Refused Derived Fuel RDF and its role in reducing production
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Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is considered one of the most important types of low cost thermal energy which can be tapped in the industry, especially the cement industry in particular being the need of high thermal energy during the production processes, and in this paper we have implemented the use of a derivative of the fuel RDF  as a substitute for gasoline , to reduce production costs and thereby achieve production efficiency, and the methodology used in this research statistical analysis as well as the use of the cost of kaizen target for the purpose of reducing costs and achieve production efficiency, and this has reduced the cost total cement production by which led to reduce total costs of cement production by 8.4% and an incre

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Hussein AL-Husseiny and his Politilcal Role in Lebanon (1968-1992)
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The study of the historical figures is one of the important in modern history since it is main focus is to show the political , economic or social product of a specific person throughout his life . Therefore , the subject of my research is “ Hussein AL-Husseiny and his politilcal role in Lebanon1968-1992. The research focused on high highting his role in Lebanon within the parliament and the ministry , he has help for the duration of the study. It also dealt with his national attitudes which he lived toward most of crucial issues in Lebanon

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نحو نظام نحو نظام لغوي عربي متوازن في المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة
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We must live in an era dominated by the call for equality between men and women, in which the voices of advocates of gender integration were heard. After women opened their doors to compete with their brother, Knowledge, and culture in the various forms of life, language as a science of the time and knowledge of the other had to match this reality and express the most accurate expression of this task

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
اثر العولمة على السياسات و التطبيقات المحاسبية
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The globalization concept is regarded one of the modern concept which had seen in the last time while it hadn’t occur now only, but it had seen clearly with the technology &information revolution beside the quick development  in the communication net which had made the world like a small village .

Since accounting is regarded business language based on integrated theoretical framework consists of many connected objective & rules which led to consistent accounting standards .

So with this development there is a clear need to consolidate  the concepts , policies ,and applications which the companies use it in treating its financial events .

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Mass Media Communications Misdirecting in Broadcasting Information
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The current research aims at identifying Mass Media Communications Misdirecting in Broadcasting Information made by media. The researcher headed for the Iraqi Center of Media Liberty, one of non-governmental civil society organizations, that this center has multiple activities in the field of media and is far away from the effects imposed by the media institutions on employees with respect to the adoption of the institution policy, its agenda, and the trends financing it. The current research aims at identifying Mass Media Communications Misdirecting in Broadcasting Information made by media. The researcher headed for the Iraqi Center of Media Liberty, one of non-governmental civil society organizations, that this center has multipl

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Medical identification in mass graves and its role in criminal evidence
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Medical identification  is deemed  of  the most important evidences   in the criminal  investigation   on massive  cemeteries, as it is identified  the   unknown  individuals   either alive or died. Whereas the victims of  massive cemeteries are individuals were murdered  and then buried or  buried   alive and  thence   identifying   the bodies of the victims   should be evaluated   technically  and  need   medical experience  by checking  its   apparently or  internally (anatomically)  by  expert (Forensic  Medical Doctors)  to ma

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation of Effecting Parameters in a Turning Operation
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        In this study multi objective optimization is utilized to optimize a turning operation to reveal the appropriate level of process features. The goal of this work is to evaluate the optimal combination of cutting parameters like feed, spindle speed, inclination angle and workpiece material to have a best surface quality Taguchi technique L9 mixed orthogonal array, has been adopted to optimize the roughness of surface. Three rods of length around (200 mm) for the three metals are used for this work. Each rod is divided into three parts with 50 mm length. For brass the optimum parametric mix for minimum Ra is A1, B1 and C3, i.e., at tool inclination angle (5), feedrate of 0.01, spindle speed of 120

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Strategic Intelligence In Decision Making Styles An Analytical research in the Construction& Housing ministry
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            This research aims to explore the impact of strategic  intelligence by his dimensions (Foresight , system thinking, vision, motivation and partnership) on decision making styles which represented by ( rational, intuitive, dependent, Spontaneous and  Avoidant style) for a sample of the administrative leaders in the center of  Reconstruction &Housing Ministry and Some its formations which are companies of (Sa'ad, Al Mansour, al Farouq, Assyria, al-Mu'tasim, al- Rasheed, and Public Authority for Housing).  So to achieve the  research objectives and to test hypotheses, it has been relying

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social orientation of the marketing and its role in the competitive strategies
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     This research shed light on the relationship between the social orientation of the marketing (interests of the Organization ,the welfare of society, satisfaction the customer) strategies competitive dimensions of (cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, focus and strategy), As well as to to seek to achieve a number of knowledge and applied goals, and represented the field research problem extent of interesting researched the application of social orientation and interest in achieving competitive strategy and omission of this interest in the hotels the surveyed Organization, Based on this problem, and to clarify the relationshi

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Community Innovation and Its Role in Gender Mainstreaming and Development Issues
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Gender mainstreaming is a goal for building a society characterized by justice and equality. Gender mainstreaming requires a clear understanding of the concept. Therefore, the research focuses on the concept of gender and how it was addressed in the literature through which the concepts related to gender were extracted which is represented by the role and social status through which the relationship of gender can be measured. In order to find out the basis for the different status and roles of both sexes in societies, the interpreted theories of gender were addressed, through which the most important factors affecting gender relations, such as biological, social and economic factors, as well as political systems, were discussed. Due to t

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