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مدى أمكانية وضع اسس ومعايير لتقويم اداء اجهزة الرقابة المالية
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مدى معرفة واستعمال تدريسيو اقسام الجغرافية في كليات التربية لتطبيقات التعليم الالكترونية
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Abstract The present research aims to know the range of Knowledge and the using of teachers of aerography department in colleges of Education to Applicant electronic Learning , So the Sample of the research reached (129) teacher, of the university of Boghdad and Al mustansiria who were chosen by using Randomly sample , and applauding questioner for these perpos that prepared by muhamed bn Ghazi Al Judi – and by using the T-test for one sample and person correlation formula as a statistical means. The research reached to the results which indicate that weakness knowledge and using the theachers of geographe department to the application electronic learning. And according this the researcher put some Recommendation and suggestions. 

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The extent of responsibility - the seller of Alcohol or the provider – the civil towards the drug addicts and their victims "A comparative study
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    There are many harmful acts that occur from drunkards in this case, especially those resulting from car accidents. The world is witnessing dozens or even hundreds of car accidents due to alcohol consumption. These accidents often result in serious injuries that could lead to the death of the drunk driver and those in the car As well as other persons present in the other vehicles with which the incident occurred or pedestrians on the street, as well as damage to private or public property, and if the order of return of the affected persons on the pretext of civil liability (tort) is made as a direct cause of the harmful act, Is entitled Do they like this refer to the liquor seller or their provider as the culprit? Or ar

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
مدى معرفة المرأة بمعلومات البطاقة الارشادیة المرفقة بالملابس والمفروشات في مدینة بغداد
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It takes a long time and a lot of money to choose and provide clothes. It is soothing
necessary to care of them in order to use it another time. There is no Disposable clothes
until now, like other things in the house which we used for once then we dropped, then we
can use new one without any time or effort can be mentioned like needles, nappy, tissues
and etc.
The clothes are different; people should take care of and clean them again in order to
use them again. The right care of clothes would make them last for a long time. So, there is
no need to buy a new one instead of them in a short time. This thing provides time and
effort for the people and the family, to affect positively on the family’s budget.
We s

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The extent of responsibility - the seller of Alcohol or the provider – the civil towards the drug addicts and their victims "A comparative study"
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There are many harmful acts that occur from drunkards in this case, especially those resulting from car accidents. The world is witnessing dozens or even hundreds of car accidents due to alcohol consumption. These accidents often result in serious injuries that could lead to the death of the drunk driver and those in the car As well as other persons present in the other vehicles with which the incident occurred or pedestrians on the street, as well as damage to private or public property, and if the order of return of the affected persons on the pretext of civil liability (tort) is made as a direct cause of the harmful act, Is entitled Do they like this refer to the liquor seller or their provider as the culprit? Or are they not related to

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis Tax Advantage of Financing Leverage: An Empirical Research
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The research objective are analyze financial leverage advantage through analyze and discuss financial leverage cost, and achieve tax advantage. study include two firms ,oil firm and industrial companies firm with limited liability.The inductive method is used for the applied part in analyzing the financial data of the companies considered in 2011-2015.The result of the study shows that the financial leverage achieve present value of the costs is Negative . The study concluded that the most important conclusions of the tax advantage of leverage is higher costs as well as achieving a low tax shield ,This study found out the results that interest payments related to pre-tax all of the loan amount and the percentage of the interest rate on b

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
مجلة الاقتصاد الخليجي
أثر فروقات الضرائب المؤجلة على القوائم المالية
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نتيجة للتطور و انفتاح الاسواق الاقتصادية عالميا ظهرت اهمية الافصاح في القوائم المالية و اعدادهايكونمبني على ( العدالة و الشفافية ) في اظهار البنود الواردة فيها ، و لان هذه القوائم تعد لا كثر من جهة مستفيدة ( اصحاب المصلحة ) سواء كانوا مستثمرين او مقرضين او هيئات حكومية حيث يجب اعدادها بطريقة اكثر شفافية و بدون تحيز لجهة دون اخرى ،هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على اهم الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة التي تنشأ في الوحدات الا

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Administration And Economics
مؤشرات مقترحة لتقييم الاستدامة المالية للجامعات العراقية
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation of Parameters for the Gumbel Type-I Distribution under Type-II Censoring Scheme
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This paper aims to decide the best parameter estimation methods for the parameters of the Gumbel type-I distribution under the type-II censorship scheme. For this purpose, classical and Bayesian parameter estimation procedures are considered. The maximum likelihood estimators are used for the classical parameter estimation procedure. The asymptotic distributions of these estimators are also derived. It is not possible to obtain explicit solutions of Bayesian estimators. Therefore, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and Lindley techniques are taken into account to estimate the unknown parameters. In Bayesian analysis, it is very important to determine an appropriate combination of a prior distribution and a loss function. Therefore, two different

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Internal control over agricultural loans Applied research in the Agricultural Cooperative Bank for the period 2006-2012
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Agricultural Bank is an important source of funding Specialist His role in lending to farmers, it imposes a great job in providing the necessary head for any developmental process in the agricultural sector money. The ACB of ancient Iraqi banks, and that because of its importance to the advancement of the national economy and contribute to the development and regulation of the economic sector through the support and the assignment of the Iraqi agricultural sector in various agricultural activities because it is responsible

for the process of granting agricultural loans to farmers bank.

The aim of the internal control in the agricultural banks to

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
of the Government finance Statistics GFS System In StrengtheningThe Role Oversight on performance Centrally Funded Units
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This study aims to highlight the role of financial control in the development of government performance through the use of "GFS" system and its application in the service of government units, which will help them in how to use financial resources efficiently through the quality of accounting information provided by this system in the financial statements that reflect the predictability in that fiscal policy of the state through government programs and activities fee as well as to identify weaknesses and address them quickly in order to avoid wastage and loss of public money, which leads to the possibility of utilization of available financial resources of the state to effectively and efficiently, has been reached that the failure of gove

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