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The contractual budget: the ideal technique in planning and implementing capital budgeting projects: a strategy of preparing the contractual budget for Baghdad local government
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Public budget is the government's tool in achieving the objectives of economic and social development is the accounting curriculum to estimate state revenues and expenditures for years to come, as well as to have legal status as it is after the adoption of an official statement of government units to spend funds on items planned at the same time is a statement collect resources to finance these appropriations, if the primary objective of the budget initially limited to the achievement of financial and legislative control have evolved this function in the area of public administration turned attention from mere imposition of control over the money, which provides information to assist the Department to utilize available resources and programs to achieve efficient, effective and economic link between inputs ( expenditure) and output (objectives achieved); it took give the rationale of the appropriation request is when you view the budget on the legislative authority is linked to programs and activities to be performed by government regulations during the period of the budget.

              The increased government activity and responsibilities of the State showed a defect in the government accounting system and the traditional balance in the provision of information to support management strategy showed the need to reform the budget system have yet to include elements of strategic planning and management efficiency in the completion of the work and the optimal use of resources, the wording of the strategic concept of the interest must be the governmental unit to study the external environment to identify opportunities, risks and potential internal study to determine the strengths and weaknesses and the need to develop accounting systems to provide information appropriate to the decision-making advanced, the complexity of the work environment in public administration, which required the expansion of the accounting information provided by the output of what the government accounting system using a system of management accounting strategy tend to focus on the future provision of external information to support management and the adoption of strategic planning, programming and budget, the best source of information on the budget and clearly understood by local governments, linking strategic planning and budget preparation for a sophisticated system support load balancing contractual shift budget to projects with four dimensions of work and specifications and the time required for completion and cost of speculative finance and this is what facilitates the process of implementation and control and is efficient in performance between funds being earmarked and objectives.  
              Goal of establishing local governments based on the principle of administrative decentralization is to provide services and the establishment of infrastructure projects as not only the funding for these projects to assignments of the general budget, but may be through loans or participation with the private sector, create a way BOT.  

              The financial reports prepared by government units must meet the requirements of the minimum financial statements identified by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board and such reports are comprehensive and cover the funds all government activities including disclosure required and a  commitment to accepted accounting principles and standards.

              States have adopted the modern system of administrative decentralization is the transfer of responsibility for planning and funding of public services and management to local government and under the responsibility accounting system can achieve control depending on the budget system as a low cost, timing and quality measures

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Treatment of the general budget deficit in Islamic economic system
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In the name of God the Merciful
 Praise be to God and the Hall and Peace Uncle Prophet Muhammad and blindness Alo and companions
 Money is the lifeblood and a reason for living. An individual cannot live without money to make it
It is only through the necessities of life and the state that it can perform its duties and functions only
As money is so important, the state must regulate the balance of revenues
And expenses in order to avoid failure in Mizanitia, but perhaps the country may be exposed to crises
An exception that leads to misappropriation in the general Mizanitia and the Islamic Shari'ah is valid for Makkah
Time and place for all circumstances has created several ways to address the budget defici

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
“The impact of using the of the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) on The General Budget in Iraq”
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This research is aiming  to analyze the impacts of the current budget in Iraq by using  the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) , the research is based on hypothesis: (There is an impact on the using of the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) In public budget in Iraq) .This hypothesis was demonstrated by using the questionnaire, a number of conclusions were reached, the most important being the lack of terminology adopted in the government accounting system and the Iraqi financial and accounting manual as a result of their adoption of the monetary basis for the lack of accounting terminology that meets t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of tax reform to increase the federal budget revenues
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The percentage contribution of tax revenue in the federal budget is verysmall compared with the revenue earned from oil revenues, as the dependenceon oil revenues mainly to finance the state budget, have a negative impact onthe national economy as it makes it a one-sided and prisoner of on revenue, thatis the revenue derived from oil which is unstable revenue for continuouschanging in the price of oil The oil revenues reached to (85.4%) in 2009 withpercentage (93.11%) in 2013, The research objective is to study the possibilityof increasing tax revenues in order to raise the proportion of its contribution infinancing the federal budget through effective tax reforms, The mainconclusion of the research is
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Views of Amadi and Gorgani In the metaphor in their books budget and mediation
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The research revolves around the views of Al-Amadi and Al-Jurjani in the metaphors in their books, balancing Abu Tammam and Al-Bohtari, and mediation between Mutanabi and his opponents. And others whose poems were cited. One of the most important things we have reached is: the critics release the term metaphor to take sometimes and mean to take the meaning or steal it, and analyzed the evidence of metaphor as a rhetorical art in the light of what he heard about the former Arab poets, rejected the unusual metaphor out of use, and reclaimed the familiar metaphor. The research after submitted to the topics are: the first: Al-Amadi and his budget book, the second: Al-Jurjani and his book of mediation, and the third is divided into three dema

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Using the general budget for the year 2019 to achieve sustainable development in Iraq
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The public budget is on the same time an art and a science .As an accountable science it seeks balance between public income and public expenditure for an accountable year. And as an accountable art it seeks to achieve economic balance by distributing equitable income in order to reach sustainable development .This is the optimal use of all natural and human resources to address scarcity of natural resources facing the increase need of human resources by spending on education, health, environment, housing, agriculture and industry to achieve social justice for the current generation and future generations. Since the first budget in Iraq on 1921 an accounting budget, is balancing the sections and items has been adopted and since the publi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of financial policy instruments to reduce the deficit of the State budget to the IMF terms: Applied Research at the Iraqi Ministry of finance - budget service
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Abstract search seeks to clarify the role and the importance of financial and fiscal policy adopted by the Iraqi Government during the years (2015 – 2018) to meet federal public deficit, as the Iraqi economy to shocks from falling global oil prices and terrorist attack ISIS, so the State budget suffered from a severe lack of income as a result of its reliance on revenues from selling crude oil and in return the high proportion of public expenditures. Especially military to counter these attacks that by studying the results of the implementation of budgets and analysis and statement Causes of disabilities and assessment of these policies and procedures imposed by the International Monetary Fund. the research aims to show how increased g

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Role of the Iraqi parliament in the adoption of the federal budget after 2005
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Receipt date: 2/2/2021 accepted date: 4/6/2021 Publication date: 12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The approval of the federal general budget in Iraq is one of the most important competencies of the legislative authority , Being one of the important financial and monetary policy instruments on which the state depends for its economic growth , Hence, the obstruction of the approval of the federal b

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Factors Affecting in Planning of Current Expenditurs For Federal Public Budget of State: An Applied Research For ASample of Health Ministry Depatments
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Increasing interest in planning at the level of government units as a means to manage the physical and human resources, direct and invest in areas that would include an increase in the economies of the general government units that are part of the general economics of the state.The research problem lies in the introduction of the factors influencing the ongoing expenses that adversely affect the financial planning process at the level of the Ministry of Health Planning, which affects the quality of services provided to citizens, so I sought the researchers to study the reality of financial planning in some of the Ministry of Health and health departments through the analysis of current budgets and diagnose deviations in the implementatio

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internal audit of spending units and its impact on the efficiency of the federal budget
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The role of internal control is based on the effectiveness of the budget through an analysis of the reality of the budget in the research sample as it was studied in the preparation and preparation stages and the implementation stage. The sample showed that the sample did not comply with what is stated in the Ministry of Finance publication of instructions and ceilings. In the process of preparing and resulting from the occurrence of deviations in large proportions both in the discussion of the Ministry of Finance or when implementation as a low rate of implementation and the absence of allocations for some items, although there is a need for them as well as the transfer of large proportions of transfers both up or down and the purpose o

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Relationship between federal budget estimates And actual implementation
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he public federal budget of the state includes estimated figures for state revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year. The estimation process is one of the main parts of the preparation of the general budget of the state and the accuracy in the estimation of revenues and expenditures of the most important principles that should be based on the process of making estimates and should not overestimate the assessment process to ensure the availability of funds in the future in all cases, which lead to unfair distribution of allocations, so the research aims to study The case of preparing the budget in the Directorate and how to estimate the expenditure in, by the analysis of operating budgets and identify deviations in the implementa

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