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Role of Banking Marketing Strategies in achieving Competitive Advantage: Applicatory Research on a Sample of Iraqi Private Banks
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The main purpose of this research aims to measure the role of banking strategies marketing in achieving competitive advantage within a sample of Iraqi private banks, and in order to achieve this purpose,  the researcher depend on number of sober research approaches which consisted of descriptive, analytical and practical methodologies, to strengthen concepts addressed by the research, size of the sample was (56) individuals which makes up the senior leadership represented (Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, Commissioners and their assistants and department heads) while the primary tool for research (questionnaire), which has been designed based on a number of solemn scientific metrics, after adapted these metrics commensurate with the requirements of the Iraqi environment . Data that were collected through the search tool as well as the annual financial reports have been analyzed using a number of statistical tools in (SPSS.v.19) software package to get the related results. Then, the program (Excel.2010) was used to extract the financial indicators to determine the performance of banks in the sample. In the net result, the research has concluded to a number of conclusions which include: The results confirmed the presence of correlation and impact between bank marketing strategies and competitive advantage; also we found that the sample’s banks adopt a defense strategy and a high rational strategy over the strategic offensive. As most of the notable recommendations made by the current research are the necessity for bank managements to invest the positive nature of the relationship between the bank marketing strategies and competitive advantage to draw the strategic marketing direction and to build a marketing vision for top leaders.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2000
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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A study of some mite species of alfalfa. wheat, and barley was conducted in central Iraq.
The mites were extracted using a tullgren funnel method. Twelve species were recorded. 10 of
them belong to suborder Trombidiformes and 2 belong to suborder Sarcoptiforms. Three
mites, Irnpar(pes hystricinus, Scutacarus longitarsus, and Rhizoglyphus echin opus are new
records for Iraqi mite fauna, and 11 are new host records in alfalfa soil.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Dynamics and its Effects on Saturation Region in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
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We focus on studying the dynamics of bulk semiconductor optical amplifiers and their effects on the saturation region for short pulse that differ, however there is the same unsaturated gain for both dynamics. Parameters like current injection, fast dynamics present by carrier heating (CH), and spectra hole burning (SHB) are studied for regions that occur a response to certain dynamics. The behavior of the saturation region is found to be responsible for phenomena such as recovery time and chirp for the pulse under study.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Central European Agriculture
Seed priming effect on field emergence and grain yield in sorghum
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Most cultivars of sorghum have low field emergence as common problem. Three experiments were carried out at Agriculture College, Baghdad University. First experiment was conducted in laboratory according to Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four replicates. Second and third experiments were conducted at field according to Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) during the spring and the fall seasons of 2015, respectively, with four replicates for each one. Same two factors were studied at each experiment. First factor was seed priming by seed soaking for 10 hours in distilled water, solvents of GA3, KCl and thiamine (300, 40 and 30 mg*L-1, respectively) and non-primed seed. Second factor was three cultivars of sorghum (Inqath, Kafier an

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 28 2022
Journal Name
Mechanics Based Design Of Structures And Machines
Experimental investigation on the damping characteristics in dry and saturated sands
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A New Analytic Method to Tune a Fractional Order PID Controller
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This paper proposes a new method to tune a fractional order PID controller. This method utilizes both the analytic and numeric approach to determine the controller parameters. The control design specifications that must be achieved by the control system are gain crossover frequency, phase margin, and peak magnitude at the resonant frequency, where the latter is a new design specification suggested by this paper. These specifications results in three equations in five unknown variables. Assuming that certain relations exist between two variables and discretizing one of them, a performance index can be evaluated and the optimal controller parameters that minimize this performance index are selected. As a case study, a thir

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A new analytic method to tune a fractional order PID controller
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This paper proposes a new method to tune a fractional order PID controller. This method utilizes both the analytic and numeric approach to determine the controller parameters. The control design specifications that must be achieved by the control system are gain crossover frequency, phase margin, and peak magnitude at the resonant frequency, where the latter is a new design specification suggested by this paper. These specifications results in three equations in five unknown variables. Assuming that certain relations exist between two variables and discretizing one of them, a performance index can be evaluated and the optimal controller parameters that minimize this performance index are selected. As a case study, a third order linear time

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 19 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Designing a database for a three dimensional model using geomatics techniques
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of an Educational Program For Early Intervention depending on Illustrative Pictures to Acquire some concepts For Children with Hearing impairment
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“Child of today is a man of the future" this slogan is one of the most popular logos of international organizations and institutions that dealing with human beings needs in general and children needs in particular, whether these needs are educational, health, social, or economic. Children require special care and extra legal protection, since the child-raising is not the Child’s own issue, but it's the issue of the society in which he/she would integrate.

As the education and language skillsacquisition primarily associated with hearing, because human being receives most of the skills and knowledge through the hearing; that imitate sounds and learn how to speak isacquired only by hearing, so therefore the hearing - impairedchi

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Different garlic forms: (lobster, mashed, crushed) and their effect on quality qualities And the molecular life of the fermented cucumber and flavor
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This study aimed to isolate and identifye the growth of microorganisms and
their effect on pickled cucumber and cabbage, the study also investigated the effect of
garlic (in the form of segments, chopped or crushed) on the mentioned pickled –food
features . Furthermore, a sense based comparison is made between vinegar-preserved
samples and vinegar-garlic preserved ones.
The following results have been obtained:
1- The isolation of staph. aureus alone from the samples and the study of its physical
and biochemical features.
2- The fresh garlic (segments, chopped and crushed) with concentration of 5%, 7.5%,
and 10% showed a damaging percentage of 100% to bacterial growth of staph. Aureus
after 24 hours of inc

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 13 2021
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering
A numerical study to improve the position and angle of the producer gas injector inside the intake manifold to minimize emissions and efficiency enhancement of a bi engine
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To develop a petrol engine so that it works under the bi-engine pattern (producer gas-petrol) without any additional engine modifications, a single-point injection method inside the intake manifold is a simple and inexpensive method. Still, it leads to poor mixing performance between the air and producer gas. This deficiency can cause unsatisfactory engine performance and high exhaust emissions. In order to improve the mixing inside the intake manifold, nine separate cases were modelled to evaluate the impact of the position and angle orientation inside the intake manifold on the uniformity and spread of the mixture under AFR=2.07. A petrol engine (1.6 L), the maximum engine speed (8000 rpm), and bi-engine mode (petrol-producer ga

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