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The impact of tax reform to increase the federal budget revenues
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The percentage contribution of tax revenue in the federal budget is verysmall compared with the revenue earned from oil revenues, as the dependenceon oil revenues mainly to finance the state budget, have a negative impact onthe national economy as it makes it a one-sided and prisoner of on revenue, thatis the revenue derived from oil which is unstable revenue for continuouschanging in the price of oil The oil revenues reached to (85.4%) in 2009 withpercentage (93.11%) in 2013, The research objective is to study the possibilityof increasing tax revenues in order to raise the proportion of its contribution infinancing the federal budget through effective tax reforms, The mainconclusion of the research is that the high percentage contribution of oilrevenue in the state budget while the latter (prices of oil) is exposed tofluctuations in prices has been exposed the lraqi economy to significant risks.The recommends Find reform tax system as it is an important element inincreasing budget revenues and its stability through the three variables for thereform, which is building an efficient information base for tax reform andchange tax law to extend to other taxes in addition to the training of qualifiedstaff for tax calculation and application of the effectively tax law.
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The public budget under terrorism
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تعرض بلدنا العراق الى أقسى الهجمات الإرهابية التي أثرت بشكل مباشر وغير مباشر في النواحي المالية و الاقتصادية وبرز هذا التأثير في وسيلة الدولة لإدارتها المالية و هي الموازنة العامة التي تحمل في طياتها توقعات الدولة الانفاقية و قنواتها الايرادية ومن أهم هذه التوقعات هي ما تنتجه  العمليات الإرهابية وما تخلفه من تبعات وخسائر بشرية ومادية ومعنوية، مقدرة بشكل مالي ومبالغ نقدية .

وتصدي  الدولة في هذه ال

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public budget System repair Targets Prepared Public Budget
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Require senior management of the state when developing the strategy the general budget to the clarity of the reasons that are based upon the ministries in the preparation of estimates of expenditure for the next year to justify the spending, and in the absence of targets, the ministry or government unit would not be in front, but be guided by the size of expenditure for the last year in addition to the percentage of represented an increase of appropriations required for the next year in light of the fiscal policy of the state, so the requested increase in appropriations to meet the desired increase in some of its activities and to meet the increase in salaries and prices. So must be available to the Ministry of criteria that coul

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The contractual budget: the ideal technique in planning and implementing capital budgeting projects: a strategy of preparing the contractual budget for Baghdad local government
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Public budget is the government's tool in achieving the objectives of economic and social development is the accounting curriculum to estimate state revenues and expenditures for years to come, as well as to have legal status as it is after the adoption of an official statement of government units to spend funds on items planned at the same time is a statement collect resources to finance these appropriations, if the primary objective of the budget initially limited to the achievement of financial and legislative control have evolved this function in the area of public administration turned attention from mere imposition of control over the money, which provides information to assist the Department to utilize available resources and prog

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Impact of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) on the Public Budget in Iraq"
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     The aim of the research is to determine the impact of the Iraqi public budget on IPSASs by conducting the questionnaire; the research was based on the hypothesis that "there is an impact of the adoption of the International Accounting Standards in the general budget of Iraq”. The research concluded that the government accounting system closely interferes with the general budget at all stages. The shifting towards the accrual basis is the first element of the reform package towards reaching the reform of the state budget. Without reforming government accounting, it is almost impossible to develop the budget. IPSASs are a recognized reference to the assessment and development of governmen

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 16 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of information technology on tax evasion
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The research aims at shedding light on the impact of information technology in reducing tax evasion in the General Authority for Taxation. In order to achieve this, the research relied on the analysis of its variables as a main tool for collecting data and information. The results showed that there is a positive and positive effect of information technology on tax evasion. The impact of information technology on increasing tax revenues and reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion In the performance of the research sample, the research sought to highlight the importance of tax information technology through its data and information to the tax administration for the purpose of completing the process Taxpayers for persons subject to income ta

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analysis of the impact of public budget deficit on external debt in lraq with in the framework of joint integration of the period (1990 – 2016 )
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The concept of deficit in public budget becomes a chronic economic phenomenon in most of the world, whether the advanced countries or developing countries. Despite  the difference in the visions of the economic schools to accept or reject the deficit in public budget but the opinion that prevailed is the necessity of the state to reduce the public spending which led to a continuous deficits in the public budget which consequently increased the government borrowing ,increase income taxes and wealth, consequently this weakened the in motivation in private investment which contributed to the increase of in factionary stagnation , so that governments have to cover the lack of local funding sources which become difficult to be eq

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Evaluating the matrix method to achieve the objectives in the budget between planning alternatives
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The aim of this research does not deal with evaluation occurs at any points in the design of the plan alternatives themselves or formulation of goals and objectives. The aim of this research is that test and evaluate the fully alternatives. We can therefore state as the principle that evaluation of alternative plans must be based on attempts to show how far each plan satisfies all the objectives are expressed as specification of the performance of the urban and regional system. The planner can submit the result (as in the traditional way) for each alternative, with particular reference to the weighting of objectives. The summery result can be presented and the preferred plan indicated that with largest index of Goals-achievement.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Private investment and its role in the process of economic reform in Iraq
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بعد ثورة تموز عام 1958في العراق, لم يكن يسمح للقطاع الخاص بأن تكون له استثمارات كبيرة في القطاعات الاقتصادية. وذلك بسبب الإيديولوجيات التي كانت تؤطر الفكر السياسي. حيث كان النهج الاشتراكي هو الغالب في إدارة الأنشطة الاقتصادية. إذ قامت الدولة بتأميم معظم الاستثمارات الخاصة الكبيرة ،لاس

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
“The impact of using the of the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) on The General Budget in Iraq”
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This research is aiming  to analyze the impacts of the current budget in Iraq by using  the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) , the research is based on hypothesis: (There is an impact on the using of the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) In public budget in Iraq) .This hypothesis was demonstrated by using the questionnaire, a number of conclusions were reached, the most important being the lack of terminology adopted in the government accounting system and the Iraqi financial and accounting manual as a result of their adoption of the monetary basis for the lack of accounting terminology that meets t

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The effect of privatization on general Revenues of State Budget Comparative Study
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The major countries have a lot of financial burdens as a result of their public expenditure to run their public facilities and implement their obligations in this regard. Countries may need to maximize their public revenues to meet their expenditures and increase the privatization policy according to the legal concept of selling their facilities or public companies. That the public revenues of the state and the shortcomings of the view of the pro-privatization as a means to increase the financial revenues of the state and the loss suffered by the States because of the fertility of its facilities and companies to the public and especially the elites of them because it will deprive them of the revenue fixed constant It flows into the state

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