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The Role of Organizational Change in the Development of the Insurance Service: (applied study in The National Insurance Company)
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تشهد بیئة الأعمال المعاصرة جملة من التغیرات والتطورات التكنولوجیة وتزایداً في حدةالمنافسة، وأتساع الفجوة بین العاملین والإدارة ، وقدرة الإدارة على التمییز بین الموظفین، والمشاركة فيإتخاذ القرارات، الامر الذي یلقي على عاتق شركة التأمین إجراء التغییر التنظیمي لتحقیق تطور فيالخدمات التأمینیة التي تقدمها للجمهور من تنوع التغطیات التأمینیة )الوثائق( والسرعة في تسویةالتعویضات وغیرها من الانشطة التي تمارسها الشركة.وهذا یضعنا أمام تساؤلات منها ما مدى تطبیق التغییر التنظیمي في شركة التأمین الوطنیةالعامة؟، ماهو دوره في الخدمة التأمینیة التي تقدمها شركة التأمین الوطنیة العامة؟، وكیفیة الاستفادة منالتغییر التنظیمي في تطویر الخدمات التي تقدمها شركة التأمین؟وعلى هذا الأساس عرض الباحث في دراسته موضوع )دور التغییر التنظیمي في تطویرالخدمة التأمینیة( دراسة تطبیقیة في شركة التأمین الوطنیة العامة، وقد كان الهدف من البحث مساعدةالشركة المبحوثة في تحدید التأثیر بین متغیرات البحث )مداخل التغییر التنظیمي والخدمة التأمینیة(ومعرفة أي من المتغیرات أكثر تأثیر في نشاط الشركة، والتوصل إلى عدد من النتائج التي یمكن أنتساعد الشركة الاستفادة من التغییر التنظیمي في تطویر الخدمة التأمینیة. توضیح المفاهیم النظریةالمتصلة بالتغییر التنظیمي ومداخل التغییر التنظیمي.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The exercise of citizenship behaviors and their impact on customer loyalty: Analytical study from the standpoint of employees in the National Insurance Company
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The exercise of citizenship behaviors and their impact on customer loyalty (An analytical study from the perspective of workers in the National Insurance Company).

The Research aims to find out the degree of customers National Insurance company for customer citizenship behavior and its impact on the level oh loyalty from the perspective of employess in the company, as well as the statement of the differences in the answers of employees according to their personality traits. To achieve the goals of research has been the use of the questionnaire as a tool for the collection and distribution of data on a sample of (90) individuals, as was the use of statistical program (SPSS) in the process of statistical analysis methods (mean, sta

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 20 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of moral values in the tourism service ,An analytical study
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Business Ethics play a major role in explaining the behavior of those interested in the management of tourism enterprises in the field of management gains, which sometimes turn to manipulation in the specification of the service of tourism and influence in the technical characteristics at the expense of the brand and market share, as well as misleading beneficiaries about the fact that the performance of the service of tourism, may depend activities tourist dramatically when submitting and sharing various services on the types of mutual relations the framework for moral distinct, in interaction or direct contact between producers of tourism services and tourists or their beneficiaries, in order to provide comfort and recreation a

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The factors effecting the discovery of insurance fraud from the perspective of the National Insurance Company's employees
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This research aims to identify the factors effecting the investigation of insurance fraud from the perspective of the National Insurance Company employees, by analyzing the study variables and make recommendations on how to enhance the company and employees performance, and to achieve the objectives of the study and test hypotheses a questionnaire was designed after referring to the international standards  and the 1969 Iraqi punishment law, and it was answered by 20 employees that were approved for the purposes of  this research and analysis.

      The study found that lack of employee training was a strong factor, while the supervisory staff and operational procedures was a weak one.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the requirements of electronic management and its role improving The performance of human resources: Applied research at Iraqi general insurance company
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The study seeks to identify e-governance requirements in human resources management, which are (administrative requirements, technical, human, financial, and security) which is a new style differs from the traditional management pattern, where work depends on multiple forms and methods of Tools, (e. g. computers and various electronic software), by relying on powerful information systems that help to make management decisions as quickly and less effortless and less expensive to keep up with the tremendous technological advancements in the field of information and communication technology revolution.

 The sample included 132 Person who constitute a position (Director General, assistant Director General, section managers and d

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The economic feasibility of the accident insurance portfolio in the performance of insurance companies : an analytical study
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The research aims to use performance indicators and financial criteria in evaluating the economic feasibility of the company's insurance portfolios. In addition to identifying the strengths and weaknesses in portfolio's performance to enhance the strengths and address the weaknesses. This is consistent with research problem that dealt with the performance indicators, economic feasibility of company's portfolios and contributing to their improvement, reducing the financial and insurance risks associated with company's business. The research’ sample is represented by the Iraqi Insurance Company as it is one of the oldest financial institutions operating in the insurance sector. It has identified (5) insurance portfolios (marine, engineer

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Security and confidentiality of information and its impact on the competitive performance of insurance companies: A prospective study for the Iraq insurance company and ALhamraa Insurance company (private)
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The security of information represent the available  protection of  information and its component and guaranty the its safety and confidentiality. The absent or lack or stop of security of information and without maximum benefit may lead to lose confidence and make it burden on the company. So we must protect the company and information from the damages which may lead to the frailer of performance and loses of the company and its workers. So the security of information considered one of the potential  and controlling basis to protect individuals and companies from the damages. To insure the security  and confidentiality of information there are delicate,  proper and trusted ways, like FIRE WALL, PASS WORD, SYPHAR

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of transparency on job satisfaction: An applied research in sample of national insurance companies
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Transparency considered being one of the modern administrational terms which started to be largely used in the last period, because of its political, economical, social and cultural dimensions. As well as, its administrational dimension that helps to create a work environment marked by order and flawless from wrong practices and Transparency provides credibility to the sides that pursue it in their practices, till it became a mean of distinction. The choice of the subject of the research ((Transparency and its effect on Level of Job satisfactions of Workers in General Insurance company)), which aims to measure the effect of Transparency in Level of Job satisfactions of Workers in Insurance company. Came in the time when many countries te

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of fraud detection skills in the settlement of Compensatory claims for the fire and accident insurance portfolio: An applied study in the national and Iraqi insurance companies
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The research seeks to identify the impact of fraud detection skills in the settlement of compensatory claims for the fire and accident insurance portfolio and the reflection of these skills in preventing and reducing the payment of undue compensation to some who seek profit and enrichment at the expense of the insurance contract. And compensatory claims in the portfolio of fire and accident insurance in the two research companies, which show the effect and positive return of the detection skills and settlement of the compensation on the amount of actual compensation against the claims inflated by some of the insured, The research sample consisted of (70) respondents from a community size (85) individuals between the director and assistan

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational change in easing the organizational conflict: an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of managers and workers in Iraq to EarthLink Network Services Company And communications
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Research on the role of organizational change in easing the organizational conflict focuses for being one of the important topics and relatively modern and which have a significant impact on the future of organizations, so this study was to identify the relationship and the impact of organizational change and of deportation (technological, organizational structure, human resources, the change in the task) at the organizational conflict in the Earth company link Iraq, in order to reach the goals of the research, it has been the development of a questionnaire distributed to a random sample of (100) composed employees from managers and heads of departments and the people and staff at the Earth company link Iraq, the study found: the

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