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The Role of Organizational Change in the Development of the Insurance Service: (applied study in The National Insurance Company)
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تشهد بیئة الأعمال المعاصرة جملة من التغیرات والتطورات التكنولوجیة وتزایداً في حدةالمنافسة، وأتساع الفجوة بین العاملین والإدارة ، وقدرة الإدارة على التمییز بین الموظفین، والمشاركة فيإتخاذ القرارات، الامر الذي یلقي على عاتق شركة التأمین إجراء التغییر التنظیمي لتحقیق تطور فيالخدمات التأمینیة التي تقدمها للجمهور من تنوع التغطیات التأمینیة )الوثائق( والسرعة في تسویةالتعویضات وغیرها من الانشطة التي تمارسها الشركة.وهذا یضعنا أمام تساؤلات منها ما مدى تطبیق التغییر التنظیمي في شركة التأمین الوطنیةالعامة؟، ماهو دوره في الخدمة التأمینیة التي تقدمها شركة التأمین الوطنیة العامة؟، وكیفیة الاستفادة منالتغییر التنظیمي في تطویر الخدمات التي تقدمها شركة التأمین؟وعلى هذا الأساس عرض الباحث في دراسته موضوع )دور التغییر التنظیمي في تطویرالخدمة التأمینیة( دراسة تطبیقیة في شركة التأمین الوطنیة العامة، وقد كان الهدف من البحث مساعدةالشركة المبحوثة في تحدید التأثیر بین متغیرات البحث )مداخل التغییر التنظیمي والخدمة التأمینیة(ومعرفة أي من المتغیرات أكثر تأثیر في نشاط الشركة، والتوصل إلى عدد من النتائج التي یمكن أنتساعد الشركة الاستفادة من التغییر التنظیمي في تطویر الخدمة التأمینیة. توضیح المفاهیم النظریةالمتصلة بالتغییر التنظیمي ومداخل التغییر التنظیمي.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The effect of disinfectants on the surface quality of irreversible hydrocolloid impression material and gypsum cast
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Objective: To evaluate the changes in the surface quality of irreversible hydrocolloid impression material
hydrogum following disinfection with 0.525% sodium hypochlorite, 0.2% Chlorehexidine Gluconate, and 4%
Povidone Iodine.
Methodology: Forty specimens of alginate impression materials hydrogum were fabricated according to the
ISO 1563 and were divided into four groups according to the method of solution dipping: group 1: Dip in
0.525% sodium hypochlorite, group 2: Dip in 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate, Group 3: Dip in 4% Povidone Iodine,
Group 4: No treatment with any solution (control group). Then the specimens were poured in type II stone.
Surface detail was determined using a stainless steel block in accordance w

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Effect of Crude Oil on the Geotechnical Properties of Various Soils and the Developed Remediation Methods
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Crude oil still affects many countries because it is one of the essential fuel sources. It makes life more manageable in modern communities and cannot be overstated because it is easy to use and find. However, the pollution caused by its use in industries such as mining, transportation, and the oil and gas business, especially soil pollution, cannot be ignored. Soil pollution is an issue in most communities because it influences people and ecology. Accidental infusions and spills of ore oils are prevalent occurrences leading to the entire or fractional exchange of the soil pore fluid by oil-contaminated soils that have affected the geotechnical engineering properties. The liquid limitations for polluted soil grades silty loam and sa

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2023
Journal Name
Applied Sciences
Effect of Crude Oil on the Geotechnical Properties of Various Soils and the Developed Remediation Methods
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Crude oil still affects many countries because it is one of the essential fuel sources. It makes life more manageable in modern communities and cannot be overstated because it is easy to use and find. However, the pollution caused by its use in industries such as mining, transportation, and the oil and gas business, especially soil pollution, cannot be ignored. Soil pollution is an issue in most communities because it influences people and ecology. Accidental infusions and spills of ore oils are prevalent occurrences leading to the entire or fractional exchange of the soil pore fluid by oil-contaminated soils that have affected the geotechnical engineering properties. The liquid limitations for polluted soil grades silty loam and sa

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 26 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination the Optimum Conditions of the Activity and Stability of Lipase Extracted from Sunflower Germinated Seeds
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The present study was conducted to determine the optimum conditions required for lipase enzyme activity extracted from germinated sunflower seeds, including temperature, pH, agitation, time of incubation, enzyme concentration, substrate type, and concentrations of mineral salts and EDTA. Optimum pH, temperature and time of incubation required for lipase stability were also determined. The results showede optimum lipase activity (3.251U/ml) wasund at 30 ÌŠC and pH 7 after 20 minutes of incubation when using 1 ml lipase enzyme with 0.02 ml of CaCl2 (10 mM) at 100 rpm of agitation and in the presence of olive oil as the substrate for enzyme reaction. EDTA appeared to have inhibitory effects, while Ca+2 and Mg+2<

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
التنظيم الدستوري والقانوني لحق مخاطبة السلطات العامة: دراسة مقارنة
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The right to address public authorities by petitions and complaints is one of the  individual means  to participate in public affairs of individuals, because of what they (petitions) included of the important issues to the individual, society and public authorities alike, also the right to address public authorities gives the citizen a positive and important role in public life because it allows him to contact the authorities directly and submit his proposals and grievances, and the right to address public authorities is a real guarantor of rights and public freedoms and to protect them from abuse by any party in order to achieve more stability in the community and enhances the spirit of citizenship and affiliation among its in

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the family violence and variables
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The parameters effect on the holographic optical elements
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In this work we fabrication holographic optical element diffraction grating thickness 40?m and mirror90?m by using dichromated gelatin,to perform that we have to use the Nd-yaG laser doubling frequency of wavelenght (532)nm and its powers of (80)mWatt.we have studyed the thickness and concentration dichromat effect in mirror reflaction ,effect of angle of reconstruction beam in band width and diffraction efficiency ,study effect gelatin hardener of the diffraction efficiency.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The heart between the scientific and legal concept
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summary of the research

The heart is the pine-shaped flesh on the left side of the chest. The moral gentleness in this flesh is called the home of perception, reason and understanding, as well as the place of desires and passions, so it turns between one desire and another between good and evil. As for its parts, it consists of four main parts called chambers, two rooms on the right As for the two chambers below, it is called the ventricle, the heart works regularly and accurately to pump blood and distribute it to all parts of the body and vital organs. And the Holy Quran divided the types of heart into two main types of healthy hearts, which are types (healthy, hidden, living....)

And the second type is sick hea

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Geotechnical Engineering And Sustainable Construction
Determine the Most Common Geotechnical Risks and Their Impacts on the Cost and Time Schedule for Implementing Water Treatment Plants in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Jurassic and Deep Structures Inferred from Gravity Data Depending on Stripping Technique for The Uppermost Layers in Central and Southern Iraq
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      The gravity anomalies of the Jurassic and deep structures were obtained by stripping the gravity effect of Cretaceous and Tertiary formations from the available Bouguer gravity map in central and south Iraq. The gravity effect of the stripped layers was determined depending on the density log or the density density obtained from the sonic log. The density relation with the seismic velocity of Gardner et al (1974) was used to obtain density from sonic logs in case of a lack of density log. The average density of the Cretaceous and Tertiary formation were determined then the density contrast of these formations was obtained. The density contrast and thickness of all stratigraphic formations in the area between the sea level to t

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