لم تعد ظاهرة غسل الأموال ظاهرةً محلیة أو إقلیمیة، فكل دولة معرضة لهذه الظاهرة لانتأثیراتها تستهدف الإنسان أینما كان باستهدافها الأوضاع الاقتصادیة والمالیة والاجتماعیة وحتىالأخلاقیة، سواء على المستوى الوطني أم على المستوي الدولي، فضلاً عن استغلال الاندماج الحاصلفي أسواق المال الدولیة والتطور التقني في الأنظمة المالیة لنقل الأموال المراد غسلها وتحریكها إلى إيمكان في العالم، وهو ما جعل المجتمع الدولي یحاول التصدي لهذه الظاهرة ومكافحتها وتحجیمها عبرإصدار اتفاقات ومعاهدات وتوصیات وتشریعات واستراتیجیات والیات، وكانت الهیئة الرائدة في هذاالمجال منظمة الأمم المتحدة، تتبعها لجنة العمل المالي لمكافحة غسل الأموال )فاتف(. َّ أن هذا البحثجاء لبیان الدور التي تنهض به أسواق الأوراق المالیة في مكافحة غسل الأموال فاستعرض التجربةالأمریكیة والتجربة المصریة بهذا الخصوص وقدم ضوابط رقابیة مقترحة لمكافحة غسل الأموال في سوقالأوراق المالیة كما قدم جملة من الاستنتاجات والتوصیات.
The operation and management of water resources projects have direct and significant effects on the optimum use of water. Artificial intelligence techniques are a new tool used to help in making optimized decisions, based on knowledge bases in the planning, implementation, operation and management of projects as well as controlling flowing water quantities to prevent flooding and storage of excess water and use it during drought.
In this research, an Expert System was designed for operating and managing the system of AthTharthar Lake (ESSTAR). It was applied for all expected conditions of flow, including the cases of drought, normal flow, and during floods. Moreover, the cases of hypothetical op
... Show MoreFive serological methods for detection of Brucella were compaired in this study, Four of the methods are commonely used in the detections:- 1-Rose-Bengal: as primary screening test which depends on detecting antibodies in the blood serum. 2-IFAT: which detects IgG and IgM antibodies in the serum. 3-ELISA test: which detects IgG antibodies in the serum. 4-2ME test: which detects IgG antibodies The fifth methods. It was developed by a reasercher in one of the health centers in Baghdad. It was given the name of spot Immune Assay (SIA). Results declares that among (100) samples of patients blood, 76, 49, 49, 37, and 28. samples were positive to Rose Bengal, ELISA, SIA, 2ME and IFAT tests, respectively. When efficiency, sensitivity and specific
... Show MoreThis research was to determine the effect of rare earth metal (REM) on the as-cast microstructure of Mg-4Al alloy. The rare earth metal used here is Lanthanum to produce Mg-4Al-1.5La alloy. The microstructure was characterized by optical microscopy. The phases of this alloy were identified by X-ray diffraction. The microstructure of Mg-4Al consists of α-Mg and grain boundaries with precipitated phase particles. With the addition of Lanthanum, three distinct phases were identified in the X-ray diffraction patterns of the as cast Mg-4Al-1.5La: Mg, Al11La3, Al4La. The Mg17Al12 phase was not detected. The addition of Lanthanium increases the hardness and dec
... Show MoreIn this experimental study, the use of stone powder as a stabilizer to the clayey soil studied. Tests of Atterberg limits, compaction, fall cone (FCT), Laboratory vane shear (LVT), and expansion index (EI) were carried out on soil-stone powder mixtures with fixed ratios of stone powder (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) by the dry weight. Results indicated that the undrained shear strength obtained from FCT and LVT increased at all the admixture ratios, and the expansion index reduced with the increase of the stone powder.
This paper presents stochastic analysis using the perturbation method to model the structure of a container to verify the distributions of probability of maximum and minimum axial forces reactions in piles. The proposed simulation of a container port terminal under 11 scenarios of load combinations was presented. The probability distributions for live loads are assigned according to the input parameters of simulation data. Part of the load itself is implicitly combined such as vertical live load which includes the weight of equipment and containers and wind load. The structural model was simulated in the software STAAD Pro., while the statistical analyses were performed with MATLAB. The results demonstrated that, the most significant extern
... Show MoreThe general assumption of linear variation of earth pressures with depth on retaining structures is still controversial; investigations are yet required to determine those distributions of the passive earth pressure (PEP) accurately and deduce the corresponding centroid location. In particular, for rigid retaining walls, the calculation of PEP is strongly dependent on the type of wall movement. This paper presents a numerical analysis for studying the influence of wall movement on the PEP distribution on a rigid retaining wall and the passive earth thrust location. The numerical predictions are remarkably similar to existing experimental works as recorded on scaled test models and ful
Water pollution is one of the global challenges that the society must address in the 21st century aiming to improve the water quality, reduce human pollutants and ecosystem health impacts. In phytotoxicity test, the plant of Iresine herbstii was exposed to remove nickel from simulated wastewater using two different ratios (mass of plant to the mass of nickel) (,Rp/Ni) for 21 days with sub-surface batch system. During the exposure period, the removal of Ni concentrations (2, 5 and 10 mg/L) for two mass ratio (2,800 and 34,000) were (83.6%, 77.2%, 78.0%) and (86.8%, 97% and 95.6%), respectively. final result of the rate was found that the highest removal occurred, 97%, at a mass ratio of 34,000 and
... Show MoreIn the present work, a d.c. magnetron sputtering system was designed and fabricated. The chamber of this system was includes from two copper coaxial cylinders where the inner one used as a cathode (target) while the outer one used as the anode with Solenoid magnetic coil located on the outer cylinder (anode). The axial profile of magnetic field for various coil current (from 2A to 14 A) are shown. The plasma characteristics in the normal glow discharge region are diagnostics by the 2.2mm diameter Langmuir probe with different length along the cathode and located at different radial positions 1cm and 2cm from the cathode surface. The result of this work shows that, the electron energy distributions at different radial positions along the
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