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The impact of computerized planning on audit performance (Proposed model)
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The development of technology used in computerized programs is considered on of the most important topics that is responsible for creating tools that can be used in the business environment, the audit profession is one of those professions that received this development. In order for this profession to be more effective, there must be a tool based on sound (correct) scientific basis that can be based upon to enhance the quality of auditing. The research also aims to propose a computerized program to plan the auditing process according to the methods appropriate to the working environment in the audit offices and companies in Iraq. The computerized program was applied to the research sample and the hypothesis of the research has been proved by a comparison between the planning using the computerized method and the current method used in the same research sample, through this comparison, the research showed that there is (39.35 hours) of work saved by using the computerized method, which in turn enhance the quality of the audit performance by reaching the auditing goal in less time than the approved time, and that in turn achieves performance efficiency as well as implementing all planning paragraphs in record time which enhances efficiency. And through quality, efficiency and reduced working hours, economic development is achieved.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Terrorist Project in Terms of the Agreement
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Terrorist crime is considered a serious act that outweighs all other crimes in terms of impact and result, because it has a wide range on societies, and it also contains a great thing of danger represented in its purpose, and here describing terrorism as a crime is a description that does not give the full right to this behavior or that it It abbreviates it and does not show its actual reality, given that terrorism contains several different crimes and the roles of its contributors, and these roles are necessary to reach the result or the end. In which each episode is complementary to the other, it is not a single act, but rather several joint and complex actions that in turn all lead to the result, and the agreement in the terrorist pro

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study About The Robustness Of The Bayesian Criterion
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In this research work an attempt has been made to investigate about the Robustness of the Bayesian Information criterion to estimate the order of the autoregressive process when the error of this model,  Submits to a specific distributions and different cases of the time series on various size of samples by using the simulation,  This criterion has been studied by depending on ten distributions, they are (Normal, log-Normal, continues uniform, Gamma , Exponential, Gamble, Cauchy, Poisson, Binomial, Discrete uniform) distributions, and then it has been reached to many collection and recommendations related to this object , when the series residual variable is subject to each  ( Poisson , Binomial , Exponential , Dis

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
ascetic And the pleasures of the worldly life
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Because asceticism has a great impact on educating the human soul properly, according to what was mentioned in the Book and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and keeping it away from vices and what is devolving into it, and this world and its adornments keep the Muslim away from virtues and work with them in order to reach the Hereafter in which is the eternal bliss that God, peace be upon him, has prepared for the obedient. The two pious obedient ones. And because of the impact of this topic on the Islamic community and adorn it with good qualities. Likewise, I saw many Muslims who do not prefer the life of this world over the hereafter, and they began to fight over the world and enjoy its adornments, and they took pride in money, building, an

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
the director and the technique of theatrical extemporization
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Extemporization is the ability of the actor to reflect his internal being. It gives a sort of confidence and an ability to show the personal countenance of the role away from tension and rigidity. By extemporization, it is possible to deal with and criticize the real living life so it is an intellectual, emotional, sensual, and perceptive process connected with the psychological energy and the emotional memory and all this goes under the control of the director and his instigations and instructions depending on what the text involves of intellectual, social and psychological motivators so it primarily depends on talent, chance and discussion. The research involves four chapters; the first contains the problem

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 06 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Translation of the Anthropomorphic Expressions in the Qur’an
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
The effectiveness of the manufacturing industry in Iraq
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The manufacturing industry in Iraq has faced, during the time stages, several obstacles that have had devastating effects on the Iraqi economy. These obstacles are represented by political events and wars that have led to the depletion of most human and material resources and the suspension of most vital industrial facilities from working, And the occurrence of this major deviation in the process of economic development, For the same reasons, the contributions of the manufacturing sector to the gross domestic product varied fluctuatingly, indicating instability in the growth rates of this sector, On the other hand, the supremacy of the belief that the dominance of oil resources as a main source for creating economic growth and achieving a h

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Optimizing the location of banks using the Gis
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the banks are one of the public services that must be available in the city to ensure easy financial dealings between citizens and state departments and between the state departments with each other and between the citizens themselves and to ensure easy access to it, so it is very important to choose the best location for the bank, which can serve the largest number of The population achieves easy access. Due to the difficulty of obtaining accurate information dealing with the exact coordinates and according to the country's specific projection, the researcher will resort to the default work using some of the files available in the arcview program

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Real Private Industrial Sector and Role in Comprehension the Labor Force of Iraq to (1990-2009)
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At different stages of the evolution of the modern Iraqi state ears last century did not receive the industrial sectors importance in  great domestic production (GDP) and  that the limited  resources available in the initial stage and the dominance of public sector industry in the late stage , so the continued decline in the contribution  of the private industrial sector in  GDP , and this is why imbalance in the labor market and reduced  demand for manpower in this sector despite the high rates of labor supply and the various skills and levels of investments, their human  and the different geographical distribution , and direction of labor to other economic sectors most  requested of the l

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Chances of consolidation the financial sector in Iraq according to GATS agreement and World Trade Organization
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  This research focuses on necessary state to develop and strong the financial sector in Iraq by consider that it is allow  to achieve the financial flexibility and the enough currency to encourage the investment and economic growth , this picture will be coming by take and obligation the international criteria by general agreement on trade in services (GATS) that it is one of agreements of world trade organization (WTO). This mater doing to strong the legal and legislation environment founded international confidential , by it , the institutions and financial sector in Iraq will be more active.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving strategic excellence Field research in some Iraqi private banks
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The purpose of the research is to study the impact of knowledge management (personalization and coding strategy) in achieving strategic excellence in the environment of Iraqi private banks, and the descriptive and analytical research approach has been adopted, so the researcher adopted positive philosophy according to the deductive approach for the purpose of deriving the first research hypothesis from the theoretical side and the research reached a group of The most important results are that the personalization strategy has made great progress in its ability to influence strategic superiority as a responsive variable, as the civil bank departments were successful in employing the changes that occurred in the personalization str

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