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A Vision to development the Islamic banks that operating under the financial system based on interest: (Iraq Case Study)
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This paper aims to build a modern vision for Islamic banks to ensure sustainability and growth, as well it aims to highlight the positive Iraqi steps in the Islamic banking sector. In order to build this vision, several scientific research approaches were adopted (quantitative, descriptive analytical, descriptive). As for the research community, it was for all the Iraqi private commercial banks, including Islamic banks. The research samples varied according to a diversity of the methods and the data availability. A questionnaire was constructed and conducted, measuring internal and external honesty. 50 questionnaires were distributed to Iraqi academic specialized in Islamic banking. All distributed forms were subject to a thorough analysis. The study achieved objectives as well as reaching a conclusion that the Iraqi Islamic Banks Law (No 43 of 2015) contributed to the increase in the number of Islamic banks in Iraq. The main reason of this increase is the existence of a low that organizes the Islamic banks functionality.

The conclusion of this paper emphasize on highlighting the Iraqi experience on the field of Islamic Banking Law and the positive effect on increasing the number of Islamic banks, as it will help other countries adopt it.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Terrorism and its impact on the right of Human in development - A study case of ISIS (Daesh) in Iraq
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       Iraq is one of the most important countries in the world that has received its share of terrorist acts by the terrorist organization the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), which has caused instability, especially during the period of ISIS's control of seven Iraqi provinces (2014-2017). This stage has caused a decline in the levels of human and economic development and its inconsistency with the capabilities and needs of the Iraqi population. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the hypothesis that there is a close relationship between the decline in development in Iraq and the brutal practices of ISIS that it committed during his period of control over many Iraqi cities and regions. This study used several method

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Total Quality Management and Its Role in the Development of Financial Performance "Reality and Obstacles" (Case Study on Diyala State Company)
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           This research aims to identify and measure the role of TQM in the process of developing  the financial  performance of  Diyala State Company and show the reality and obstacles, after applying the company's management to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and compare it with its performance before applying this standard, The researcher measured the financial performance by conducting financial analysis of the financial statements and conducting a number of interviews at the company's headquarters, Diyala State Company (one of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals formations) was sele

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Murabaha in Enhancing the Profitability of Islamic Banks Using the (ROA) Index: Applied research in Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank
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The banking sector of all kinds is the backbone of the economy in all countries, as it is the main financier of most economic projects in order to achieve economic development and achieve stability, which contributes to providing the necessary resources in return for obtaining a profit margin in exchange for giving up his money and bearing credit risks. Among the aforementioned banking sectors are: Islamic banks that invest their capital in several forms in order to obtain profits that enable them to continue and grow, and the most important of these formulas is the Murabaha formula, which is summarized by the bank selling a commodity after owning it and then selling it to the applicant for this commodity based on a prior request

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The nature of financial system Is it an necessity or A selection?
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   The Financial systems can be classified into two types. The first is the market–oriented, which is applied in United States and United Kingdom. While the second is bank-oriented as in Japan and Germany.

   This study tries to explain the reasons which make some countries adopt the first one instead of the second, and the contrary. So the study consists of three sections. The first deals with the concept of financial system and it are functions. The second displays the indicators which are used to classify the financial systems, while the third one is devoted to the factors that determine the type of financial system .These sections followed by some conclusions.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of the values of accounting culture in maximizing financial performance - A field study in a sample of Iraqi banks
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The influence of culture on accounting systems and practices, including financial reports and accounting information through the values ​​identified by Gray and derived from social-cultural values, and the four accounting values ​​were derived from generally accepted accounting principles represented by (Conservatism, Uniformity, Secrecy, and Professionalism). Important and significant in maximizing financial performance, and measuring the extent of the role of these values ​​in improving financial performance through attention to the values ​​of accounting culture, this research

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of technology on achieving contemporary levels in the space of Arab Islamic architecture “Mosques is a case study”
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Arab-Islamic architecture has undergone a change at multiple levels affected by modern technology, so the research sought to address the role of contemporary technologies on a fundamental and fundamental component of architecture, which is the architectural space, what is known as the essence of architecture and its ultimate destination, with a focus on the architectural space in the architecture of the contemporary Arab Islamic mosque, because the mosque’s architecture is so important in Islamic law and the belief of the Muslim person himself, where the mosque is the functional style produced by the Islamic faith and embodied in it, whereas, knowing the levels of influence of contemporary technologies in the architectural spac

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the impact of interest rates on the movement of international financial flows (Japan case study) for the period 1985-2005
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يعد الاقتصاد الياباني احد اكبر الاقتصادات الرأسمالية المتقدمة ويحتل المرتبة الثالثة بعد الاقتصاد الأمريكي واقتصاد الاتحاد الاوربي من حيث حجم الناتج المحلي الإجمالي والذي يكاد يقترب من (5) تريليون دولار سنويا.

لقد ادت التطورات المتلاحقة التي شهدها الاقتصاد العالمي وخاصة في حقل التمويل الدولي خلال العشرين سنة الاخيرة الى تصاعد وارتفاع في حجم وحركه رؤوس الاموال الدولية على اوسع نطاق بحيث ا

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Affect of Financial Development on Poverty in Iraq for the Period 1980-2010
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There are many applied Economic studies that have found positive nexus between financial development and poverty reduction in developing countries. Iraq has witnessed an increasing rate of poverty during the period 1980-2010 due to many internal and external factors such as wars, economic sanctions, inflation, a high rate of unemployment, and political and security instability. Therefore, the investigation about the solutions to reduce poverty becomes very necessary, and enhancing the financial development in Iraq is one of these options. This is due to that the financial development could reduce the poverty rates through two channels: the first is direct via the offering of the loans and other financial facilities to the poor, a

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The expansion of granting bank credit and its impact on the financial position of some Iraqi banks
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                   The study aimed to identify the expansion in granting credit to Iraqi banking institutions and its impact on the financial position of Iraqi banks in terms of revenues, profits, expenses and property rights in banks, as the expansion in granting bank credit will correspond to an increase or decrease in some items of the balance sheet and the financial position of banks, so the problem of the current study It will be determined through whether the expansion of granting bank credit will affect the financial position of Iraqi banks or not by studying the selected research community of the 10 Iraqi banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, The research sample included the u

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study dealt with the basics of financial inclusion in terms of concept, importance and objectives, The empowerment of women financially and bank ,and then the relationship between financial inclusion and women, and determine the requirements of inclusion Financial resources for women. The analytical descriptive method was used for data, which included reviewing and analyzing information and data in economic and financial literature. The study: reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are Financial inclusion contributes to women's financial and banking support, as there is a positive relationship between financial institutions Banking and women's access to financial and banking services, thus playing a rol

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