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The Problem of International Finance and Efficiency of Local Savings in Financing for Development in Algeria: Standard study for the period (1970-2014)
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      The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of the relationship between domestic savings and domestic investment, or rather the efficiency of domestic savings in financing development in Algeria, in order to explain this relationship, identify the challenges to investment, and finance and accelerate economic growth. The economic measurement methodology has estimated the relationship between the savings rate and the local investment rate in the Algerian economy. We have annual data for the period 1970-2014. One of the most important conclusions is that there is no relationship between savings and investment, nor even an integration between them. To illustrate this, the use of some statistical tools, as well as unit root tests, was required, and the rank of integration of each variable was determined separately. The two variables have been shown to be complementary to the first order. Thus, the combined integration test of the Engel-Granger method and the Johansen method was used, in addition to the use of the Granger method of causation, to verify a long-term relationship between savings and investment. There is a balanced relationship between these two variables during the study period. The explanation for this is highlighted in the nature of the national economy, which relies heavily on the hydrocarbons sector as a main source of national income and foreign exchange, the non-diversification of economic activity and the structure of exports and the weak absorptive capacity National R on the other. Algeria, which relies on saving without internal investment outlets, means that development will remain stagnant or slow because of the lack of building productive sources to meet local needs and export surplus, which means that this is not true. Therefore, the study recommended the need to diversify sources of national income by encouraging large investments in infrastructure and in the productive sector of goods and services if the national economy is to be compatible with developed economies, especially since Algeria is currently experiencing an unprecedented financial crisis.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal University Of Kerbala
Histological study on the ovaries of female mice treated by carbamazepine
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The purpose of this study was to examine the association of oral administration of Carbamazepine during pregnancy and the histological changes in the ovaries of mice. Timed-pregnant mice were divided into experimental and control groups. 60 mice in the experimental group received daily oral of 15 mg/kg of carbamazepine via intragastric tube on gestational days 0 to 18. 20 mice were used as control group. They received normal saline via the same route. Dams underwent laparotomy on pregnancy days 13, 15, and 18 and the ovaries were collected. Routine histological processing of the ovaries histology of paraffin sections stained with haemotoxylin and eosin, were conducted. The ovary under the effect of the drug, there was signs of degeneration

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Astronomy And Astrophysics
Study the Radial Expansion of SN 1987A Using Counting Pixels Method
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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Study on the Effect of Ambient Temperature on Absorption Coefficient
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 Anew mathematical formula was proposed to describe the behavior of the extinction coefficient as a function of ambient temperature and wavelengths for some of infrared materials. This formula was derived depending on some experimental data of transmittance spectrum versus wavelengths for many ambient temperatures. The extensive study of the spectrum characteristics and depending on Bose-Einstein distribution led to derive an equation connecting the extinction coefficient or the absorption coefficient with the ambient temperature and wavelengths of the incident rays. The basic assumption in deriving process is the decreasing in transmittance value with the increasing temperature which is only due to the changing in extinction coeffi

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study on the Algicidal effects of Iraqi Indigenous plant extracts.
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The Ethanolic extracts of different Iraqi indigenous plants which belong to different families showed algicidal activity against Anabaena, Nostoc and Myxosarcina species. Peganum harmala extract was the most potent in controlling the growth of tested Cyanobacterial species

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study the Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori Infection by Different Diagnostic Methods
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A total of 41 patients with gastro duodenal symptoms (show signs of inflammation with or without duodenal ulcer) . 21 males (51.2%) and 20 female (48.8%) with an average age 0f  (20 – 80) years old under  going gastrointestinal endoscopy at Baghdad teaching hospital in internal disease clinical laboratory , between (February – June)  2009 . Biopsies specimen of antrum , gastric fundus ,& duodenal bulb were examined by the following methods (rapid urease test , Giemsa stain section to detect bacteria , & Haematoxilin and Eosin stained section for pathological study which are considered the gold standard methods , sera or plasma from these patients were tested by immunochromotography (ICM),serological m

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of Solar Radiation Pressure at Several Satellite Orbits
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The effects of solar radiation pressure at several satellite (near Earth orbit satellite, low Earth orbit satellite, medium Earth orbit satellite and high Earth orbit satellite ) have been investigated. Computer simulation of the equation of motion with perturbations using step-by-step integration (Cowell's method) designed by matlab a 7.4 where using Jacobian matrix method to increase the accuracy of result.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Numerical study of the mixed convection flow over a square cylinder
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In this work, a numerical study is performed to predict the solution of two – dimensional, steady and laminar mixed convection flow over a square cylinder placed symmetrically in a vertical parallel plate. A finite difference method is employed to solve the governing differential equations, continuity, momentum, and energy equation balances. The solution is obtained for stream function, vorticity and temperature as dependent variables by iterative technique known as successive over relaxation. The flow and temperature patterns are obtained for Reynolds number and Grashof number at (Re= -50,50,100,-100) (positive or negative value refers to aidding or opposing buoyancy , +1 assisting flow, -1 opposing flow) and (102 to 105) , respective

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Knowledge value added methodology between theory and application Comparative filed research in some of the Iraqi private banks
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        The research to have a clear perceptions about the knowledge value added to assess the knowledge resources of the Iraqi private banks, depending on the value added methodology of the proposed defined (Housel & Bell, 2001), which assumes that the  knowledge value added come through synergetic relationship between knowledge resource and information technology, trying to the possibility of mainstream theory and its application in the Iraqi environment and interpretation of results, and on this basis was launched search of a research problem took root synergetic nature of the relationship between knowledge (human)  resource and

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The theory of distortion and eradication in modern Zionist Hebrew literature: תיאוריית העיוות והחיסול בספרות העברית הציונית החדשה
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This title may have something strange or paradoxical; it is unusual or natural to look for violence in literature, or that literature is a tool for killing through the contribution of writers and poets in generating, feeding or advocating violence. The Zionist literature belongs to the 20th century, is almost the only literature among the etiquette of peoples, which professes racism and boasts of betraying its human role, and wants to be a vehicle for terrorism domination. It also tends to be a means in the hands of killers and adventurers.   Writers of this Literature show that no solution to the Jewish problem is only by Zionist presence to replace the Palestinian presence and to build the state of "Israel" on the ruins of Pa

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Transformations of Actor's Performance between the Body and Mask Dualism in Iraqi Child's Theatre Shows: حازم عوده صيوان
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The Child's theatre was and still is the most investing art for masks of all kinds (partial and total) for suspense, aesthetic and artistic purposes that meet the requirements of those performances. Here the actor's performance is associated with two tools, i.e. the body and the mask, where it has become a must to search for the performance transformations required in order to achieve the highest level of the right performance through this dualism. This urged the researcher to address this problem. Thus, the researcher has put forward an objective to identify the transformations of the character's performance between the body and the mask in the child's theatre shows. The research consists of a methodological framework and a theoretical

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