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The impact of banking Compliance in combating money laundering and terrorist financing: An applied research in a sample of Iraqi banks
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       The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the impact of banking compliance in combating money laundering and terrorist financing through banks. The phenomenon of money laundering and terrorist financing has received wide attention in the countries of the world and international organizations because of the negative effects this phenomenon has on the global economy as a result of exploiting developments and modern banking operations to pass Money laundering and terrorist financing operations in order to legitimize illegal funds and obliterate their criminal sources, which obliged the banking sector to increase control measures in order to reduce these operations, which conceal money laundering through the activation of Bodies, programs and mechanisms of control, including monitoring compliance in banks, which is one of the most important functions in the banking business to follow up and monitor the extent of banks' compliance with the control legislation in order to achieve its objectives, so the problem of this research is focused on the following question is there a role of the Compliance Controller in significantly reducing laundering operations Money and terrorist financing in banks? To clarify the relationship between the main and sub-research variables, a main hypothesis and two sub-hypotheses were formulated. The questionnaire was adopted as a tool in collecting data and information related to the research, which was distributed to the staff of the Compliance Controller and the staff of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Section in the banks. Two government banks and three private banks, using descriptive and analytical method, as well as the use of multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses of research, and presented a number of cases of money laundering and terrorist financing similar to or actually occurred in Iraqi banks. The most important of these results is the existence of a significant impact between the Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing in the public and private banks. Bodies in the bank to develop policies and mechanisms in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study on Cosmetic Products Marketed in Iraq: Microbiological Aspect
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Cosmetic products contain variable amounts of nutrients that support microbial growth. Most contaminants   in   cosmetic   products   include bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella,   Achromobacter   and   Alcaligenes. Contaminated water  is  a  likely  source  of organisms found in cosmetic products. Products such as shampoo, hand and body lotion, facial cleanser,  and liquid soaps were analyzed. In this study, out of 60 cosmetic products analyzed, 26.4% were found to be contaminated.    Most of the contamination was from bacteria and no fungal contamination was detected.  The highest level o

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Astronomy And Astrophysics
Distances Scale Determination for a Planetary Nebula in Galagtic Bulge
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ABSTRACT Planetary Nebulae (PN) distances represent the fundamental parameter for the determination the physical properties of the central star of PN. In this paper the distances scale to Planetary Nebulae in the Galactic bulge were calculated re- lated to previous distances scales. The proposed distance scale was done by recalibrated the previous distance scale technique CKS/D82. This scale limited for nearby PN (D ≤ 3.5 kpc), so the surface fluxes less than other distance scales. With these criteria the results showed that the proposed distance scale is more accurate than other scales related to the observations for adopted sample of PN distances, also the limit of ionized radius (Rio) for all both optically thick and optically thin in

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dispersion in a Gas Filled Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fiber
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Hollow core photonic bandgap fibers provide a new geometry for the realization and enhancement of many nonlinear optical effects. Such fibers offer novel guidance and dispersion properties that provide an advantage over conventional fibers for various applications. Dispersion, which expresses the variation with wavelength of the guided-mode group velocity, is one of the most important properties of optical fibers. Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) offer much larger flexibility than conventional fibers with respect to tailoring of the dispersion curve. This is partly due to the large refractive-index contrast available in the silica/air microstructures, and partly due to the possibility of making complex refractive-index structure over the fibe

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Congenital Thrombasthenia In Children Welfare Teaching Hospital: A Descriptive Study
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Background: Thrombasthenia is an inherited genetic disorder affecting platelets, which is characterized by spontaneous muco-cutaneous bleeding and abnormally prolonged bleeding in response to injury or trauma. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the diagnosis and treatment of thrombasthenia in Children Welfare Teaching Hospital. Type of the study: A cross-sectional study. Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 66 patients with thrombasthenia from the first of October 2013 till the first of July 2015.The diagnosis of the disease was done by a wide spectrum of characteristics including family history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests.. Results: The common manifestations of the disease at time of diagnosis wer

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
The Turkish Journal Of Endocrinology And Metabolism
Cell-free DNA as a Clinical Indicator in Maternal Blood
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As many expensive and invasive procedures are used for the diagnosis or follow-up of clinical conditions, the measurement of cell-free DNA is a promising, noninvasive method, which considers using blood, follicular fluid, or seminal fluid. This method is used to determine chromosomal abnormalities, genetic disorders, and indicators of some diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, pre-eclampsia, and some malignancies. Cell-free DNA, which are DNA fragments outside the nucleus, originates from an apoptotic process. However, to be used as a marker for the previously mentioned diseases is still under investigation. We discuss some aspects of using cell-free DNA measurements as an indicator or marker for pathological conditions.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Aquatic Biology And Fisheries
Environmental factors drive phytoplankton primary productivity in a shallow Lake
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A Population based Study on Self Medication Practice in Pakistan
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Background: The risk of antibiotics resistance (AR) increases due to excessive of antibiotics either by health care provider or by the patients.

Objective: The assessment of the self-medication Practice of over the counter drugs and other prescription drugs and its associated risk factor.

Subjects and Methods: Study design: A descriptive study was conducted from “20th December 2019 to 08th January 2021”. A pre validated and structured questionnaire in English and Urdu language was created to avoid language barrier including personal detail, reasons and source and knowledge about over the counter drugs and Antibiotics. Sample of the study was randomly selected.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Single Particle Level Density in a Harmonic – Oscillator Potential Well
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The purpose of this paper is to study the properties of the
partial level density ( ) l g and the total level density g ( ),
numerically obtained as a l sum of ( ) l g up to 34 max l  , for
a Harmonic – Oscillator potential well. This method applied the
quantum – mechanical phase shift technique and concentrated
on the continuum region. Also a discussion of peculiarities of
quantal calculation for single particle level density of energy –
dependent potential

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
Using Machine Learning to Control Congestion in SDN: A Review
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Teaching And Research
Emotional Blackmail in Breaking Bad Series: A Pragma-Stylistic Study
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Although language research has focused on blackmail in general, less attention has been paid to emotional blackmail. To date, researchers could not locate any literature that examines emotional blackmail from a linguistic standpoint. The current study is intended to fill this gap by scrutinizing emotional blackmail from a pragma-stylistic point of view by examining the style of the characters in selected episodes extracted from the American Breaking Bad series. To carry out the study, an eclectic model comprising kinds of emotional blackmailers by Forward and Frazier (1997), Searles’ speech acts (1979), Grice’s maxims (1975), Brown and Levinson’s politeness (1987), Culpeper’s impoliteness (1996), and Simpson’s stylistic le

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