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Technical requirements for the application of economic intelligence and its impact On the dimensions of strategic success of banks: An applied research on a sample of Iraqi banks private
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This research sheds light on one of the important and vital topics for the banking sectors (technical requirements for the application of economic intelligence) namely by (Hardware, equipment, communication networks, software, databases). And the dimensions of the strategic success of the banks represented by(Customer satisfaction, customer trust, quality of service, growth) In the three Iraqi private banks, namely(Assyria International Investment, Mansour Investment, International Development Investment and Finance). Its implementation is an urgent necessity in order to improve the quality of its banking services to win the satisfaction of its customers and their confidence and then grow to achieve strategic success. This topic was selected for a number of justifications, the most important of which are the novelty of economic intelligence at the local level and the banking sector. In addition, to the lack of studies and research in it, so it was necessary to theoretical enrichment and applied analysis of this subject. The research problem was that the dynamics of the banking environment and the rapid changes and developments in ICTs, This has led to increased responsibilities on the banking sector towards communities it is impossible to survive and grow without relying on modern and sophisticated information systems. To reach its goals efficiently and effectively, this research was launched to solve the problem through the president's hypothesis, which stated that (There is a statistically significant correlation effect of the technical requirements for the application of economic intelligence in achieving strategic success). The historical descriptive, quantitative and statistical analytical approach and the questionnaire were used as a tool to collect data and information from the sample. (85) Who are in a position (Plenipotentiary Director, M. Plenipotentiary Director, Department Director, Department Director, M. Division Manager, Division Officer, Unit Officer). Use SPSS to calculate (Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, test F, determination coefficient R2, test X2, test t). The research reached the most important results is that the customer confidence dimension of the dimensions of strategic success has achieved the first place, and with a coefficient of difference amounted to(0.090) followed by growth after second place with a coefficient of difference of (0.105) After service quality, it was ranked third with a coefficient of difference of (0.112). It came after the customer satisfaction in the fourth and last rank with a difference factor of (0.180), the research also reached a number of conclusions, and most notably the technical requirements for the application of economic intelligence have an impact on the dimensions of strategic success.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The initiative of the Central Bank of Iraq and its impact on some banking activities provided by specialized banks
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Specialized banks provide their banking activities to their customers at interest rates that are determined according to the approved bank policy, which is almost similar to most or most banks. To satisfy the financial desires of customers and at the same time it is a source of the bank's profits, However, these banks have been introduced to new services that they provide with the funds of the Central Bank initiative launched at the beginning of (2016) to address the economic stagnation that befell the country due to the (financial security) crisis that the country faced in 2014. To put forward initiatives amounting to nearly (15) trillion dinars, which were put forward through private commercial and Islamic banks and specialized

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
strategic Vigilance and their impact in Organizational success: Exploratory Research General AL-Faris company
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The present search addressed the "strategic Vigilance and their impact in Organizational success "Where has the objective of strategic Vigilance and Organizational success of increasing importance at the present time, for being fairly modern topics, which have a tremendous impact on the success of organizations.                                                                  &

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Contribution of Privatization in Tax Revenues: an applied research on a sample of filling stations
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The tax revenues achieved through projects of transition to private sector are regarded as an important source for using in achieving political, economic and social objectives. Since Iraq is heading towards free market economy, new strategies should be adopted to reform the taxation system from by a qualified taxation management office and to activate the taxation policy and to reconsider legislation in relation to the aware of the legible to the importance of disclosure of their taxable real income in order to arrive at contribution of privatization in the taxation revenues for the important role effect on economic activities. In the light of the above, the research is based upon a hypothesis which stipulates that privatization contribu

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between medical and nursing staffing and its impact on the quality of health service / Applied Research.
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The research aims to find out the relationship between the medical and nursing staffing and its impact on the quality of provided health service in the Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, and to understand the nature of the relationship between doctors and nurses, it has been the adoption of cooperation and conflict Kmngaran independent knowledge of the relationship between doctors and nurses and the quality of health service as a variable certified by eating five dimensions (tangibility, reliability, safety, responsiveness, empathy). The research was adopted to collect data on the questionnaire prepared medical and nursing to the angel and adopted included Likert Quintet her, and distributed to doctors working in the Yarmouk hospital in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The supervisory role of the central bank in the protection of commercial banks: An applied research in the Economy Bank for Investment and Finance
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Represents a supervisory and oversight role of the Central Bank  towards finding a sober banking sector, as the procedures , regulations and laws that the Central Bank insists on its implementation with the utmost precision, and that was to protect depositors and shareholders' class basis rights, but it is in the interest of the bank in the end, as it seeks to improve the performance of commercial banks and vaccinated against falling into the blunders, they also contribute to building a sober and stable banking sector and security contributes to the welfare and employment optimization of economic resources, and treatment of research (and the presence of banks decline in financial performance, according to financial performance indic

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Job satisfaction and its relation to the effectiveness of performance: Applied research on a sample of employees in the Federal board of supreme Audit
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The research aimed to study the job satisfaction of the staff of the Federal board of supreme Audit and its relation to the effectiveness of their performance, The questionnaire was adopted as a main tool in the collection of data and information from a random sample of (54) employees of the Federal board of supreme Audit. In light of this, the data were collected and analyzed and the hypotheses were tested using the statistical program (SPSS).

The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which were: (1) the respondents' response to the variables of job satisfaction and the effectiveness of the performance were medium; (2) there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and performance effe

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of some of the success factors and product strategies Applied Research in the industrial sector of the Iraqi
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This research deals with the study of the relationship between the success factors as the independent variable and product strategies as the dependent variable , has reacted to these variables to form the frame , which is the research which centered research problem about the extent to which industrial companies the vision and knowledge of Muslim women survive and develop in the business market , which can be expressed about the extent of awareness of corporate success factors and the use of product strategies and what the relationship between the factors and strategies , while expressing the importance of research to make the focus on the product occupies a paramount importance in the industrial sector companies in relation to t

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of the values of accounting culture in maximizing financial performance - A field study in a sample of Iraqi banks
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The influence of culture on accounting systems and practices, including financial reports and accounting information through the values ​​identified by Gray and derived from social-cultural values, and the four accounting values ​​were derived from generally accepted accounting principles represented by (Conservatism, Uniformity, Secrecy, and Professionalism). Important and significant in maximizing financial performance, and measuring the extent of the role of these values ​​in improving financial performance through attention to the values ​​of accounting culture, this research

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)
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This work aims to show the nature of the relationship between management by walking around  (the independent variable) and strategic renewal (the dependent variable), as well as it shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Questionnaire items were considered the main tool for data collection by three basic aspects. The first involved the personal data of the respondents, while the second included items related to management by walking in five dimensions, and the third is strategic renewal items by addressing four dimensions. The tourism sector, while the community has six Excellent grade hotels was taken into account in this wor

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The causes of the fire and its impact accidents compensation insurance companies: Applied Research in a sample of the general insurance companies
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      The subject of the evolution of fire insurance of the hottest topics accidents, because it falls within the commercial insurance, as its importance is reflected for being a security source and contentment of the insured person and so it is worth pointing out the importance of fire insurance in enterprises and organizations of all kinds, because of the guarantee of its assets from meridian as well as protection from the effects of the fire therefore ensure continuity in the performance of their activities

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