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Proposed model for the work of audit committees in the public sector and its interaction with the Federal Board of Supreme Audit to reduce the incidents of fraud

This growing interest of the international scientific specialized commissions is due to the role that the audit committee can play, as one of companies’ governance tools, to increase the accuracy and transparency of the financial information disclosed by the companies, through its oversight role on the process of preparing financial reports, its supervision on the internal audit function within the companies, and supporting its independency, as well as coordinating the efforts between the internal control unites and the external auditor represented by the (Board of Supreme Audit) to clear the observations and irregularities in order to reduce the fraud cases.

This research was built on an applied sample of audit committee works in the public sector (state institutions) in Iraq which lacks of such committees; that form part of the governance tools, and those institutions are hit by various types of fraud and a rampant corruption is dominating their entire facilities, moreover, the Board of Supreme Audit plays a significant role in detecting the financial irregularities, cases of fraud and financial manipulation within the state institutions, pursuant its law 31 (2011).

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences

In this paper we estimate the coefficients and scale parameter in linear regression model depending on the residuals are of type 1 of extreme  value distribution for the largest values . This can be regard as an improvement for the studies with the smallest values . We study two estimation methods ( OLS  & MLE ) where we resort to Newton – Raphson (NR) and Fisher Scoring methods to get MLE estimate because the difficulty of using the usual approach with MLE . The relative efficiency criterion is considered beside to the statistical inference procedures for the extreme value regression model of type 1 for largest values . Confidence interval , hypothesis testing for both scale parameter and regression coefficients

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Improve the Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources Management Practices in the Iraqi Banking Sector

Purpose: This study's objective is to assess this relationship in the context of the banking industry in Iraq. The human resources management practices (HRMPs) Theoretical framework: in this study included recruiting and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and reward to testing relationship HRMPs. Design/methodology/approach: in this study; We analysed by used a quantitative approach, and 246 employees were selected as a sample and given a questionnaire. The SPSS software was used to examine the data that were obtained from the questionnaire. Findings: The study's findings revealed a variety of hypotheses and conclusions, including the following: competitive advantage (CA) is positively impacted by

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Improve the Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources Management Practices in the Iraqi Banking Sector

Purpose: This study's objective is to assess this relationship in the context of the banking industry in Iraq. The human resources management practices (HRMPs) Theoretical framework: in this study included recruiting and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and reward to testing relationship HRMPs. Design/methodology/approach: in this study; We analysed by used a quantitative approach, and 246 employees were selected as a sample and given a questionnaire. The SPSS software was used to examine the data that were obtained from the questionnaire. Findings: The study's findings revealed a variety of hypotheses and conclusions, including the following: comp

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 First International Conference Of Computer And Applied Sciences (cas)
A Comparison for Some of the estimation methods of the Parallel Stress-Strength model In the case of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Reality of Alternative Assessment for Teachers of the First Cycle of the Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman: Use, Self-Efficacy, and Attitude

This study aims at identifying the reality of alternative assessment for teachers of the first cycle of the basic education in the Sultanate of Oman with respect to the degree of teachers' use of alternative assessment strategies, level of self-efficacy for alternative assessment strategies, and attitude towards alternative assessment, and their relationship with other variables. To achieve the aims of the study, a descriptive research approach was utilized. A 5-point self-rated questionnaire was developed. It consists of three sections: Actual use of alternative assessment strategies (21 items), self-efficacy for alternative assessment strategies (21 items), and attitude towards alternative assessment (27 items). The psychometric proper

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Forced displacement in Iraq its causes and its effects on displaced families (A field study of displaced families to the city of Baghdad)

After a temporary halt to forced thghebr in different cities of Iraq this methodlogy
opeations returned directiy in the areas of political conflict on the ground which are translated
operations and forced displacement violence es they operations aimed at completing the
forced displacement that occurred after the occupation in(2003)which took an upward curve
publicly after these events and some of which are aimed at the liquidation of some provinces
than any demographic diversity of religious or sectarian or alhens and others aimed at
redemographic distribution within the province itself to produce a net sectarian zones as is the
case in Diyala Nineveh and Babylon Baghdad has the epicenter of sectarian violence and th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Graphic narrative and its semantic value in the designs of the incident of the Taff: رغد فتاح راضي

The concept of narration stems from the connotation of continuous communication through which narration is manifested as a message that is exchanged between the sender and the recipient, and that narration is an educational conceptual necessity, representing the philosophy of intellectual inclusion achieved in a direct speech to the mind, but it is encapsulated in a colorful frame that attracts the soul and attracts attention, and the graphic narration is a speech A visual based on the basis of interference and sequence of the event in weaving the elements in a consensual way through a continuous communication process that begins with the embodiment of an event - an important event - to the recipient, in which an intellectual employment

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the continuity of the demand for money and its impact on the Iraqi dinar exchange rate for the period 1991-2013 function

 Research Summary

It highlights the importance of assessing the demand for money function in Iraq through the understanding of the relationship between him and affecting the variables by searching the stability of this function and the extent of their influence in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate in order to know the amount of their contribution to the monetary policies of the Iraqi economy fee, as well as through study behavior of the demand for money function in Iraq and analyze the determinants of the demand for money for the period 1991-2013 and the impact of these determinants in the demand for money in Iraq.

And that the problem that we face is how to estimate the total demand for money in

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Queues Models and its Role in Improving Performance in the City of Medicine / Baghdad Teaching Hospital / Clinic Internal Medicine Advisory

The purpose of this research is to a treatment the impact of Views outliers to the estimators of a distributed arrival and service to the theory of queues and estimate the distribution parameters depending on the robust estimators, and when he was outliers greatest impact in the process of estimating the both distributions mentioned parameters, it was necessary to use way to test that does these data contain abnormal values ​​or not? it was used the method ( Tukey ) for this purpose and is of the most popular ways to discover the outliers , it shows that there are views abnormal (outliers ) in the estimators of each of the distributional arrival and service, which have a significant impact on the calculation of these estimato

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Importance and Interaction Indices of Bi-Capacities Based on Ternary-Element Sets

Grabisch and Labreuche have recently proposed a generalization of capacities, called the bi-capacities. Recently, a new approach for studying bi-capacities through introducing a notion of ternary-element sets proposed by the author. In this paper, we propose many results such as bipolar Mobius transform, importance index, and interaction index of bi-capacities based on our approach.

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