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The effect of the volume of Capital heldin stock prices: An analytical study in a sample of Iraqi banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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 The capital in the bank is the important element in establishing it, because it maintains the banking sector in the event of exposure to losses or risks In addition to contributing to the provision of liquidity And protection of depositors' money from potential and unexpected losses. There is also a relationship between the prices of shares and the indicators of the durability of the capital owned, considering that the shares are the components of the bank capital The study limited the indicators of capital to assets and capital to deposits, capital to loans and financial investments Where the most important conclusions are the damage to the detriment of shareholders in contrast to the depositors in the case of increasing the proportion of capital owned to assets because this increase will lead to a decline in the rate of return of capital in contrast to the increase of the ratio of capital to deposit property reflects a positive image to depositors and thus reflect the image Positive to the central bank, All the sample of the research was shown at the percentage of capital owned to the loans in a good manner and thus reflects a positive image on the margin of safety, either the most important recommendations on the banks to build protective foundations for the safety of the banking system The banks that show the capital of the property to the assets in a low rate to develop and draw up a plan for the purpose of balance between sources of funds and sources of uses.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Doping Cu on the Structural and Optical Properties of (CdTe) Thin Films
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   In this research we studied  the structural and optical properties of (CdTe) thin films which have been prepared  by thermal evaporation deposition method on the glass substrate at R.T with thickness (450  25) nm., as  a function of doping  ratio with copper element  in (1,3,5) % rate .The structure  measurement  by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses shows that the single phase of (CdTe) with polycrystalline structure with a preferred orientation [111].   The optical  measurement shows that the (CdTe) films have a direct energy gap, and they decrease with the increase of doping ratio reaching to 5% . The optical constants are investigated and calculated, such as absorpti

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Histological Effect of Aspirin on the Stomach of Male Albino Swiss Mice (Mus musculus)
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The present study aimed to determine the impacts of Aspirin drug on the stomach of albino Swiss mice. The study sample included 10 male mice divided into 2 groups. The first group was orally administered with 0.1 mL of 0.75 mg/kg aspirin once daily, whereas the second group, the control, was treated with similar doses of distilled water. Following 60 days of successive treatment, a number of parameters was studied including difference in body weight and histopathological changes in the  stomach as diagnosed after histological preparation. The results showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in body weight average of the treated mice compared with the control group. The results also revealed the occurrence of several histopathologic

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Inhibitory Effect of Grapefruit Extracts on the Growth and Adhesion Ability of Staphylococcus aureus
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Ten isolates belong to the Staphylococcus bacteria from different clinical swabs were taken from patients in Ibn al-Nafis Hospital and Central Public Health laboratory, according to many morphological and biochemical tests that used to identify bacterial species S. aureus, the results showed that 8 isolates when investigated their ability to produce a slime layer using Congo red agar method the results showed that SA5 isolate was the best compared to other isolates through change the color of colonies to the pink and Congo red agar -colored Black.
When examining the inhibitory effect of grapefruit extracts in the growth of isolated bacteria SA5 S.aureus, results showed that the aqueous extract of the seeds at different concentrations

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Heat Treatments and Carbon Content on the Damping Properties of Structural Steel
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Low- and medium-carbon structural steel components face random vibration and dynamic loads (like earthquakes) in many applications. Thus a modification to improve their mechanical properties, essentially damping properties, is required. The present study focuses on improving and developing these properties, significantly dampening properties, without losing the other mechanical properties. The specimens used in the present study are structural steel ribbed bar ISO 6935 subjected to heating temperatures of (850, 950, and 1050) ˚C, and cooling schemes of annealing, normalizing, sand, and quenching was selected. The damping properties of the specimens were measured experimentally with the area under the curve for the loadi

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 05 2012
Journal Name
مجلة القادسية للعلوم
Effect of some environmental factors on the tolerance of Bacillus subtilis to heavy metals
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Abstract Twelve isolates of bacteria were obtained from samples of different soils and water amended with 100µg/ml of five heavy metals chlorides (i.e: Aluminum Al+2, Iron Fe+2, Lead Pb+2, Mercury Hg+2 and Zinc Zn+2). Four isolates were identified as Bacillus subtilis and B. subtilis (B2) isolate was selected for this study according to their resistance to all five heavy metals chlorides. The ability of B. subtilis (B2) isolate for growing in different concentration of heavy metals chlorides ranging from 200-1200 µg/ml was tested. The highest conc. that B. subtilis (B2) isolate tolerate was 1000 µg/ml for Al+2, Fe+2, Pb+2, and Zn+2and 300 µg/ml for Hg+2 for 24hour. The effect of heavy metals chlorides on bacterial growth for 72 hrs was

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 11 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conf. Proc
Effect of cobalt Ions precursor on the nanostructure of sprayed cobalt oxide thin films
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In this study, Cobalt Oxide nanostructure was successfully prepared using the chemical spray pyrolysis technique. The cobalt oxide phase was analysed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and proved the preparation of two cobalt oxide phases which are Co3O4 and CoO phases. The surface morphology was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images showing the topography of the sample with grain size smaller than 100 nm. The optical behavior of the prepared material was studied by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The band gap varied as 1.9 eV and 2.6 eV for Co3O4 prepared from cobalt sulphate precursor, 2.03 eV and 4.04 eV for Co3O4 prepared from cobalt nitrate precursor, 2.04 eV and 4.01 eV for CoO prepared from cobalt chloride precursor where th

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
A General Overview on the Categories of Image Features Extraction Techniques: A Survey
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In the image processing’s field and computer vision it’s important to represent the image by its information. Image information comes from the image’s features that extracted from it using feature detection/extraction techniques and features description. Features in computer vision define informative data. For human eye its perfect to extract information from raw image, but computer cannot recognize image information. This is why various feature extraction techniques have been presented and progressed rapidly. This paper presents a general overview of the feature extraction categories for image.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment of Some Geotechnical Properties for Soils of Euphrates River Banks (Kufa- Mishkhab), Middle of Iraq
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Twelve stations in the cities of Kufa and Mishkhab were selected for studying the geotechnical, including physical, engineering, chemical and mineralogical, properties of soils in the river banks along the Euphrates River. Grain size distribution of the bank soils showed higher silt than clay and sand percentages. Soil samples from the 12 stations were classified according to the USCS standards. Silt with low plasticity constituted 91% of the silt fraction, whereas that with high plasticity composed 9%. The saturated density values ranged between 1.75-2.073 g/cm3 with an average of 1.953 g/cm3, while the dry density values ranged between 1.307-1.740 g/cm3 with an average of 1.553 g/cm3. The val

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Variables Impact Spatial Change for Rural Settlement in Al-Hammer Marsh-Land in Governorate of Thi-Quar
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During the period 1970-2006 the Marshes-land region was exposed to several change into many sides of vanishing steeling and growth as follow :
1- Drying this region after 1991,and re-flooded again during 2003. Many other large Marsh-land, like al-Hawaisa was dried by cutting off inlet-water fed from Iran sources .As asqunance there are transferred to different kinds of swamps ,followed by major change in the structure of the region as the rural settlement concerned. Rural settlement in this area starts new push of migration. The research did not take that in consideration in this thesis because some others took it in details in some thesis and researches. The situation of Marsh-land is getting anew face after those major changes which

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of Hindiya Dam on the Limnological Features of Euphrates River to the North of Babil Governorate, Iraq
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          Five sites were chosen to the north of Babil Governorate in   order to identify the limnological features and the impact of the Hindiya Dam during 2019. Site2 was located near the dam to reflect the ecological features of this site, whereas other sites, S1 was located at the upstream of the dam as a control site. Moreover, the two other sites S3 and S4 were located down the dam. The results of  the  study  showed  a  close  correlation  between air and water temperature at all sites. Also there were significant differences in average of thirteen out of eighteen water parameters.Water temperature, total alkalinity, bicarbonate, DO, POS, TH and Mg+2  ions  decreased from 22.76˚C, 203.33 mg/L,

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