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Use lean performance measures to achieve customer satisfaction
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The use of performance measures modern and sophisticated one of the most important factors that help organization management in achieving customer satisfaction which today is the premise of The scales cell performance and value stream performance measures that will help organization management elimination of waste in all its forms, by allowing the organization opportunities and strengths to help them in achieving their goals. as well as achieving market share and growth in sales and increase cash inflows Where research deals with the concept of lean performance and managerial and its measurement and the evolution of these measure, and the ability of these organizations to achieve customer satisfaction through the application of these modern measure.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Achieve of Marketing Superiority under the adoption of the concept of internal marketing: Applied Research at National Company for Insurance Company.
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The insurance Sector of important vessels saving that work on the accumulation of capitals which contribute to the financing of economic and social development plans of countries, in order to achieve of marketing superiority in presenting the insurance services it would require insurance companies focus their marketing efforts and increased interest in internal customer to recruitment new customers and keep of current customers, so the research aims to release the impact of the dimensions of the internal marketing of (the company's vision, training and development, incentive and, motivation, internal communication) in the dimensions of the marketing superiority (to keep the customer, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer, valu

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Post-occupancy evaluation Correlated with Medical Staffs' Satisfaction: A Case Study of Indoor Environments of General Hospitals in Sulaimani City
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This study aims at identifying the notion of Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) pertinent to the performance of three general hospitals constructed inside the Sulaimani City, tracing the relationship between the quality of the indoor environments and medical staff (doctors and nurses) satisfaction level. Using some indoor environment elements in the right way will positively influence the mood, stress level of the medical staff, and patient recovery as a result. The POE toolkits (AEDET and ASPECT) have been implemented on targeted wards at the selected hospitals. AEDET and ASPECT questionnaires were distributed among 152 medical staff to obtain their perspectives. In total, 112 valid questionnaires were received. The medica

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استهداف السعر كأساس لتحقيق تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة للوحدات الاقتصادية العاملة في بيئة الأعمال الحديثة
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تمثل الأسعار تعبيرا" نقدياً لقيمة السلع والخدمات المقدمة للزبون، وتعد عملية التسعير من العمليات المهمة وذات الأثر البالغ على نجاح واستمرار منظمات الأعمال، نظراً لما لها من تأثير على المقدرة الربحية وإعادة توزيع الدخل القومي المخصص للاستهلاك، إذ أنه بتحديد الأسعار يستطيع الفرد أن يوزع دخله بين ما يعده ضرورياً من السلع وما يعد كمالياً.

وعموماً فإن لعملية التسعير م

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
Effect of use a designed device to develop some biochemical variables for rear vault dismount with one-half twist on parallel bars in gymnastics
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The research included five sections containing the first section on the introduction o research and its importance and was addressed to the importance of the game of gymnastic and skilled parallel bars effectiveness and the importance of biochemical variables, either the research problem that there is a difference in learning this skill and difficulty in learning may be one of the most important reasons are falling and injury Has a negative impact on the performance and lack of sense of movement of is one of the obstacles in the completion of the skill and the goal of research to design a device that helps in the development of biochemical changes to skill of rear vault dismount with one-half twist on parallel bars in gymnastics . And the n

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Making use of economical design techniques and materials in implementing cosmetic supplements to the interior spaces of the dwelling: رانيه علي احمد عبد الرحمن
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  This research aims to identify the economic design techniques and materials that can be used in the implementation of cosmetic supplements to the spaces of the dwelling. The research relied on the descriptive and analytical approach by describing and analyzing models of design techniques and materials that can be used in the production of cosmetic supplements in the interior spaces of the dwelling.
The results of the research concluded that the beautification of the spaces of the dwelling is one of the necessary and important pieces to add aesthetic touches to the internal spaces, and that the use of economic design techniques and materials contributes to the implementation of many pieces of complementary beautification of the

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 16 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
A Review Article: Use of fertilizers and their gradual release of mineral nutrients as a remedy to this problem have an adverse environmental impact.
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Throughout Agriculture has mostly relied on the use of natural fertilizers throughout human history, which are compounds that increase the nitrogen levels in the soil. Modern agriculture was made possible by the introduction of synthetic fertilizers at the end of the 19th centuryproduction of agriculture. Their application enhanced crop yields and sparked an agricultural revolution unlike anything the world had ever seen.In the near future, synthetic fertilizers are anticipated to continue to have a significant impa ct on human life, both positively and negatively. They are frequently utilized for producing all t ypes of crops and are essential to plant growth. The significance of synthetic fertilizers is their ability to provide the soil w

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use of information and communications technology to archive data: A suggested form in the Tax Audit and Examination Department of the General Tax Authority
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The current world is observing huge developments in presenting the opportunity for organizations and administrative units to use information and communication technology and their adoption by administrative work due to its importance in the achievement of work with higher efficiency, speed, and facility of communication with all individuals and companies using various means of communication Depending on the Internet networks. Therefore, the research dealt with the study of electronic systems designed and adopted in the creation or construction of a database for archiving data, which is the main method in organizations and administrative units in developed countries. Where this system works to convert documents, and manual processes and t

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al- Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020
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Land use change, particularly the expansion of urban areas and associated human activities at the expense of natural and semi-natural areas, is a major ecological issue in urban areas around the world. Climate change being a very strong additional driver for changing the temperature and habitat in the cities. This also applies to Baghdad, Iraq, where urbanisation and climate change exerts a major pressure on the natural habitats of the city, and thus may affect the ability of city planners to adapt to future climate change scenarios. Here we present evidence of substantial growth in urban areas, increases in temperature, and degradation of natural vegetation within Baghdad city by using Remote Sensing techniques and an assessment for the

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Public Health Medicine
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The lack of active 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic treatment creates a challenge for researchers and scientists to find the most appropriate treatment for this disease. Dexamethasone, according to the findings of the RECOVERY clinical trial, declared mid-June 2020 in print media was one of those therapies. Although the results from retrospective studies are not strongly supportive of corticosteroid routine use in COVID-19 despite the signals for some benefits, the dedicated RECOVERY trial found a significant reduction in death with dexamethasone only in severe cases on a ventilator or moderate cases on supplemental oxygen therapy nevertheless, no benefit observed in mild to moderate cases requiring no oxygen. More studi

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Embedded advertisement constitutes a special kind of communication. As it performs many important roles such as giving information, highlighting the value of the product, and urging the target consumer to buy it by influencing his/ her behavior using an attractive manner of mind and conscience. Both cinema and television are the most prominent and powerful advertising media that enjoy the interest of all audiences and capture most of the advertising spending. As advertisers have paid attention to the importance of indirectly incorporating their products into content that the audience loves and is keen to follow, since the actual impact lies in the inclusion of the product within content that the audience appeals to. Hence, this leads to

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