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Information and communication technology and its impact on the quality of service of the tourism sector and hotel: An analytical study in selected hotels in the Iraqi capital Baghdad
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   The research statement to the amount of the contribution of information and communication technology in the quality of tourism and hotel services, and determine the relationship between the impact of information and communication and the quality of tourism services technology, The importance of the research is to establish the philosophical thinking of the nature of variables, as a modern administrative terminology and employ them towards the quality of tourism and hotel services, the research dealt with a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions, Was formulated based on the current situation witnessed by the tourism sector and hotel in Iraq, and the real gap was the lack of awareness of the importance of the variables studied, and to achieve the above, The researcher developed a virtual model based on documentation and task assignment that was adopted in the formulation of two hypotheses based on the research problem and its questions in order to achieve the purposes of research. The research was based on a descriptive and analytical approach. The researcher designed the questionnaire. The research community consisted of a selection of selected hotels in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. A random sample of (61) of the guests residing in the surveyed hotels was selected. The sample was 20% according to the hotel records. The study came out with theoretical and practical conclusions, which identified the reality of the variables investigated in the environment In light of this, a number of recommendations have been made. The most important of these recommendations is the emphasis on the importance of the variables examined to increase the quality of the services provided, through which they can acquire the largest market share.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Catalysts for money laundering and control by the banks / analytical study in the province of Arbil measures
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Receive money laundering phenomenon of interest to researchers and scholars on different intellectual orientation of economic or political or other, as this process is gaining paramount importance in light of business and increase the number of banks in the province of Kurdistan of Iraq and Erbil in particular and in the presence of openness developments chaotic economic and there are no factors encourage money laundering operation because of the presence of the hidden economy and the weakness of the banking and legal measures to combat them, and on this basis there is a need to examine money laundering operation in the province of Arbil, to indicate the presence or absence of a money laundering operation in working in the provin

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Al Kut Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship of demographic diversity to institutional effectiveness An analytical study of a sample of workers in public organizations in Iraq
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Diversity has become one of the required phenomena to be available within public organizations, in light of the changes taking place in the global and international environment and in various fields. Therefore, it was imperative to study the impact of this phenomenon in various institutions, especially public ones, in most developing countries, including Iraq. The current research aims to analyze the relationship between The demographic diversity and institutional effectiveness of a sample of workers in public institutions included (500) respondents. The questionnaires were distributed to them randomly. Diversity is considered an independent variable and institutional effectiveness a dependent variable. The researcher used interview tools a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Seasonal variation and correlation between the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water in selected area in Egypt (Case study): physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water
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Fresh water resources in terms of water quality is a crucial issue worldwide. In Egypt, the Nile River is the main source of fresh water in the country and monitoring its water quality is a major task on governments and research levels. In the present case study, the physical, chemical and algal distribution in Nile River was monitored over two seasons (winter and summer) in 2019. The aims of the study were to check the seasonal variation among the different water parameters and also to check the correlations between those parameters. Water samples were collected from the Nile in Cairo governorate in EGYPT. The different physiochemical and microbiological properties in water samples were assessed. The studied parameters were included: te

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Management Science Letters
Work-life balance and its impact on employee satisfaction on five star hotels
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This study aimed to find out the impact of work-life balance on employee satisfaction in five-star hotels in Amman, Jordan based on a descriptive analytical approach. The questionnaire of the survey was designed and distributed to a sample of participants in order to collect the necessary data for this study and they were analyzed later through the SPSS V22 program. The study population was the hotel sector in Jordan, while the study sample included the five-star hotels in the capital, Amman, and the sampling unit included the employees of the middle and lower levels of management in the five-star hotels in Amman. The study showed a number of results, including the existence of a good level of work-life balance by employees in top manage-me

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Chinese-Russian role towards the Iranian nuclear program)An analytical study of formation and development according to international variables and future prospects(
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The Iranian nuclear program was one of the most prominent issues in the international arena, in light of Iran's insistence on using it in various ways, and according to international changes, it came under pressure from the American side to impose packages of sanctions, which continued to our time, as it went to Russia and China to gain support in developing its nuclear activities. And, by virtue of the common interests that are linked between them, Iran has received great support from the last two countries in all fields to reach the final agreement in 2015, regarding asserting the peace of these activities, in addition to lifting all restrictions represented in the previous sanctions according to the Security Council resolutions, Aldo

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Using Social Media sites by the Iraqi women and the Achieved The Use of Iraqi Women of Social Networking Sites and the Satisfactions Generated from Them.: A Survey Study of the City of Baghdad
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The problem of this research lies in the fact that there is a lack of accurate scientific perceptions about the size of the use of Iraqi women’s social networking sites and the motives behind this use and the expectations generated by them.
The goals of the research are as follows:
1- Determine the extent of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, twitter, and Instagram).
2- Investigative the motives behind the use of social networking sites by Iraqi women.
3- Detecting the repercussions of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, you tube, twitter, and Instagram).
The research is classified as a descriptive one. The researchers use the survey methodology. The research commu

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
An Integrated Model of The Relation Between E-Service Quality and User Satisfaction in IHL
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Abstract<p>Quality of e-service is one of the critical factors that decide the success or failure of organizations. It may increase competitive advantages as well as enhance the relationships with the customers. Achieving high e-service quality and user satisfaction are challenging since they depend fundamentally on user perception and expectation which can be tricky at times. To date, there is no agreement as to what service quality is, and how it should be measured, whether it is a function of statistical measures of quality including physical defects or managerial judgment, or it is a function of customer perception about the services. This paper deep-dived the quality of e-services offered b</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Attitudes of University Students about the Statements of Iraqi Political Elites: A Survey Study of a Sample of University Youth in Baghdad
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Various visual media are becoming an increasingly important and active instrument of communication. This fact has led some political parties and leading personalities in Iraq to make use of them as an accepted forum for the discussion of public affairs usually in a manner that conforms to their declared policy. They have to draw as much popular support as they could for the causes which they fight for. As a result, a state of great confusion has been created from the contradictory statements made by the contending parties and gave left grave consequences on all types of the audience receiving them. The problem of the study can be summarized in one major question: What is the opinions of the audience as regards the statements made by the

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.: Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.
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Television plays an important role in health education development of the consumer, where the health programs offered by satellite channels offering a variety of subjects that deal with human health in general, as do people with some misconceptions health practices either due to lack of awareness or a low level of culture they have is one of the problems that require a search, so the research aims to clarify what the TV play in health education to the consumer through a content analysis of health issues covered by the television health programs and identify health issues positive and negative in everyday human life, it has been identified green apple program Broadcast of the channel mbc1 as a model for health programs offered by the Arab

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Websites Quality Assessment of Iraqi Universities Using the WDQI Index
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The Web Design Quality Index, known as WDQI, was applied to assess the quality of websites for six Iraqi universities, namely Basra University, Mosul, Muthanna, Samarra, Dijla University College, and Al-Isra University College. The results of the index showed that the universities of Basra and Dijla University College had the highest value, at 71.07 and 70.39, respectively. Its final evaluation metric was that the website of these two universities needed a slight improvement. As for the rest of the other universities, the final values of the index ranged from 64.72-69.71. When the final values of the index are displayed on the final evaluation scale, it appears that the websites of the four universities need many improvements. The study

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