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The Role of Developmental loans in Developing Wheat and Barley Crops In Iraq for the Period ( 2006 – 2012)
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The present paper attempts to find out the role of developmental loans in promoting strategic crops especially the basis stemming from the problem of non - defining economic feasibility study and the negative or positive revenues of developmental loans, directed to Iraqi Agricultural sector in general and Basic strategic crops in particular which resulted in the difficulty of planning and future prediction to grant loans agriculturally directed in terms of quality and quantity and the arbitrary of distributing these loans .the strategic crops have been selected as sample of population where the sample of Basic strategic crops include wheat and barley .The paper has come to several of conclusions mainly are as follows :- the increase in number and amounts of developmental loans continuously represented by count up leap especially via the final help of duration of the research which signals the increase in governmental development support during this period .Secondly , the concerned entities are unable to conduet and manage the file of developmental loans granted strategic crops in general and barely in particular in spite of the great support for this file .In addition to the increase of financial and numerical support of loans granted to the Iraqi agricultural sector - accordingly there are some recommendation that have been draw up out of this research : firstly , stablising the level of financial and numerical support of developmental loans granteed to agricultural sector and taking advantage of money amounts of paying off instalments of developmental loans by recycling them and granting them to the loans related to strategic crops .It is also important to take in to consideration not to increase the average of the amount of the loan and investing the available amounts to open new out lets for developmental loans of strategic crops . it is also important to set down general control and committees to follow up to ensure achieving loans aims and draw up peasibility study based on systematic and scientific bases

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Causal Relationship Between Money Supply , Inflation and Exchange Rate in Iraq for the Period ( 1990-2011)
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   The paper aims to measure the impact of monetary policy on price stability , by testing the causal relationship between the money supply,  inflation rate and the exchange rate , In order to prove that the  inflation is a monetary phenomenon in the Iraqi economy , and that the exchange rate is controlled in the money supply , the money supply as an endogenous  variable continued we found by using the standard tests to the existence of a single co-integration  between the money supply and the rate of inflation and the money supply and the parallel exchange rate, This confirms the existence of a long-term relationship between the variables , It also confirmed the results of the vector error correctio

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the relationship between inflation and the exchange rate in the formulation of Monetary policy in Iraq for the period 1990-2018
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       Due to the importance of the relationship between the phenomenon of inflation and the exchange rate in the formulation of monetary policy in Iraq, the exchange rate plays a strategic role in limiting the inflation caused by the monetary expansion due to government spending, as a point of a view, the inefficiency of interest to achieve the monetary market balance and stability of the general level of prices as an overall goal of monetary policy in Iraq, the exchange rate has emerged as a brake on inflation in Iraq, as the research found that the monetary authority in the period 2003-2018 provided a methodical development in the formulation of monetary policy towards realizing the effects of inf

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Budget Deficiency and Its Treatment Prospects and Policies with Reference to Iraq (2003-2012)
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Developed and underdevelopment countries, on equal terms, face the problem of budget deficiency. Budget deficiency means that the public expenditure surpasses the public revenues. This, on the international level, is one of the most serious economic problems with many direct effects on the national economy, and depends, basically, on its finance chosen method. Looking for a solution to this problem, for this reason and many other ones, has been highlighted in spite of the many attempts to reduce the role of the governmental expenditure. Budget deficiency can not be attributed to a single unique cause since it is complex phenomenons the causes of which are related to many factors contribute to its occurrence, some of which refer t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Schools' Leaders in Developing the 21th Century Skills of Teachers of Al-Ardha Governorate
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The aim of the research is to develop specific skills of 21 century, one schedule, renewable: (sex, years of experience, academic degree) from the viewpoint of the research sample. The descriptive tool was used to collect information for research purposes. It was applied to a sample of (339) male and female teachers in Al-Ardhah governorate schools to teach Jazan. The application was carried out in the second semester of the year 1442 AH. The research concluded with a set of results, the most important of which are: the approval of the sample members to a large extent on the expressions of the role of school leaders in the practice of developing male and female teachers in acquiring these three skills fr

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
tourism planning and its impact in reducing the unemployment rate in Iraq for the period (1985 – 2015) An analytical study
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     The problem of the study is the main question (Can tourism planning address the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq ?) , And the importance of the study in the fact that the tourism sector can become an effective development alternative in many countries, especially Iraq, as tourism contributes to diversify sources of income and stimulate other economic sectors , We know how important Iraq's qualifications are in the field of tourism and what it can generate on the public treasury, To confirm the current study on the need to pay attention to tourism planning for its role in providing employment opportunities that reduce the unemployment rate in the future.


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Deposit insurance system and its role in financial security for the period (2010-2018) Study the experiences of Selected countries with reference to Iraq
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Founding a System to secure deposits and protecting the depositors is considered one of the important and exchanged subjects out there in the banking system/field in Iraq at the current time, and the reason behind the exchange and spread of this subject is due to the financial crisis of which the banking sector is suffering from and the stumbling of many banks, those factors have had led to the insecurity of the depositors and their mistrust towards banks, thus, it is necessary to create a system to secure deposits in which depositors would be compensated for the losses caused by the banks' failures. in addition, it could be a countermeasure system which maintains the banking stability, protects the rights of depositors and gains

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role of Islam in Developing Some Basic Concepts in Town Planning
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The arise of Islam as a multidimensional changing phenomenon with its own revolutionary and comprehensive character was inherent with a lot of alterations in social aspects , and this is explicit particularly in the scope of urban life and town planning . Essentially, Islamic style of life has its own urban identity. The urbanization process in Islam has been developed across two integrated sides, the first one concerned on ideational and theoretical aspects , while the other associated with practice .Many urban centers emerged during the Islamic era since the erection of Basrah , the first Islamic town in the middle of the 7th. centaury. Some contemporary urban concepts , both environmental and social could be noticed in Islamic

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Supporting the Microfinance Industry In Iraq
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The Economist opinion (views) gathered on the great Importance’s of small enterprise on the production sectors at Developed or in developing countries, statistics indicate that these enterprise represent almost 90% of the total enterprises in most economies in the world.

Many of these enterprises have originated in Iraq since the beginning of last century and the question of financing these enterprises remained an issue facing the most of workers in this sector, because of the peculiarty of which are characterized by which as a lack of financial abilities and the difficulty of obtain the sources of financing in Iraq and considered the enterprise as the guarantor of fulfilling Financial obligations. Afte

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison Between Some Estimator Methods of Linear Regression Model With Auto-Correlated Errors With Application Data for the Wheat in Iraq
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This research a study model of linear regression problem of autocorrelation of random error is spread when a normal distribution as used in linear regression analysis for relationship between variables and through this relationship can predict the value of a variable with the values of other variables, and was comparing methods (method of least squares, method of the average un-weighted, Thiel method and Laplace method) using the mean square error (MSE) boxes and simulation and the study included fore sizes of samples (15, 30, 60, 100). The results showed that the least-squares method is best, applying the fore methods of buckwheat production data and the cultivated area of the provinces of Iraq for years (2010), (2011), (2012),

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparative study of the role of monetary policies in achieving economic growth in some oil and non-oil countries during the period 1990-2017
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The research problem was to identify the impact of monetary policies on economic growth in the oil and non-oil countries. The researcher chose the Republic of Iraq as an example for the oil countries and the Arab Republic of Egypt as an example for the non-oil countries to hold a comparison on the impact of monetary policies.

The research found that the monetary policies and their tools in the Iraqi economy affect the rate of GDP growth by 73%, which shows the strong impact of monetary policies on the economic growth in the Iraqi economy as an example of an oil state. GDP growth rate of 61%, indicating the impact of monetary policies on economic growth in the

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