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The Role of Developmental loans in Developing Wheat and Barley Crops In Iraq for the Period ( 2006 – 2012)
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The present paper attempts to find out the role of developmental loans in promoting strategic crops especially the basis stemming from the problem of non - defining economic feasibility study and the negative or positive revenues of developmental loans, directed to Iraqi Agricultural sector in general and Basic strategic crops in particular which resulted in the difficulty of planning and future prediction to grant loans agriculturally directed in terms of quality and quantity and the arbitrary of distributing these loans .the strategic crops have been selected as sample of population where the sample of Basic strategic crops include wheat and barley .The paper has come to several of conclusions mainly are as follows :- the increase in number and amounts of developmental loans continuously represented by count up leap especially via the final help of duration of the research which signals the increase in governmental development support during this period .Secondly , the concerned entities are unable to conduet and manage the file of developmental loans granted strategic crops in general and barely in particular in spite of the great support for this file .In addition to the increase of financial and numerical support of loans granted to the Iraqi agricultural sector - accordingly there are some recommendation that have been draw up out of this research : firstly , stablising the level of financial and numerical support of developmental loans granteed to agricultural sector and taking advantage of money amounts of paying off instalments of developmental loans by recycling them and granting them to the loans related to strategic crops .It is also important to take in to consideration not to increase the average of the amount of the loan and investing the available amounts to open new out lets for developmental loans of strategic crops . it is also important to set down general control and committees to follow up to ensure achieving loans aims and draw up peasibility study based on systematic and scientific bases

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of using the Relative Strength Index in Making Speculation Decision in Stock: Applied Research in the Iraq Stock Exchange
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 The relative strength index (RSI) is one of the best known technical analysis indicators; it provides the speculators by prior signals about the future stock’s prices, and because the speculations in shares of companies which listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange have a high degree of risk, like risk of shares prices felling, so the speculators became committed to use some methods to reduce these risks, and one of these methods is the technical analysis by using the relative strength index (RSI) which enable the speculators of choosing the right time for buy and sell the stocks and the right time to enter or leave the market by using the historical rice data. And from here the problem of the research formulated as “Is the using of

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Supply Chain Management
The effect of internal training and auditing of auditors on supply chain management: An empirical study in listed companies of Iraqi stock exchange for the period 2012-2015
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Scopus (30)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Commercial Banks in the Anti-Money Laundering
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Characteristic of money laundering phenomenon is a compound and complex nature like the style of regular crimes . These operations are planned and excuted with those who have high quality experiences to hide the evidences of their deeds so They ask the help of financials ,economicals and legists to plan for money laundering. Banks are important and suitable places for illegal circulation of money because of the different types of accounts , rapidity and overlap which emphasis of its main duty to dislocate illegal money which comes from illegal sources without adding legal characteristic to it . Here we should explain the important role of banks in striving the phenomenon –Bank should try to show and analyze inward proced

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Military institution in the Nigerian Political life
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The intervention in the military institute represents a great role in the Nigerian
political life since 1960. There are many reasons behind this domination. The First is that
many African militants participated in liberating their countries from colonization. The
second is that they tried to stay in power as long as they could stay through the rule of one
There fore, they depend on the process of political and economic reform to get rid of
military rule that dominated the Nigerian Political life to be a civilian state

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the successful managerial leaders in crises management
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This research is a modest contribution to Put the finishing touches on therole of managerial leaders represented by static companies belonging to theministry of transport and communication/ [iraq] . the research has adopted thedescriptive. Analytical methodology and field study technique, using thequestionnaire as a tool for data collection [58] forms Nar, been distributed tothe research sample. The sample has been deliberately selected {generalmanager, as assistant general manager and heads of department}. Thequestionnaires and the main hypotheses of represented by the existence ofsignificant correlation and impact between successful managerial leadershipand crisis management using the software {SPSS}, were analyzed. Resultswere identic

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of e-government in enhancing the institutional performance
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The research aims to study the role of e-government in enhancing institutional performance. The dimensions of e-government are: (support and commitment of senior management, technical structures, organization and human resources, knowledge and information, work procedures, attention to citizens' satisfaction, and client parties),while the dimensions of institutional performance are: (Service improvement, innovation, efficiency and effectiveness).

The research used electronic questionnaire as a main tool for data collection, The questionnaire included all the employees in the e-government project in Department of Government Coordinate and Citizen Affairs at the General Secretariat of the C

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
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The research aims to demonstrate the role of organizational justice as an independent variable in influencing the achievement of development of the sense of psychological ownership of workers as a dependent variable. The current research variables were distinguished as being effective variables in terms of the field and affecting the achievement of success for organizations. In order to achieve this goal, it was applied on a sample of employees in the Iraqi Ministry of Transport employees, whose number reached (84) individuals, and the data were collected through the questionnaire as a main tool, to come out with a set of conclusions that contribute to raising the levels of the researched company, and based on the importance of the

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the role of the economy in protecting the environment from pollution and decision_making
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The economic dimensions of environmental issues are complex and unclear in many cases, there is a kind of confusion in the real relationship between economic growth and environmental regulations. Many of the negative environmental impacts are accompanied by human activities and urban and industrial development in the city, and that many of the projects that did not take into account the environmental factors during the planning and implementation of them can be detrimental, as well as natural environments, archeological sites, historical or scientific value, aesthetic or educational. It also describes the Global Environment Outlook that if current trends continue, population growth, economic growth and consumption patterns, the p

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of the League of Arab States in the Syrian crisis
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Abstract The League of Arab States took many procedures against the Syrian political system, like suspended Syria's membership in the League of Arab States and sent a team of Arab observers headed by Dabi to discuss the situation there and issued some decisions and statements that called the Syrian regime to stop the use of violence and repression against the Syrian opposition.Through these steps, the Arab League has tried to help the Syrian parties to resolve the crisis. However, the role of the league in the Syrian crisis was characterized by weakness in general, and lack of seriousness, which contributed in the aggravation of the situation in Syria, and the intervention of major powers in the internal affairs of Syria.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of journalism in the fight against terrorism
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The media plays an important role in a number of functions performed by them. Press is one of those media which had and still have a clear role in addressing the various issues, topics, and events. Journalism is no longer as expressed by owners of the liberal theory – it seeks to raise the instincts – but it began to excite the minds of readers to meet their needs. At the same time, it does not neglect the search for the truth and work to deliver it to readers. Some have identified a set of tasks carried out by the press including the interest in public affairs, the needs of the community, work to provide happiness, what is beneficial and useful and combat the negative phenomenon and to address the deviations facing society. The comi

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