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Anti-Money Laundering Protection procedures in Commercial With establishment of a Proposal from work to Audit banks

Concurrently with the technological development that the world is witnessing the crime of money laundering to evolve faster and with multiple methods and its economic, political and social impacts raised increasingly. And for phenomenon dangerous the international community in recent years is keen to be considered combating money laundering as a general indication whereby verification of the international response the stats and its banks and financial institutions with international requirements mandated in this aspect, so the increasing interest the governments of countries in the laws and procedures that contribute to the reduction of the phenomenon of money laundering and avoid legislation economy and the banking and financial sectors, the negative results that can be exposed. The research aims to identify the phenomenon of money laundering and the statement of stages and methods and patterns of criminal and sources of funds, and the statement of the procedures followed in the banks to reduce this phenomenon, as well as to identify the role of control and administrative authorities and the statement of the supervisory role of the Central Bank and its importance as a supervisory and control the banks and compliance in commitment to those procedures set forth by the International Organization recommendations (FATF Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering- ) and confirmed by the law No. (93) for the year 2004 to combat money laundering operations. The research aims to identify as well as the International Standards Organization (FATF) recommendations concerning the obligations of financial institutions.In order to achieve the goal of the research, engaged the a researcher earlier studies and books and resources related to the subject exposed the theoretical side, the practical side has included the preparation of a series of questions based on the anti-money international standards laundering law materials, have included a sample search (Rasheed Bank, Rafidain Bank, Bank Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank of Baghdad). With the development of a proposed program to audit procedures to reduce the phenomenon of money laundering in the Iraqi commercial banks.The research has reached a number of conclusions and recommendations that have been developed in the light of its contribution to the development of audit procedures to reduce the phenomenon of money laundering in commercial banks, to activate the role of the internal control systems and activation procedures to identify the customer and knowledge of his activities and the adoption of anti-money laundering policy based on Iraqi law No. (93) of the combating money laundering for the year 2004 as well as the international Standards Organization FATF and find ways that enable the combating money laundering and avoid its negative effects on financial institutions and thus the country's economy.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 17 2013
Journal Name
American Journal Of Pharmacological Sciences
Pentoxifylline as Adjuvant Therapy to Etanercept in Patients with Moderately to Highly Active Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
2010 Fourth Asia International Conference On Mathematical/analytical Modelling And Computer Simulation
Interaction Testing: From Pairwise to Variable Strength Interaction

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Innovative Marketing on the Organization's Reputation by Mediating the Brand _ Field Research in the Oil Marketing Company (SOMO)

The research aims to verify that there is an influence between innovative marketing and the organization's reputation by brand mediation.

The research problem is that the Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) needs innovative, unconventional methods in marketing its products and improving its reputation by adopting a solid brand that adds value to the product.

The importance of the research: The importance of the research is highlighted as it deals with essential variables in business organizations that help increase customer loyalty by adopting a distinctive brand.

The research started from four main hypotheses to explore correlations and influence between researc

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of progressive income tax on inflation in Iraq for the period from 1995 to 2020 : applied research

                Inflation is one of the important issues that the economic authorities in all countries of the world care about, where the loss of money for its function is one of the most important and largest inflationary effects that this phenomenon leaves on the economy, and Iraq, like other countries, has had its share of the problem of inflation for a long time due to the circumstances that He went through it, whether it was the wars he fought or the economic blockade that was imposed on him in the nineties of the last century. Economically, the problem of inflation is addressed through the use of fiscal policy tools, including tax increases in order to abso

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of progressive income tax on inflation in Iraq for the period from 1995 to 2020 : applied research

                Inflation is one of the important issues that the economic authorities in all countries of the world care about, where the loss of money for its function is one of the most important and largest inflationary effects that this phenomenon leaves on the economy, and Iraq, like other countries, has had its share of the problem of inflation for a long time due to the circumstances that He went through it, whether it was the wars he fought or the economic blockade that was imposed on him in the nineties of the last century. Economically, the problem of inflation is addressed through the use of fiscal policy tools, including tax increases in order to abso

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 04 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Academic Research In Progressive Education And Development
The Influence of Three Teaching Methods on Undergraduate Physics Students' Group Work Skill

The purpose of this study is to compare the influence of three teaching methods, as represented by problem-based learning (PBL), the PBL with lecture method, and the conventional teaching on undergraduate physics students' group work skills among bachelor’s degree physics students. In this study, the pre- and post-test were done and the instruments were administered to the students for data collection. The actual sample size comprises of 122 students, who were selected randomly from the physics department, college of education in iraq. Overall, the statistical results rejected null hypothesis of this study. Thus, using the PBL without or with lecture method enhances the skills of the group work among the bachelor’s degree physics studen

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
From Learning for Living to Lifelong Learning “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave” Prophet Mohammed’s saying: نجاة احمد الجبوري

ملخص البحث
تبحث الدراسھ عن تنفیذ افضل لمفھوم التعلم مدى الحیاة كھیكل موجھ للسیاسة التربویة في العراق بشكل عام وفي
التعلیم العالي بشكل خاص. تحدد الدراسة استراتجیات التعلم مدى الحیاة وتناقش اھمیتھ وسماتھ الرئیسیة لتسھیل
الوصول الى فرص تعلم متمیز و ملائم لحاجات الطلبة مدى الحیاة، كما تناقش دور الجامعة في تحقیق ھذا الھدف.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Anziam Journal
Flow from a source above a sloping base

We consider the outflow of water from the peak of a triangular ridge into a channel of finite depth. Solutions are computed for different flow rates and bottom angles. A numerical method is used to compute the flow from the source for small values of flow rate and it is found that there is a maximum flow rate beyond which steady solutions do not seem to exist. Limiting flows are computed for each geometrical configuration. One application of this work is as a model of saline water being returned to the ocean after desalination. References Craya, A. ''Theoretical research on the flow of nonhomogeneous fluids''. La Houille Blanche, (1):22–55, 1949. doi:10.1051/lhb/1949017 Dun, C. R. and Hocking, G. C. ''Withdrawal of fluid through

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dissolution of calcium ion from teeth treated with different concentrations of siwak water extract in comparison with sodium fluoride

Background: The miswak is a teeth cleaning twig made from a twig of the Salvadora persica tree (known as arak in Arabic).A traditional alternative to the modern toothbrush, it has a long, well-documented history and is reputed for its medicinal benefits. It also features prominently in Islamic hygienical jurisprudence. Materials and methods: Twenty maxillary first premolars were treated with the selected solutions which included siwak water extract (5%, 10%) and sodium fluoride 0.05% for 2minutes once daily for 20 days interval, deionized water was used as control negative. Then the concentration of the dissolved calcium ion in the etching solution of 2N HCL was measured. Results: The least amount of the dissolved calcium ion was registere

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
8th International Conference On Agricultural, Environment, Biology And Medical Sciences
Description new species from leafhopper belongs to genus Neoalitarus Distant, 1918 in Iraq