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Liquidity Banking and Its Impact on the Return and Risk: Applied Research in the Rasheed Bank
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The research aims to measure and analyze the reality of liquidity in the Rasheed Bank and determine their impact on risk and return in order to identify the extent of the efficiency of the management of liquidity by the Bank and how to employ them in a profitable investment areas, and analysis of the compatibility of the liquidity gap and gap the balance sheet (sensitive interest rate) and affected net interest Change prices, and through the adoption of style ladder recommended Meritassets and liabilities by the Central Bank of Iraq, as it is an important and vital aspects in commercial banks' management, when there is a commonly used optimizing the resources of the bank available, it means that there is a banking efficient management is working to stabilize its financial position, So research was focused on the problem of the balance between return and risk in liquidity management, which is a constant challenge and daily problem faced by departments of commercial banks, "including GeneralManagement Rasheed Bank / Management (sample) for the period from 31/1/2013–31/12/2013. Using Some of the financial ratios in Applied Analysis (liquidity ratios, return and liquidity risk), enhanced neo-statistical (SPSS analysis) to prove the strength of the relationship and impact between research, the research found a number of the most important conclusions that there is surplus cash in the bank, and a yield and risk Mtosttin and positive budget gap. The researcher recommends reducing the size of the cash assets, and benefit from the increased deposits and invested in r fled profitable investment.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Aci Structural Journal
Experimental and Analytical Study on Punching Shear Strength of BubbleDecks
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Refractive Index on Photon Natural Mass and Wavelength
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In this article it is proved experimentally that the photon is a particle that has mass and constant wavelength by explaining the effect of refractive index on the wavelength and the natural mass of photon. It is very difficult to measure the mass of photon, a simple and easy process was proposed in this paper to calculate the mass length of photon in vacuum (Y) and in medium (Y*), by measuring the length of laser beam in air (Lair) and in medium (Lmed). A new method was postulated to calculate refractive index by using these relations (n = Y*/Y), and (n = Lmed / Lair) which supposed a new theory of light.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
CFD Application on Shell and Double Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger
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This work is concerned with the design and performance evaluation of a shell and double concentric tubes heat exchanger using Solid Works and ANSY (Computational Fluid Dynamics).

Computational fluid dynamics technique which is a computer-based analysis is used to simulate the heat exchanger involving fluid flow, heat transfer. CFD resolve the entire heat exchanger in discrete elements to find: (1) the temperature gradients, (2) pressure distribution, and (3) velocity vectors.  The RNG k-ε model of turbulence is used to determining the accurate results from CFD.

The heat exchanger design for this work consisted of a shell and eight double concentric tubes. The number of inlets are three and that of o

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Steganography System Based on Huffman Coding and Fibonacci Decomposition
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   Hiding secret information in the image is a challenging and painstaking task in computer security and steganography system. Certainly, the absolute intricacy of attacks to security system makes it more this research on steganography system involving information hiding,Huffman codding used to compress the secret code before embedding which provide high capacity and some security. Fibonacci decomposition used to represent the pixels in the cover image, which increase the robustness of the system. One byte used for mapping all the pixels properties. This makes the PSNR of the system higher due to random distribution of embedded bits. Finally, three kinds of evaluation are applied such as PSNR, chi-square attack, a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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New data on jumping spiders (Salticidae) and tangle-web spiders (Theridiidae) of Armenia are provided on the basis of recently collected specimens in various regions of Armenia. One species, Ballus rufipes (Simon, 1868) is recorded as new to the Caucasus Region, in addition to the following species: Neon reticulatus (Blackwall, 1853), Pellenes brevis (Simon, 1868), Salticus scenicus (Clerck, 1757) and Synageles dalmaticus (Keyserling, 1863) that belong to a family Salticidae, are recorded in Armenia for the first time.
A further 7 species of Theridiidae are recorded in Armenia for the first time Kochiura aulica (C. L. Koch, 1838), Steatoda albomaculata (De Geer, 1778), Steatoda bipunctata (Linnaeus, 1758), Steatoda castanea Clerk, 175

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effects of lead and Zenic on Scenedesmus quadricaudaVar. longispina algae
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The study includs,effect of concentration of Lead 0.2 ,0.3 , 0.5, 5 , 10 mg/L and Zinc 0.1,0.5 , 2 , 4 , 8 mg/L lonely or to gether on growth green algae( Scenedesmus quadricauda var . longispina) according to the total qauntity for the cells and the adsorption of the algae to the zn,pb concentration .growth curve and dubbling time growth were calculated with or without there heavy metals . Results shows that there are significant differences (P<0.01) for growth curve and the control. (7.5201 cell /h)and with dubbling times (9.87 cell/h). The heavy metals(Pb, Zn). shows antagonistic effect when both used in media.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Notes on estimation of ARMA model (1.1) And ARMA (0,1)
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By driven the moment estimator of ARMA (1, 1) and by using the simulation some important notice are founded, From the more notice conclusions that the relation between the sign   and moment estimator for ARMA (1, 1) model that is: when the sign is positive means the root      gives invertible model and when the sign is negative means the root      gives invertible model. An alternative method has been suggested for ARMA (0, 1) model can be suitable when

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Strongly F – Regular Modules and Strongly Pure Intersection Property
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A submoduleA of amodule M is said to be strongly pure , if for each finite subset {ai} in A , (equivalently, for each a ?A) there exists ahomomorphism f : M ?A such that f(ai) = ai, ?i(f(a)=a).A module M is said to be strongly F–regular if each submodule of M is strongly pure .The main purpose of this paper is to develop the properties of strongly F–regular modules and study modules with the property that the intersection of any two strongly pure submodules is strongly pure .

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al– Haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Some Results on Fibrewise Lindelöf and Locally Lindelöf Topological Spaces
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In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise Lindelöf and locally Lindelöf topological spaces, which are generalizations of will-known concepts: Lindelöf topological space (1) "A topological space X is called a Lindelöf space if for every open cover of X has a countable subcover" and locally Lindelöf topological space (1) "A topological space X is called a locally Lindelöf space if for every point x in X, there exist a nbd U of x such that the closure of U in X is Lindelöf space". Either the new concepts are: "A fibrewise topological space X over B is called a fibrewise Lindelöf if the projection function p : X→B is Lindelöf" and "The fibrewise topological space X over B

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Towards Accurate Pupil Detection Based on Morphology and Hough Transform
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 Automatic recognition of individuals is very important in modern eras. Biometric techniques have emerged as an answer to the matter of automatic individual recognition. This paper tends to give a technique to detect pupil which is a mixture of easy morphological operations and Hough Transform (HT) is presented in this paper. The circular area of the eye and pupil is divided by the morphological filter as well as the Hough Transform (HT) where the local Iris area has been converted into a rectangular block for the purpose of calculating inconsistencies in the image. This method is implemented and tested on the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA V4) iris image database 249 person and the IIT Delhi (IITD) iris

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