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Economic analysis of the investment of human capital and the policy of privatization
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The research problem is dedicated to investigate reservoirs irrational economic behavior adopted by the ruling elites in developing countries about the investment methodology of human capital and operating policies is based on the terms of reference of economic theory and standards governing the market, which led to a chronic structural imbalance in the workforce structure and lack of consistency with different production structure, in turn, which had a reported effects in the emergence of the phenomenon of unemployment and that they involved a certain privacy, as has become the issues of unemployment and employment in the various countries of the world are issues more important due to the presence of large numbers of the workforce in the event of unemployment for work, and it seems that unemployment has entered a new phase is quite different from the unemployment that followed the end of second world war, in developed countries the unemployment is part of the economic cycle as it rises in a recession and recede in the recovery phase, but now unemployment has become since the beginning of the eighties a structural problem, and although check growth and recovery. However, unemployment in the case of aggravation from year to year. The country, which was a socialist orientation, which did not open unemployment never know, we see today has taken the manifestations of unemployment are rampant in, and see the preparation of the unemployed in the state increased after the transformation that took place in them.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Analysis of Walking Accessibility of Community Park in Duhok City
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Research studies show that urban green spaces promote physical activity, the health of urban residents, and psychological well-being. Taking the community park in Duhok city as the research object, the spatial service area in terms of accessibility of to the Community Park under the mode of pedestrian transportation is analyzed by using the network analysis service area function of the geographic information system (GIS). The results show that under the walking mode in the research area, Parks are concentrated in the north and south of the city, but community parks are few in disadvantaged neighborhoods. In addition, there is a significant disparity between the number of community parks and the number of communities. Only 11 communities

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 02 2017
Journal Name
Integrating Biophysical and Socio-Economic Approaches to Identify Suitable Policy Incentives for Enhancing Sustainable Water and Land Use (WLI project a case study of Iraq)
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
symmetric analysis of multiple variables classified ranked orthogonal polynomials
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MCA has gained a reputation for being a very useful statistical method for determining the association between two or more categorical variables and their graphical description. For performance this method, we must calculate the singular vectors through (SVD). Which is an important primary tool that allows user to construct a low-dimensional space to describe the association between the variables categories. As an alternative procedure to use (SVD), we can use the (BMD) method, which involves using orthogonal polynomials to reflect the structure of ordered categorical responses. When the features of BMD are combined with SVD, the (HD) is formed. The aim of study is to use alternative method of (MCA) that is appropriate with order

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Concept of the Constitution and the most Important of Human Rights
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The Concept of the Constitution and the most Important of Human Rights

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
spatial analysis of health services in wasit governorate
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The spatial variation of regional development means that some regions to be a center of activities and services and job opportunities and economic development, and are usually in major urban centers, while lacking in other regions to such activities and services. Perhaps the studies of spatial variation SPATIAL INEQUALITY, regional development, REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT has had the greatest impact on the operations of regional planning in particular the study of the regional dimension of any city requires that you review the basis and theoretical framework, which refers to the inevitability of the existence of disparities across regions, due to the properties of the regions population and economic political and environmental The study

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of energy's policy in the strategy of restoring the Russian global role
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Abstract : This research has tackled about the role of Russia in the international policies which concerning with energy , So the most important states in the world that possesses huge energy resources to be more able in the control over the reality and future production programs and the distribution of global energy alike , the latter had effectively influence on the economic and developmental aspects within many countries in the world and its impacts on political decisions and perhaps effected too much in the dimensions of strategic policies . In this context of research , Russia has been developed a high energy policy of strategic planning in order to restoring Russia position and its global role by using its potential powerful streng

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Analysis and evaluation of related factors affecting community Participation as a policy to upgrade residential slums area
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have suffered from deteriorating residential neighborhoods, poor economic, social and urban living conditions of the population and deteriorating the infrastructural and superior services. These problems were the secretions of these cities' rapid urbanization. Based on the principles of sustainable urban planning and in order to achieve adequate opportunities for the lives of the population and provide them with sustainable livelihoods, policies have emerged to upgrade along the lines of community participation and programmes to reform and develop those neighbourhoods, raise their efficiency and make them livable. Thus, the problem of research was identified "The absence of a comprehensive cognitive perception of the most prominent facto

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of the Quality of Accounting Information on the Efficiency of Investment Decisions
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The entities responsible for regulating the financial market are seeking to provide high quality accounting information, to provide appropriate protection to investors, and thus encourage them and attract them to increase their investments. the research reached several conclusion, the most prominent of which comes  :-

1-The production of high quality accounting information reduces investment costs and costs of processing accounting information.

2- The production of high quality accounting information helps investors identify the best investment opportunities.

3- The results of the statistical analysis showed that there is significant

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab: The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab
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This research aims to the importance of oil in achieving economic
security in the Arab. Oil is not an ordinary subject and returns it significance to
the followings:
1. The importance of skipping a source of energy.
2. The importance of oil as raw material for petrochemical industry.
3. The importance of the oil sector as an area of foreign investment
4. The importance of oil in the marketing activities, transport, insurance
and various services
In addition to the importance of oil in general and the Arab oil has
additional strategic advantages such as geographic location, And the
magnitude of reserves and production of heavy investment costs are relatively
simple, And the ability to meet the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimations of Cluster Analysis: Practical Application in Administrative and Financial Corruption
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Cluster analysis (clustering) is mainly concerned with dividing a number of data elements into clusters. The paper applies this method to create a gathering of symmetrical government agencies with the aim to classify them and understand how far they are close to each other in terms of administrative and financial corruption by means of five variables representing the prevalent administrative and financial corruption in the state institutions. Cluster analysis has been applied to each of these variables to understand the extent to which these agencies are close to other in each of the cases related to the administrative and financial corruption.           

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