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Economic analysis of the investment of human capital and the policy of privatization
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The research problem is dedicated to investigate reservoirs irrational economic behavior adopted by the ruling elites in developing countries about the investment methodology of human capital and operating policies is based on the terms of reference of economic theory and standards governing the market, which led to a chronic structural imbalance in the workforce structure and lack of consistency with different production structure, in turn, which had a reported effects in the emergence of the phenomenon of unemployment and that they involved a certain privacy, as has become the issues of unemployment and employment in the various countries of the world are issues more important due to the presence of large numbers of the workforce in the event of unemployment for work, and it seems that unemployment has entered a new phase is quite different from the unemployment that followed the end of second world war, in developed countries the unemployment is part of the economic cycle as it rises in a recession and recede in the recovery phase, but now unemployment has become since the beginning of the eighties a structural problem, and although check growth and recovery. However, unemployment in the case of aggravation from year to year. The country, which was a socialist orientation, which did not open unemployment never know, we see today has taken the manifestations of unemployment are rampant in, and see the preparation of the unemployed in the state increased after the transformation that took place in them.


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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic policies and their ability to reform the investment climate Case Study Iraq after 2003
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The investment climate is the main engine of economic development. If an appropriate and attractive investment climate is created that takes into account economic, administrative, political and environmental issues, it will contribute to the development of industry, transfer of technology, diversification of agricultural production, increased productivity, the promotion of a green economy and support for sustainable and inclusive growth. Thus, analyzing the investment climate of a country can provide reasons and roots for the complexity of the problems in the economy. In the Iraqi economy, the problem has not been rooted in the economy, but the roots of the problem are deeper and inherent in the management of the economy. Investm

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Human Face Recognition Using Wavelet Network
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            This paper presents a study of wavelet self-organizing maps (WSOM) for face recognition. The WSOM is a feed forward network that estimates optimized wavelet based for the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) on the basis of the distribution of the input data, where wavelet basis transforms are used as activation function.



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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Expression of Recombinant Human Glucocerebrosidase Protein in Sunflowers
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Molecular farming has become one of the most significant implementations of modern biotechnology to generate modified plant crops to produce medicinal proteins. Agrobacterium is one plant genetic engineering tool that integrates genes of interest inside a host plant.  In recent years, the need to produce recombinant proteins as therapeutics has growing rapidly, and human glucocerebrosidase is one of the proteins that is need to treat disease. In this study, specific primers were designed to amplify Hu-GBA1 gene from constructed pGEM-GBA plasmid which was cloned into the plant expression vector pCAMBIA1304. The generated recombinant pCAMBIA1304-GBA plasmid was used to transform A. tumefaciens LBA4404

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Compatibility between leadership of empowerment and organizational learning abilities and their reflection on knowledge capital Applied research at Wasit University
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The current research aims at: - Identifying the role played by the leadership in empowerment and organizational learning abilities and their reflection on the knowledge capital, and the extent to which these concepts can be applied effectively at Wasit University. The problem of research .... In a series of questions: The most important is that the dimensions leadership empowerment and distance learning organizational capacity correlation relationship and impact and significant statistical significance with the capital knowledge.

     To understand the nature of the relationship and the impact between the variables, leadership was adopted by empowerment as the fir

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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That the building of the national economy depends on the extent of the possibility of transition from the rent economy seeking to increase GDP (GDP1), and the tendency to manage projects with external sources of funding, or allow projects with foreign capital is a necessity. The strategic challenges faced by the economy in countries that have experience in investment projects have faced several factors internal and external for a period of time and not a few and the pressures and difficulties and failures have affected in one way or another on the development work in that country. On this basis, the stakeholders have a role to pay attention to the issue of the feasibility of the pattern of foreign investment in the investment environment

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate on inflation and economic growth using the joint integration methodology "a standard study"
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The exchange rate is of great importance at the global and local levels alike, as this importance increases with the increasing rates of development of economic relations between countries of the world due to openness and integration into the global economy, expressed by the expansion of the volume of trade and financial relations between countries. The Central Bank of Iraq has set the need to stabilize this price as a goal to reduce inflation rates and reduce them to the internationally accepted rates by using the foreign currency sale window to achieve a balance between the forces of supply and demand for foreign currency and to preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar. The research concluded that the central bank was It has a maj

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Visual analysis of the Kurdish women's dress and its impact on modernity
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A collection of pictures of traditional Kurdish women's national clothing and contemporary clothing was collected. A visit was also made to the city of Sulaymaniyah and the city of Halabja to find out the foundations of traditional clothing for the Kurdish regions and the impact of contemporary fashion on traditional dress. Which represents the culture and regionalism and reflects the picturesque nature of northern Iraq, and in order to complete the study, the parametric measurements of the clothes were analyzed and the graphs of the dress and its accessories were re-drawn to understand and make a comparison between them to study the clear influences and changes and examine the possibility of benefiting from them in sewing contemporary f

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Dictionaries in the News.. In the light of Semiotic analysis,
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We refer in this research into linguistic binaries, try rounding of simiaei news analysis. It is known that there are branches of Linguistics called social Linguistics, divided into communicative Linguistics and media. Perhaps the best justification for the inclusion of a new curriculum in media studies is a semiotic analysis of the news. I›ve turned the speech, language and communication studies in relation to different disciplines, many research projects, and returned only old curriculum, speed shift in thought, proportional to the revolution in information and communication technology, for reality imposed on the entire world, researchers are the first affected by this enormous humanitarian Almanza. Alsimiaaeon still shy away from an

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Standard Study of the Role of the Tourism Sector in Achieving Economic Growth in Tunisia for the Period (1995-2017
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This study examines the relationship between the increase in the number of tourists coming to Tunisia and GDP during the period 1995-2017, using the methodology of joint integration, causal testing and error correction model. The research found the time series instability of the logarithm of the number of tourists coming to Tunisia and the output logarithm but after applying the first differences, these chains become stable, THUS these time series are integrated in the first differences. Using the Johansson method, we found the possibility of a simultaneous integration relationship between the logarithm of the number of tourists coming to Tunisia and the logarithm of GDP in Tunisia, and there is a causal relationship in one direc

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analyzing the effect of labor productivity and capital on manufacturing industries in Iraq and some Arab countries for the period 1990-2000
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يلعب القطاع الصناعي التحويلي في أي قطر دوراً هاماً في تحقيق التنمية الصناعية، اذ تتحد تاثيراته فيها على طبيعة الدور المرسوم له وعلى مدى فاعلية هذا القطاع الحيوي الذي يعد اتجاه نحو التعاظم المضطرد لمستويات الانتاجية " Levels of productivity"والتنويع الانتاجي والتدفق المستمر للتجديد التكنولوجي من اهم دلائله.

ويعد مؤشر الانتاجية بصفة عامة وانتاجيتي العمل وراس المال بصفة خاصة من الم

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