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Property Tax and its Effect in increasing Tax outcome: (An applied Research at The General Commission of Taxes)
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The Search stressed on the importance of the role of property tax as a tributaries of the state budget that depend on it to cover the side of public expenditures, along with the rest of the other types of taxes through a review of the tax  framework and tax proceeds and stand on the research problem and its effects, according to the following logic  questions : -

  1. What is the contribution of property tax in the overall tax revenue?
  2. Are there any certain problems in collection of property tax?
    3. What are the factors that lead to a negative impact on the outcome of the property tax?
    4. How do we strengthen the role of the property tax in the overall tax revenue?

   This research has been aiming to recognition of property tax role starting from hypothesis as follows:-

The main hypothesis:- there is liaison of statistic significance between the proceeds derived from the property tax and the factors by which it is influenced). A correlation relationship of statistical.

  1. There is liaison of statistic significance between tax property and the average of tax proceeding.
  2. There is  a correlation relationship of statistical significance between tax property and the factors related to the taxpayer.
  3. There is a correlation relationship of statistical between tax property and the factors related with the tax management.
  4. There is a correlation relationship of statistical between tax property and the factors related with economic and legislative situations.

    After testing the hypothesis research using appropriate statistical tools, was a number of Conclusions and recommendations have been  summarized as follow:-

Weakness of tax awareness for the taxpayer has led to decline the tax proceedings. In addition to the negative effect to Deterioration of security situation  in assessment of properties in site for the difficulty  of reaching  them by the  supervisor that shown as (84,3%) of the sample which is reflected in tax revenue, and this leads to necessarily the recommendation   To find an efficient methods that enable tax authority to perform assessment of properties values via cooperation with the military forces or forming police system affiliated with the body of public taxation, then the necessity of raising the tax awareness level for the taxpayer and to make tax laws available for all and to work towards achieving the optional tax compliance to reduce tax evasion  and to increase the tax proceedings.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
كلية التربية-الجامعة المستنصرية
Study the drift velocity of electron in mixtures Cf4,O2 and Ar
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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Religion
The Theory of Quantity in Measures and Scales a Comparative Jurisprudential Study
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Every body has a size and mass that distinguishes it from others and makes it different from others. Some of these bodies are huge and large in size, and some are small and light in weight. Among these masses and bodies are some that are dealt with by their size and weight, each according to its quantity, weight, and cheapness. This is why they created quantities by which these weights and quantities could be estimated, so they used measures and weights for that. Objectives: The research aims to know some measures and weights, such as the wife’s maintenance, the amount of zakat, etc.I found it to be a widely spread topic, and widely used in the folds of jurisprudence. During my reading of jurisprudence books, I found jurists using many qu

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
3rd International Conference On Smart Cities And Sustainable Planning
Theoretical structure of apparent and latent in the urban townscape: Subject review
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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Amorphological and histological study of the olfactory organ in Parasilurus triostegus (Heckel)
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The morphological description and histological structure of the

olfactory     organ     of    Parasilurus     triostegus     (Heckel)     have    been

investigated. The olfactory organ situated on the dorsal surface of the

head infront of the eye.

It  is  represented   by  elongated  olfactory  sac,  in  which  the

olfactory Lamellae arranged as Rosette- like pattern .

The olfactory sac connected with the olfactory bulb by short olfactory nerve. The olfactory bulb which situated near the olfactory sac connected wi

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Electric Quadrupole Transition (E2) in 56Ba and 62Sm Nuclei
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Transition strengths ↓
. u . w
2) M(E for gamma transition from first excited 21
states to the
ground states that produced by pure electric quadrupole emission in even –even isotopes of
56Ba and 62Sm have been studied through half- lives time for 21
excited states with the
intensities of γ0- transitions measurements and calculated as a function of neutron number
(N). The results thus obtained have shown that; the nuclides with magic neutron number such
as 56Ba
and 62Sm
have minimum value for ↓
. u . w
2) M(E .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histological and Histochemical study of the Esophagus in Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis
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The present study represent the histological and histochemical structure of the esophagus of laughing dove Streptopelia senegalensis, one of the wild birds, which feed on the seeds( grainvorous).The result showed that the esophagus long tubular quit wide and highly distensible organ situated at the right side of the nick , lie between pharynx and stomach it was divided into cervical and thoracic part , the cervical part longer than the thoracic part, and the crop was merely enlargement fusiform in shape which located at the entrance of the thorax. Esophagus parts showed that composed of four layer ;the mucosa, sub mucosa, muscular and adventitia or serosa, the mucosal layer was arranged in folds which was longer in the c

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Study the antioxidant of Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile) powder: In vitro and vivo
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Oxidative stress is oxidative damage caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). These ROS can cause oxidative damage to cellular components, including membrane lipids, receptors, enzymes, proteins, and nucleic acids. It would eventually lead to cell apoptosis and the appearance of certain pathological conditions. This work investigates the antioxidant potentials of chamomile extract in vitro by evaluating the extract activity to scavenge 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), also in vivo by investigating its effects on oxidative stress-induced rats by assessing the total oxidant status (TOS) and total antioxidant capacity in the radiation exposed rats with and without the treatment with chamomile extract. The results

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Language And Literary Studies
Examination of ‘Pause’ in Pinter's The Homecoming and Baker's Circle Mirror Transformation
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Pauses as pragmatic markers are considered important devices that help readers to gain a better and deeper understanding of certain texts as well as speech, promoting effectively language communication. They can help both the speaker and the hearer, due to the functions they have in a text. Their occurrence in speech has a value that they make it more understandable. In this regard, the present study aims to examine the forms and functions of pauses in literary texts, more specifically, in selected extracts from two dramas, namely, Pinter's The Homecoming and Baker's Circle Mirror Transformation and to compare how the two writers use pauses in these two dramas. To do so, the sequential production approach of turn-taking by Sacks, Sc

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The prevalence and antimicrobial sensitivity of Esbl Escherichia Coli. in clinical isolates
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Background: The antimicrobial resistance is one of the most serious and expanding health problems world -wide in the last decades. The esbl escherichia coli. (extended – spectrum beta-lactamase e.coli) represents an important aspect of it .Objectives: To get an overview on the esbl e.coli prevalence profile in general. Also to assess the antibiotic sensitivity of esbl e. coli trying to specify the most effective antibiotics in combating this micro-organism.Methods: this study tries to focus on this problem in Iraq which through a prospective study approach by taking 35 clinical samples from various sources (urine, blood, abscess, eye ,vagina ,stool and others),and after confirming the presence of e.coli, the presence of esbl e.coli and

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Behavior of Bond Strength between Rebar and Concrete in Rubberized Concrete : -
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Through an experimental program of eighteen specimens presented in this paper, the bond strength between reinforcing bar and rubberized concrete was produced by adding waste tire rubber instead of natural aggregate. The fine and coarse aggregate was replaced in 0%, 25%, and 50% with the small pieces of a waste tire. Natural aggregate replacement ratio, rebar size, embedded rebar length, the rebar yield stress of rebar, cover, and concrete compressive strength were studied in this investigation. Ultimate bond stress, bond stress-slip response, and failure modes were presented. The experimental results reported that a reduction of 19% in bond strength was noticed in 50% replaced rubberized concrete compared with convention

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