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The role of accounting standards, audit and finances in control On agricultural activity to achieve sustainable development
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The agricultural activity has a great significance in the all four dimensions of sustainable development. Firstly, the economic dimension which it contributes with the GDP, as well as, it is considered as an important source to attract the investment. Secondly, the environmental dimension which also contributes with conserving of the biodiversity, combating the desertification, and increasing the farmlands. Thirdly, for its role in the social dimension to achieve the food security, to eradicate the poverty, and providing jobs. Fourthly, toward the institutional dimension as well it is considered as a source that allows all people to participate effectively, and to exchange of the local and universal experiences and perspectives. For confronting of the challenges which are presented of the failure many projects of agricultural activity, and the misusing of devoted funds of supporting the agricultural activity, which led to the weakening of the role of agricultural activity in sustainable development. The research sought to embodies the criteria of accounting and audit , as well as the criteria of the financial funding in the censorship of agricultural activity to achieve the goals of sustainable development according to its dimensions. One of the most important conclusions, is that existence of the criteria of accounting and auditing, as well as criteria which concern with environmental and social sustainability, which are not employed at the censorship on the agricultural activity. To sum up, to achieve sustainable development, the research paper has recommended on the necessity of embodying those criteria when conducting censorship on the projects of agricultural activity, to achieve the aims of sustainable development.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of the Density of Crustacean Zooplankton and Some Environmental Factors Inside and Outside the Cages Breeding Fish in the Tigris River (Al Rashidiya area) Baghdad
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Two orders of zooblankton,were studied Cladocera and Copepeda in two classes Calanoida and Cyclopoda, where it was studied inside floating cages and for breeding fish placed in the Tigris River in the Rashidiya area. Has been study The population density of zooplankton groups and measure some chemical and physical characters, was studie where she collected samples of zooplankton and water from two locations of cages (inside the cages, after 100m from cages). The study was conducted within six months from January to the end of June 2014 during which there was study of the Wallace pH, water temperature, biological oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen, as to the zooplankton study the species disappeared inside cages of fish and existed after

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Biotechnology
Correlation between BOD5 and COD for Al-Diwaniyah wastewater treatment plants to obtain biodegradability indices.
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The present study aims to establish an empirical correlation between biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the sewage flowing in Al-Diwaniyah wastewater treatment plant. The strength of the wastewater entering the plant varied from medium to high. High concentrations of BOD5 and COD in the effluent were obtained due to the poor performance of the plant. This was observed from the BOD5 /COD ratios that did not confirm with the typical ratios for the treated sewage. Regression equations for BOD5 and COD removal percentages were suggested which can be used to evaluate rapid effluent assessment after the treatment processes or optimal process control to improve the performance of wastewater treatment plants.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Assessment Resistance Potential to Moisture Damage and Rutting for HMA Mixtures Reinforced by Steel Fibers
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Rutting is mainly referring to pavement permanent deformation, it is a major problem for flexible pavement and it is a complicated process and highly observed along with many segments of asphalt pavement in Iraq. The occurrence of this defect is related to several variables such as elevated temperatures and high wheel loads. Studying effective methods to reduce rutting distress is of great significance for providing a safe and along-life road. The asphalt mixture used to be modified by adding different types of additives. The addition of additives typically excesses stiffness, improves temperature susceptibility, and reduces moisture sensitivity. For this work, steel fibres have been used for modifying asphalt mixture as they incorp

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Extraction model to remove antibiotics from aqueous solution by emulsion and Pickering emulsion liquid membrane
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Frame-Based Change Detection Using Histogram and Threshold to Separate Moving Objects from Dynamic Background
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      Detecting and subtracting the Motion objects from backgrounds is one of the most important areas. The development of cameras and their widespread use in most areas of security, surveillance, and others made face this problem. The difficulty of this area is unstable in the classification of the pixels (foreground or background). This paper proposed a suggested background subtraction algorithm based on the histogram. The classification threshold is adaptively calculated according to many tests. The performance of the proposed algorithms was compared with state-of-the-art methods in complex dynamic scenes.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Estimation of the Risk of Water Erosion in Jawarta District in Sulaymaniyah Governorate Using the Global Equation for Soil Loss (USLE)
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The present research deals with the spatial variance analysis in Jwartadistrict and conducting a comparison on the spatial and seasonal changes of the vegetation cover between (2007-2013) in order to deduce the relationship between the vegetation density and the areas which are exposed to the risk of water erosion by using Plant Variation Index  NDVI) C (coefficient and by using Satellite images of Landsat satellite which are taken in 2/7/2007 and Satellite images of Landsat satellite taken in 11/1/ 2013, the programs of remote sensitivity and the Geographic Information Systems.

    The study reveals that there is a variance in the density of vegetation cover of the area under study betwee 2007 and 2013. Howev

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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The optical text in the cinema film Between the presence and absence Play for free mark: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم
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The light-based life in the universe, including the human derived concepts and meanings of the fear of darkness and evil, comfort and goodness of light, became constitute bilateral haunted man to this day in various concepts of life.Therefore reflect the light form artistic aesthetic in visual arts such arts Fine Photography and the other until the emergence of art cinema, as the use of lighting in cinema has produced high-energy in the composition of its values expressive and symbolic, where it became dark and light are the space visually moving the vehicles media kit for many within the work structure artwork. The research is divided into five chapters, the first chapter (the methodological framework) that included an introduction the

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a mathematical model for measuring and analyzing the general equilibrium in the Iraqi economy through the IS-lm-BP model
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In order to achieve overall balance in the economy to be achieved in different markets and at one time (market commodity, monetary and labor market and the balance of payments and public budget), did not provide yet a model from which to determine the overall balance in the economy and the difficulty of finding the inter-relationship between all these markets and put them applied in the form of allowing the identification of balance in all markets at once.

One of the best models that have dealt with this subject is a model
(LM-BP-IS), who teaches balance in the commodity market and money market and balance of payments and the importance of this issue This research tries to shed light on the reality

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The U.S.A strategy in the red sea
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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The decorative structure in the calligraphic painting
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The decoration structure in calligraphy painting is one of the variables that characterized the structure of the calligraphic composition due to the artistic, aesthetic and expressive properties of the letters of the Arabic calligraphy, which are represented by flexibility, compliance and the ability to form. Therefore, the researcher defined his problem by asking the following question: What is the decorative structure in the calligraphic painting? The study aimed to reveal the structure of the ornamentation in the calligraphy painting, while the researcher dealt with in the second chapter three sections, the first (the ornamental concept and meaning) and the second topic (the structural characteristics of the Arabic letter in the calli

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