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The role of financial technology in improving the financial performance of banks: A field study on a sample of private banks in Erbil governorate


               Today, the financial and banking sector is witnessing a qualitative shift thanks to financial technology services, which provide their services to many individuals and companies in quick, easy and less expensive ways compared to traditional means. Financial technology is a new form of financial science that combines financial transactions and technological skills concerned with providing financial services and improving the work environment within Banking institutions, and financial technology provides many advantages such as lower transaction costs, instant payment, and saving more time and effort in conducting banking operations and activities. Banks have taken this into consideration as they are the main engine of countries’ economies and are working to renew their basic structures based on what is required of ways to keep pace with this development. The performance of Drains It has become an urgent necessity to confront the wave of fierce competition imposed by financial technology, which is why banks are racing to possess modern technological

means and provide additional services to their customers, which gives them a competitive advantage in the market.

Hence, financial performance in banks is receiving increasing attention because optimal financial performance is the only way to maintain survival and continuity, ensure growth and expansion, and achieve appropriate market value. Financial performance is also one of the basic components of banks, as it provides an integrated system of accurate and reliable information to judge the efficiency of banks. In achieving its objectives effectively and to compare actual performance with pre-determined objectives, through certain indicators expressed in numbers to identify deviations, if any, and identify their causes to work to correct them.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Towards building an educational system free of scientific corruption (Applied study in a sample of colleges of higher education in Iraq within the framework of the government program and the directions of the Supreme Council for Combating Corruption)

Nations are developed with education and knowledge that raise the status of society in its various segments, beyond that it leads to underdevelopment and deterioration in various sectors, whether economic, health, social, etc. If we considered the general name of The ministry of Education & Scientific Studies, then the second part seems to be not functioning, since scientific research has no material allocation and remains based on the material potential of the university professor. As for the first half of the topic, the reality of the situation reveals problems related to the Holy Trinity of Education which is (Professor - Student - the scientific method) where universities suffer at the present time from this problem, and

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of total quality management in educational institutions and its role in achieving excellence performance


This study is concerned with the reality of total quality management and its role in achieving the excellence performance of the employees of the Institute of Technology / Baghdad, excellence performance is described by the extent to which the organization is able to invest the effort of the human resource to achieve its Objectives by adopting the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) according to some of its basic dimensions in proportion to the reality and Possibilities Institute, the aim is to study to know the reality of total quality management ,and indicate the levels of excellence performance in the Institute of Technology / Baghdad,

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational change to achieve strategic success A field research in the Petroleum Research & Development Center-Ministry of Oil

  This current research deals with the "The role of organizational change in the achievement of strategic success" Who are getting increased attention to being one of the important topics and relatively new, And which have a significant impact on the future of the organization So there is a need for this research, which aims to identify the role of organizational change across dimensions (technology, organizational structure, human resources, organizational culture) in the strategic success through its components (a specific strategy, effective implementation, innovation, customer satisfaction)، And that by two main hypotheses, branched about eight hypothes

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of knowledge Management Processes in the Tax Performance: AnApplied Research in the General Tax Authority

The research aims to measure the relationship and impact of the operations of the knowledge of management of the six dimensions (diagnosis knowledge, define knowledge objectives, knowledge generation, knowledge storage, distribution of knowledge, application of knowledge) in the fiscal performance of the General Authority for taxes of the four dimensions (financial, customers (taxpayers), Operations Interior, learn and grow), the research aims also to the use of computerized programs for training and career development of the Authority that helps to add knowledge workers in the Authority, and to reach an appropriate arrangement for knowledge management processes in the Authority, as well as analysis of the reality of the Authority to get

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial and administrative corruption: concept, causes, types and ways to address them in Iraq


The phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption is not the result today, but not tied to time or designated place, he is the scourge is rampant in all countries of the world, without exception, those developed and developing, a phenomenon that crossed national boundaries and become withstand a global character, and corruption is limited to communities of particular economic systems without the other, but suffered Throughout history most societies to varying degrees, Iraq is one of the countries that suffered and continues to suffer from corruption, which has become, B grumble in most of the Iraqi state institutions, especially after the occupation in 2003 as administrative corruption in Iraq arrived i

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Create sustainable value to the customer through the integration of the relationship between total quality management and relationship marketing

Purpose: This research seeks to provide a point of view based on the creation of sustainable value to the customer of the banks in the context of total quality management and relationship marketing. It aims to develop a model to measure the value of sustainable customer peduncular under total quality management PAL (administrative leadership, involvement of employees, continuous improvement, process improvement, staff training), through the mediation of relationship marketing and objective dimensions (administrative leadership, involvement of employees, continuous improvement, improving processes , staff training), and to explore any of the variables and dimensions more influential in the creation of sustainable value to the cust

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Excuse for ignorance in Islamic law         Financial transactions: (Contemporary Applied Models)

The researcher highlighted in his research on an important subject that people need, which is the excuse of ignorance in Islamic law. , As the flag of light and ignorance of darkness. Then the researcher lameness of the reasons for research in this subject as it is one of the assets that should be practiced by the ruler and the judge and the mufti and the diligent and jurisprudent, but the public should identify the issues that ignore ignorance and issues that are not excused even if claimed ignorance.
 Then the researcher concluded the most important results, and recommendations that he wanted to set scientific rules for students of science and Muslims in general, to follow the issues of legitimacy and learn its provisions and i

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Digital Repositories in Developing Teacher Performance in the Primary Stage


Digital repositories are considered one of the integrated collaborative educational environments that help every researcher interested in developing the education and educational process. The learning resources provided by the repositories are suitable for every researcher, so digital information can be stored and exchanged by ensuring the participation and cooperation of researchers, teachers, and those who are interested, as well as curricula experts, teachers, and students, to exchange each other’s experiences in constantly updating that information as a reason for developing their performance in education. This reveals the importance of the role of educational digital institutions by providing and

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of empowerment strategies on the characteristics of work enrichment An exploratory research to the views of a sample of the leaders of the Ministry of Oil in Iraq

The study aimed to investigate the relationship between empowerment strategies and their impact on the success of enrichment work, it included the dimensions of empowerment strategies (power, knowledge, information, rewards), The dimensions of Job enrichment are (Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback). The study was conducted at the headquarters of the Iraqi Oil Ministry in Baghdad and was based on a sample of the leadership of the ministry of managers consisting of 215 people. The data were collected using the questionnaire method based on scientific standards adopted in previous st

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The tax planning and its effect on the investment: On sample of Iraqi Contribution Company

The importance of the current study  lies in the  importance of the  Tax policy that  being considered one of the most important tools working on fulfilling  the  social,  financial  and economic  goals  and improving  the investment environment  in the country  to become  having the ability to  activate the  national economy. The current study  has  referred  that  (  Has  the  tax planning  practiced by  the Iraqi  contribution  companies  led to increase  the  far-term tax  outcome through  getting  benefit of   the monetary  funds  and expansion in&nbs

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