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The role of financial technology in improving the financial performance of banks: A field study on a sample of private banks in Erbil governorate
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               Today, the financial and banking sector is witnessing a qualitative shift thanks to financial technology services, which provide their services to many individuals and companies in quick, easy and less expensive ways compared to traditional means. Financial technology is a new form of financial science that combines financial transactions and technological skills concerned with providing financial services and improving the work environment within Banking institutions, and financial technology provides many advantages such as lower transaction costs, instant payment, and saving more time and effort in conducting banking operations and activities. Banks have taken this into consideration as they are the main engine of countries’ economies and are working to renew their basic structures based on what is required of ways to keep pace with this development. The performance of Drains It has become an urgent necessity to confront the wave of fierce competition imposed by financial technology, which is why banks are racing to possess modern technological

means and provide additional services to their customers, which gives them a competitive advantage in the market.

Hence, financial performance in banks is receiving increasing attention because optimal financial performance is the only way to maintain survival and continuity, ensure growth and expansion, and achieve appropriate market value. Financial performance is also one of the basic components of banks, as it provides an integrated system of accurate and reliable information to judge the efficiency of banks. In achieving its objectives effectively and to compare actual performance with pre-determined objectives, through certain indicators expressed in numbers to identify deviations, if any, and identify their causes to work to correct them.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges in KSA: An applied study on a sample of faculty members at KKU
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This study has aimed to measure the relationship between the skills required for the labor market and the employment of graduates of community colleges at King Khalid University. For gathering the required data, a questionnaire has been designed and distributed to the faculty members of community colleges at King Khalid University in a random sample method. The chosen sample size has covered (123) individuals. Questionnaire forms have been distributed and retrieved from (117) participants. Therefore, the estimated response has reached 95 % of the total sample size. The results of the study have shown that there is not any significant relationship between the skills which the graduates   acquire and the requirements of employmen

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS11 Constraints and Remedies (Application in Basra Gas Company)
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The aim of this study is to highlight on the concept of joint arrangements and projects in accordance with IFRS 11, in addition, the study also focuses on accounting standards and IFRSs which are relevant to this standard.  With a description of the legislative and accounting challenges in the Iraqi environment facing the application of IFRS 11, as well as studying the reality of accounting in such economic activity of companies operating in this sector.

In order to achieve the study objectives, the researcher conducted a comparative analysis between IFRS 11 (Joint Arrangements) and the Iraqi Unified Accounting System, In the second step, IFRS 11 is applied to the Basrah Gas Company's (research sampl

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 08 2021
Journal Name
Al – Bahith Al – A A‚lami
The Impact of Financial Financing on the Future of the Iraqi Print Press, A Survey Study by the Contactor
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The objectives of this study revolve around identifying the extent of funding impact on the future of the printed Iraqi press, and whether it threatens their chances of survival, stating the extent of technological development on the income of the printed newspaper, and identifying the causes of the financial crisis on the newspaper. This research is classified as descriptive research, and the researcher used the survey method, and adopted the questionnaire of the views of the contactors, in five Iraqi newspapers (morning - extent - time - the way of the people - the call). The research community included (68) respondents, whereby the comprehensive inventory method was used to define the research community, and the researcher used t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of Strategic Leadership in Achieving University Governance Requirements: A Survey of a Sample of Teaching Staff at College of Administration and Economics/University of Mosul
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Aim of the Study: The paper aims at identifying the extent of the role of strategic leadership represented by its four dimensions (administrative, transformational, political, moral) in fulfilling the requirements of university governance (Context, message and Goal, Management orientation, Independence, Issue, Sharing)

Methodology: A survey is applied to (107) members of the teaching staff at the college of Administration and Economics/ University of Mosul.  To achieve the goals of the study, the researcher makes use of a number of tools such as:  questionnaire, statistical tools and methods (repetitions, perce

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditing the accounts of research and exploration stage in accordance with the financial reporting standard (6)
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The oil and gas production industry is considered the most important industries in the modern world because of its large relative significance among the group of energy recourses required for the world, where the natural resources represent the oil and natural gas fields, phosphate, gold, coal, forests and others. The most important advantage of the natural resources is its need for huge financial investments for a relatively long period of time from the beginning of the work until the start of extracting natural resources. Also, there are numerous cases where the natural source is not feasible exploited economically and is not discovered until after the passage of a long period of time from the start of work and paying relatively high a

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Diagnosis of the reality of marketing knowledge management"A survey of the views of a sample of telecom operatorsIn the city of Sulaymaniyah "
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This research aimed to diagnose the perception based on Telecommunications of Iraq to the importance of activating knowledge management marketing in possession, as well as Indication of impediments to activate the management of marketing knowledge in the researched companies, also aimed to show the extent of the existence of significant differences in perception based on Telecommunications Iraqi importance of activating the management marketing knowledge in possession. To achieve the objectives of this research, the questionnaire was developed and distributed to a sample of telecommunications companies in the city of Sulaimaniya, was selected on the criterion according to the company's life in terms of seniority in the telecommunication

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Relationship's Impact Between the External and Internal Auditor in Preventing the Administrative & Financial Corruption: Applied Research in Sample Entities
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    This research discusses one of the most important means of reducing corruption in public sector companies and government departments, a relationship of cooperation and coordination between the external auditor and internal auditor, in the light of ISA (610), the recommendations of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the National Strategy to combat corruption. The research was based on two assumptions: the first was weak relationship of cooperation and coordination between the external auditor and internal auditor leads to weakne

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the reality of applying a number of Iraqi institutional accreditation standards/study in a number of Iraqi public and private universities
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     The study aims to find out the extent to which several Iraqi institutional accreditation standards (governance and administration, scientific research, curricula) are applied in two public universities (Baghdad and Middle Technical University) and two private universities (Uruk and Al-Mansour College) by diagnosing strengths and weaknesses and proposing a mechanism and procedures to help educational institution aims to reduce or eliminate the gap. The study stems from the extent of application of several Iraqi institutional accreditation standards represented as it was worked on through observation and field coexistence to reach scientific and practical facts. The method of case study and comparison betwe

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The stylistics of expressive structure in Al-Sayyab's attempt- A textual study
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Our research tends to study the poetic attempt of  Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab and examine it stylistically, and we suggested his mature collection '' Rain song'' as a pattern for our textual analysis of the poet's attempt.

   In the beginning , we confirm that branches of applied structures meet to produce poetry such as narration , drama , cinema , mythology , allegory , various religious and historical texts , previous events , and special cumentary events related to work production. If all above-mentioned was complicated and disregarded throughout a single text , the text writer would not secure positive results that might keep open continuity between him and his readers.

   Therefore , this issue w

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Administration Diagnosis of quality of work life dimensions: A survey of a sample of employees of the Northern Gas Filling Company in Nynawa
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The primary objective of the present  research is to diagnose the most mportant imensions of quality of work life in a sample of individuals working in the Northern Gas Filling Company in Nynawa. The study sample consisted of 140 employees of the Northern Region Filling Company in even ,Through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose. The study concluded that there are five main factors that are considered to be measure of the quality of working life and are based on their importance: Empowerment, organizational health, internal work environment, motivation, development and training of workers. The study recommended that the organization should payattentio

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