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The role of financial technology in improving the financial performance of banks: A field study on a sample of private banks in Erbil governorate
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               Today, the financial and banking sector is witnessing a qualitative shift thanks to financial technology services, which provide their services to many individuals and companies in quick, easy and less expensive ways compared to traditional means. Financial technology is a new form of financial science that combines financial transactions and technological skills concerned with providing financial services and improving the work environment within Banking institutions, and financial technology provides many advantages such as lower transaction costs, instant payment, and saving more time and effort in conducting banking operations and activities. Banks have taken this into consideration as they are the main engine of countries’ economies and are working to renew their basic structures based on what is required of ways to keep pace with this development. The performance of Drains It has become an urgent necessity to confront the wave of fierce competition imposed by financial technology, which is why banks are racing to possess modern technological

means and provide additional services to their customers, which gives them a competitive advantage in the market.

Hence, financial performance in banks is receiving increasing attention because optimal financial performance is the only way to maintain survival and continuity, ensure growth and expansion, and achieve appropriate market value. Financial performance is also one of the basic components of banks, as it provides an integrated system of accurate and reliable information to judge the efficiency of banks. In achieving its objectives effectively and to compare actual performance with pre-determined objectives, through certain indicators expressed in numbers to identify deviations, if any, and identify their causes to work to correct them.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Tax Planning Policy Directions for The Development of The Tax Outcome in Iraq for The Years (1990- 2010): An Applied Research at The General Board of Taxes
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The importance of research is to be considered by highlighting the tax policy in Iraq which extended for successive measurement of the amount of tax receipts for respective periods, the research problem represents security, economic and political issues that Iraq suffered which were very difficult since Nineties of the last century until now that led to a lake of clarity in tax policy trends, volatility in it and finally reflected on the tax revenues increase or decrease. One of the main recommendations of the research is: (The necessity to develop a deliberate strategy for tax policy in Iraq which should take into account financial, economic, and social goals in appropriate way).

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Clinical Dentistry Preview Publication Details
The effect of surgical approaches on the stability and marginal bone loss of early loaded slactive implants with screw retention mean: Comparative clinical and radiological prospective study
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Purpose: This study aimed to compare the stability and marginal bone loss of implants inserted with flapped and flapless approaches 8 weeks after surgery and 3 months after loading. Material and Methods: Thirty SLActive implants were inserted in 11 patients and early loaded with final restoration 8 weeks after healing period. The stability values determined by Osstell and the marginal bone loss measured by CBCT at the initial time (1st) and 8 weeks of the healing period (2nd) and 3 months after loading (3rd). Results: The overall survival rate was 100%. A significant increase in the 3rd implant stability value in the age of ˂ 40. A significant decrease in the 2nd implant stability value in both gender and traumatic zone with a flapless app

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation Status Of Central Laboratories In Al- Kadhimya Teaching Hospital According To ISO/IEC 17025 In 2005
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This research aims to analyze and evaluate  the reality of the total quality management for the central laboratories by comparing systems of work in the laboratories of Al- Kadhimiya Didactic Hospital with the requirements of ISO 17025 to determine the degree of compatibility and the willingness to adapt to the requirements of the above specification and to show the ability of building an applicable quality management system and to identify problems and their mitigations and prevention to increase.

This study gains its importance from the importance of the labs which stems from the fact that the process of health is a set of interrelated activities, Medical examinations and tests con

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of magnetic water in the some parameters of growth & activity of some enzymes in the ( Raphanus raphanistrum L.) Plant
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2004
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Comparison of the results of some tests of passing and dribbling of the basketball of tow different years between teams of chosen young players in Baghdad
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This study is concerned with the comparison of the results of some tests of passing and dribbling of the basketball of tow different years between teams of chosen young players in Baghdad. Calculative methods were used namely (Arithmetic mean, Value digression and T.test for incompatible specimens). After careful calculative treatments, it has been that there were abstract or no abstract differences in the find results of chestpass, highdribble and cross-over dribble. The clubs were: (Al-Khark, Air defence, Police and Al-Adamiyah) each one separate from the other for the year (2000-2001). After all that many findings were reached such as the lack of objective valuation (periodical tests) between one sport season and the other. In the light

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The impact of cross-training in the development of the skills of the crushing blow and the blow-to-blow stroke under the age of 17
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fundamental graduation of man-made provisions in the jurisprudence of the companion Abdullah bin Amr, may God be pleased with them
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

The fundamentals of jurisprudence have a great role in facilitating the ways to know the Shari’a rulings for everything that takes place between people in terms of relationships, and the actions that are issued by them, because without it, the sources from which the rulings were taken are not known, and the methods used by the imams of ijtihad in taking these rulings from those sources are not understood. The foundations on which they followed in the interpretation of texts and its rules, and Muslim scholars in different eras celebrated this science and gave it great care: with what they wrote in it from the works of different directions, but of course the complexity printed many

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دور الرقابة البيئية للحد من تلوث مياه الشرب
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Targeted research to find control procedures to reduce contamination of drinking water and whether the public water systems monitor the channels properly and it is free from all pollution to try to reduce the phenomenon of environmental pollution of drinking water and therefore its impact on improving the health status and economic development. Thus, the practical side took the proposed framework to reduce the contamination of drinking water in the province of Baghdad, and the role of environmental control to reduce this pollution and to eliminate the problem of providing drinking water in the countr.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Anziam Journal
Flow from a source above a sloping base
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We consider the outflow of water from the peak of a triangular ridge into a channel of finite depth. Solutions are computed for different flow rates and bottom angles. A numerical method is used to compute the flow from the source for small values of flow rate and it is found that there is a maximum flow rate beyond which steady solutions do not seem to exist. Limiting flows are computed for each geometrical configuration. One application of this work is as a model of saline water being returned to the ocean after desalination. References Craya, A. ''Theoretical research on the flow of nonhomogeneous fluids''. La Houille Blanche, (1):22–55, 1949. doi:10.1051/lhb/1949017 Dun, C. R. and Hocking, G. C. ''Withdrawal of fluid through

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
Employment of the Roundhouse Strategy and its Impact on Academic Achievement and Core Thinking
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The aim of this research is to employ the roundhouse strategy to study its impact on the students achievement of the 10th grade in physics and their core thinking. After the application of the research experience and gaining data, which was processed statistically using the statistical packages program (SPSS). The results of the researcher revealed the superiority of the students of the experimental group who studied using the roundhouse strategy on the students of the control group who studied the usual method in the achievement test. As results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group and the average scores of the control group students in the core thinking test and

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