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Creative accounting practices for supply contracts and the role of internal audit in reducing them: An exploratory study on a sample of industrial companies in Iraq
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                The internal control is the tool through which it is possible to verify and ensure the implementation of tasks in accordance with the established plans and programs and to evaluate the level of performance that is implemented within the different companies.

A guarantee from the supplier with the absence of a specialized technical committee that follows up the stages of implementing the contract and disbursing all amounts of financial dues to the supplier before completing the implementation of the contract and overlooking the non-implementation of some clauses of the contract by the committee in charge of examination and receipt, and finally the lack of commitment to the correct accounting classification of the disbursement operations. The aim of the study is to highlight the importance of auditing procedureAnd identifying the nature and forms of accounting creativity and indicating its importance in auditing contracts and demonstrating the efficiency of the systems, laws and legislation issued by the Bureau of Financial Supervision, while determining the nature of the impact of the relationship between the internal audit system and accounting creativity in the research sample, based on the analysis of the responses of the individuals selected for the study. The study was based on a basic hypothesis that there is a statistical relationship between activating the role of internal auditing and reducing the methods of accounting creativity.

That is, the higher the levels of application of proactive control and previous auditing, the higher the levels of accounting creativity, and vice versa. The study reached commitment to the professional rules issued by the competent authorities, the provision of the appropriate number of trained financial controllers, and the provision of work requirements that help the auditor to exercise his oversight work with ease and high accuracy, in addition to the application of proactive control. And the previous audit and the establishment of training courses for workers in the operating control authorities with activating the role of the internal auditor and providing everything he needs

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effects of thumb sucking habit on the development of malocclusions in preschool age children in Hilla city
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Background: habit is any purposeless action repeated unconsciously. It is a sign of lack of harmony between the subject and the surrounding environment. Deleterious oral habits such as finger sucking could be one of the etiological factors for altered oro-facial growth development. This study conducted to explore the association between finger sucking habit and malocclusion in deciduous dentition. Materials and method: Totally 40 chronic thumb sucker and 40 controls matching in age and gender were enrolled in the study. A study conducted by verifying different occlusal trait through the intra-oral examination. Thumb sucking habit diagnosed using data gathered from parents. Results: The statistical analysis showed a highly significant dif

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 15 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Poultry Science
Effects of Ionized Water on Certain Egg Quality Traits and the Levels of Proteins and Enzymes in the Blood of the Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica
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Objective: This experiment was conducted to study the effects of ionized water on certain egg quality traits and the levels of proteins and enzymes in the blood of the Japanese quail Coturnix japonica . Materials and Methods: One hundred 42-day-old quail were randomly distributed among five treatment groups with four replicates for each group. The following treatments were used: T1 (control): The birds were provided normal water, T2: The birds were provided alkaline water (pH = 8), T3: The birds were provided alkaline water (pH = 9), T4: The birds were provided acidic water (pH = 6) and T5: The birds were provided acidic water (pH = 5). A Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was used to investigate the effects of the studied treatments on diffe

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Ways to face rumors in the social networking site Facebook: Research thesis from the PhD thesis
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The research deals with the subject of «ways to face rumors in the site of social networking Facebook», a research based on a doctoral thesis, as the research dealt with rumors in the most dangerous type of new media, which sites of social communication with the global community as spreading rumors of all kinds and afflicts everyone who has eyes on him Of the audience of these sites, and aims to identify the rumors on Facebook because it is one of the most popular sites in the world and the strategy of combating the rumors published by Facebook users in their personal pages and groups that organize them, as well as identify methods and methods that can be During which the face of the rumors in the said site and eliminate them t

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Effect of sedimentary source on the properties of sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals in some soils of the alluvial plain
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This study was conducted on the effect of the sedimentary source (the sediments coming from both the Iraqi-Iranian borderline and the Tigris river) on the optical and textural features, especially sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals (potassium and plagioclase types) in soils of the southern part of the alluvial plain. Eight pedons were selected to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galati), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni), the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi was represented the mixing area of sediments of all the floods coming from the borderline and the sediments o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Employment educational and artistic style of fiction in the textbook materials
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Find goal to detect educational and technical staffing of style fiction in book reading school materials so determine the current research on the specific book reading in fourth grade of primary for the academic year 2014 issued by the Ministry of Education / Republic Iraq stories. Come in the importance of research to draw attention to the best of these stories and strengthened, and the negative deny it and claim his deportation in order to protect the thought of the learner, and the study may contribute to the development of some frameworks to write a story appropriate for elementary school. This McCann within the first chapter The second chapter included the theoretical framework has been contained on two main sections included the co

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finite strain of the Tertiary rocks and their relation to tectonic deformation at Al-Tib Anticline in Missan governorate, Southeastern part of Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finite strain of the Tertiary rocks and their relation to tectonic deformation at Al-Tib Anticline in Missan governorate, Southeastern part of Iraq
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This paper presents the finite strain results from seven oriented samples data on Tertiary sandstone of Muqdadiya Formation and (400) samples of pebbles and conglomerate of Bai –Hassan Formation at the southwestern limb of Al-Tib Anticline in the Southeastern part of Iraq. Measurement and analysis of finite strain are carried out including these rocks at fluvio- lacustrine environment. The present study followed Fry method. The computed strain was, in the form of ellipses, within three prepared perpendicular  planes in a single sample and Center to Center method was used to determine the strain ratio of the these samples. The strain in the studied area is low, this is mainly due to the sampled rocks underwent brittle deformation d

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Study of the Spectroscopic Performance of Laser Produced CdTe(x):S(1-x) Plasma
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In this work, the plasma parameters (electron temperature (Te), electron density( ne), plasma frequency (fp) and Debye length (λD)) have been studied by using the spectrometer that collect the spectrum of Laser produce CdTe(X):S(1-X) plasma at X=0.5 with different energies. The results of electron temperature for CdTe range 0.758-0.768 eV also the electron density 3.648 1018 – 4.560 1018 cm-3  have been measured under vacuum reaching 2.5 10-2 mbar .Optical properties of CdTe:S were determined through the optical transmission method using ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer within the r

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering
Evaluation the Level of Service of Signalized Intersection: Al-Amreia Intersection as a Case Study
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Abstract<p>One of the main element in the network is the intersection which consider as the critical points because there are many conflict in this element. The capability and quality of operation of an intersection was assessed to provide a better understanding of the network's traffic efficiency. In Baghdad city, the capital of/Iraq the majority of the intersections are operated under the congestion status and with level of service F, therefore theses intersection are consider as high spot point of delay in the network of Baghdad city. In this study we selected Al-Ameria signalized intersection as a case study to represent the delay problem in the intersections in Baghdad. The intersection is located in the w</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Objectivity of the Liaison in the Iraqi Media Institutions (Al Mada, Azzaman, Al-Sumaria, Aletejah Instituations & Satalite Channels as a Model)
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Objectivity is the common denominator between the qualities and elements of a news story that is described as the mother of journalistic arts. When there is doubt about the authenticity of the information contained in the press, whether readable, audible or visual, it means that there is an imbalance in objectivity. When, furthermore, there is an incorrect and intentional use of words in order to influence readers, it means to move away from objectivity as a necessary element in the success of the media institution; and the success of its editorial material.

But the objective interpretation may take several dimensions to the liaison. For the purpose of grasping the interpretation of objectivity among those liaisons working in the

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