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Performance Auditing Of Hotels Sector Under (Covid-19) And It’s Reflection On The Outcome Of Activity


              The hotel sector is one of the most vital sectors exposed to risks, and the authorities concerned with control must take their active and influential role in putting the hotel sector on the right track and compatible with the internationally approved approaches, and the importance of auditing the performance of the hotel sector in light of the (Covid-19) pandemic is embodied in the fact that it gives a clear and realistic picture to the management and regulatory bodies about the performance and activities of this sector and the shortcomings and deviations that must be addressed, and also helps government decision makers to obtain appropriate information about the performance and activities of this The sector and the extent to which it can develop its performance in the future , Therefore, the research sought to identify the (Covid-19) pandemic that occurred during the research period and its reflection on the performance of the hotel Research sample, as well as to identify the reality of auditing the hotel Research sample and develop indicators to measure the performance of the sector and identify its reflection on the result of the activity, and the research problem lies in the impact of the (Covid-19) pandemic on the hotel sector, which was represented in the decline in revenues derived from the operational activities it performs, as this pandemic led to a weak turnout of customers to the hotel, which was reflected On the percentage of accommodation in hotel rooms and revenues derived from services provided to guests, The research was based on the premise that the outbreak of the (Covid-19) pandemic affects hotel performance and is reflected as a result of the activity, and the research reached several conclusions, the most important of which is that during the year 2020, the impact of the (Covid-19) pandemic was reflected on the performance of the hotel The research sample and the result of its activity, as the room occupancy rate reached its lowest level compared to other years under research due to the weak turnout of Iraqi guests as a result of the imposition of a curfew in Iraq, as well as the lack of turnout of guests from outside Iraq, especially in The second and third quarters of the year due to the strict measures of most countries, which resulted in the closure of airports and the suspension of flights to other countries, and the research reached several recommendations, the most important of which is the need for the hotel management to conduct a serious study to find alternative investment opportunities that contribute to increasing the hotel's resources, which would reduce the impact of such a pandemic on the result of the activity.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Factors Effecting on Welding Joint of Dissimilar Metals

The aim of this work is to study the factors that affect the welding joint of dissimilar metals. Austenitic stainless steel-type AISI (316L) with a thickness of (2mm) was welded to carbon steel (1mm) using an MIG spot welding.  The filler metal is a welding wire of the type E80S-G (according to AWS) is used with (1.2mm) diameter and CO2 is used as shielding gas with flow rate (7L/min) for all times was used in this work.

        The results indicate that the increase of the welding current tends to increase the size of spot weld, and also increases the sheer force.  Whereas the sheer force increased inversely with the time of welding. Furthermore, the results indicate that i

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
النشاط الائتماني للمصرف الصناعي العراقي مقارنة بين نشاطيه التخصصي والشامل

         يواجه المصرف تحولات عديدة أثناء سير عمله ولا سيما قد تحول من مصرف صناعي يسعى الى تحقيق التنمية الصناعية ، من خلال منحه قروض وتسهيلات تنموية وتدعمه الدوله ، الى مصرف شامل يسعى الى تحقيق الربحية في ظل تنويع الأنشطة والخدمات والعمليات الائتمانية.يهدف البحث الى دراسة التحولات التي حدثت في المصرف الصناعي، وتأثير هذا التحول على النشاط الائتماني. وقد استند في ذلك على فرضية رئيسة وهي :-

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of One-Axis Daily Tracking and Fixed PV Module in Baghdad, Iraq

An attempt was made to evaluate the PV performance of one-axis daily tracking and fixed system for Baghdad, Iraq. Two experimental simulations were conducted on a PV module for that purpose. Measurements included incident solar radiation, load voltage and load current. The first experiment was carried out for six months of winter half of year to simulate the one-axis daily tracking. The azimuth angle was due south while the tilt angle was being set to optimum according to each day of simulation. The second experiment was done at one day to simulate the PV module of fixed angles. It is found that there is a significant power gain of 29.6% for the tracking system in respect to the fixed one. The one-axis daily tracking was much more effect

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Electrospinning Parameters on Morphological and Mechanical Properties of PAN-based Nanofibers Membrane

The electrospun nanofibers membranes (ENMs) have gained great attention due to their superior performance. However, the low mechanical strength of ENMs, such as the rigidity and low strength, limits their applications in many aspects which need adequate strength, such as water filtration. This work investigates the impact of electrospinning parameters on the properties of ENMs fabricated from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) solved in N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF). The studied electrospinning parameters were polymer concentration, solution flow rate, collector rotating speed, and the distance between the needle and collector. The fabricated ENMs were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to understand the surface morphology and es

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The US-Iranian dispute and its repercussions on Iraq After 2003

Receipt date: 8/8/2020 acceptance date: 9/11/2020 Publication date: 31/12/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

           The American-Iranian relations have been characterized by tensions since the arrival of the guardian jurist regime in Iran to leadership in 1979, as it was considered a turning point not only in the cont

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the reserve requirement ratio in the activity of the bank credit: Applied Research in a sample of Iraqi private banks

The research topic (The Impact of the Compulsory Reserve on the Banks Credit-an applied  research on    a sample of Iraqi banks), was chosen on basis of the Iraqi  private Banks attempts to increase their credit activities in hope to gain more profits.This coincided with  the CBI aim to back the private banking market.It is thus apparent why the CBI issued its regulation to those banks to increase their capitals up  to IDB250. On the other hand,the CBI acted as an obstacle in the way of increasing the private banks of their capitals,that is by implementing the quantitive  monetary tool  so called the compulsory reserve.This is why we intended to overlook at this contradictional  problome

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 05 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Adopting the public on satellite channels

The importance of television has emerged as an effective and influential force in the lives of societies and peoples, And not just a professional media since the fifties of the twentieth century, It was used as a platform to achieve the goals and objectives of the media and politics for governments, agencies and individuals in different countries of the world, Using many methods, methods and techniques that later became important major subjects and curricula and a scientific specialization that was founded for him to study and teach in most international universities, The media, especially television and satellite channels, play an active and significant role in managing crises and conflicts and directing them through the methods of deal

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analysis of the symbolic images in the work of Mexican theater of: "all cats are brown," the writer Carlos Fuentes and "Palinuro on the stairs," the writer Fernando del Paso

 This article briefly analyzing contemporary works appeared in theater writer from Latin America, which comes within the theme of "power." Latin American Literature, such as two-way extremely clear: the vanguard of social and attention, have arrived at certain moments to some extent be regarded as a two-way rival. That desire to participate in the revolution of expression and artistic significance, has appeared evident in the literature of Latin America in the late nineteenth century and ended in the third decade of the twentieth century. The writers that stage would prefer not to serve the objectives of the revolution of Arts own but the objectives of social and political revolution that stimulate the world. These acts were issued

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 16 2022
Journal Name
Arab Journal For Plant Protection
Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis Isolates and Biologically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Cellulase Enzyme Activity in Workers' Digestive System of the Termite Microcerotermes diversus Silv

Kamel, S.H., R.F. Al-Jassani and H.A. Al-Shammari. 2022. Effects of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis Isolates and Biologically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Cellulase Enzyme Activity in Workers' Digestive System of the Termite Microcerotermes diversus Silv. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 40(4): 315-324. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different bacterial isolates of P. fluorescens and B. t. tenebrionis and silver nanoparticles on the activity of the cellulase enzyme in termites' middle digestive system and its role in glucose release by treating cellulose media with bacterial strains and nanoparticles. Ultraviolet spectroscopy re

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Linguistic and Conceptual Equivalence of Conner’s Revised Scales When Applied on a Sudanese Sample

This study investigates the Linguistic and Conceptual equivalence of Conner’s Revised Scales when applied on a Sudanese sample. Sudanese parents and teachers completed behavior-rating scales on a stratified sample of 200 children. These instruments were based on Conner’s parent -48 and teacher-28 questionnaires. Following a reliable translation into Sudanese Arabic the test-retest reliability of the items and the internal consistency of the original Conner’s' revised scales were explored. The associations between scale scores and between parents and teachers scores were also examined. Both instruments displayed good reliability and the original Conners scales had satisfactory internal consistency. The inter-correlation sugg

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