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Using cleaner production costs to achieve sustainable competitive advantage
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                Target costing and cleaner production are among the most important techniques in the field of cost and management accounting, which, when integrated, enable economic units to achieve the goal of cost management by reducing it by calculating cost more accurately than traditional methods.To achieve this, the researcher relied on the inductive approach in writing the theoretical framework for the research, relying on foreign and Arabic books, dissertations and university theses, foreign and Arabic research and periodicals related to the subject of the research, and relying on the descriptive and analytical approach in the aspect of applied research based on a set of means such as financial data, personal interviews and field visits. Fayd Al-Qassim Metal Industries Company, and the cooling product was chosen, which is one of the products of Fayd Al-Qassim Metal Industries Company, with the aim of improving its quality and enhancing its competitive position compared to similar products in the local markets and converting it from a traditional product to an environmentally friendly product in addition to the low cost. The researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that the application of cleaner production and measuring its costs contribute to improving the quality of the product by reducing the pollutants caused by the product and replacing materials harmful to the environment and human health with other materials that are less harmful and polluting the environment and reducing the rates of damage as a result of excluding activities that do not add value to the product or the customer. It led to reducing the cost of the product, meeting environmental requirements, increasing productivity, improving the reputation and image of the economic unit, and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the Satirical Language in Al-Hajjar's Caricatures
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The present study is a qualitative study that aims to investigate the way the Iraqi caricaturist,Dheaa Al-Hajjar uses caricatures to produce a satirical meaning humorously.Producing satire while at the same maintaining humor requires a creative thinking on the part of the caricaturist. Thus, the study examines the production of humorous satire in terms of creativity. The analysis is done from the cognitive linguistic point of view using Arthur Koestler's theory of bisociation as presented in his book The Act of Creation in 1964. The main principle on which the theory is based is that humor is created via linking (or bisociating in Koestler's terms) two habitually incompatible trains of thought in order to come up with a novel me

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Review of the Electrical Submersible Pump Development Chronology
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The electric submersible pump, also known as ESP, is a highly effective artificial lift method widely used in the oil industry due to its ability to deliver higher production rates compared to other artificial lift methods. In principle, ESP is a multistage centrifugal pump that converts kinetic energy into dynamic hydraulic pressure necessary to lift fluids at a higher rate with lower bottomhole pressure, especially in oil wells under certain bottomhole condition fluid, and reservoir characteristics. However, several factors and challenges can complicate the completion and optimum development of ESP deployed wells, which need to be addressed to optimize its performance by maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs and uncertainties. To

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of a Wet Sulfuric Acid Process (WSA) for Utilization of Acid Gas Separated from Omani Natural Gas
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In this study, a proposed process for the utilization of hydrogen sulphide separated with other gases from omani natural gas for the production of sulphuric acid by wet sulphuric acid process (WSA) was studied. The processwas simulated at an acid gas feed flow of   5000 m3/hr using Aspen ONE- V7.1-HYSYS software. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the optimum conditions for the operation of plant. This included primarily the threepacked bed reactors connected in series for the production of sulphur trioxidewhich represented the bottleneck of the process. The optimum feed temperature  and catalyst bed volume for each reactor were estimated and then used in the simulation of the whole process for tw

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Reduced and Citation Forms as Produced by Iraqi EFL University Students at Duhok University An Error Analytic Study
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English is spoken by its native speakers in two different forms. Reduced form which marks the colloquial and rapid speech so that it is easily produced and a citation or unreduced form which is a characteristic of careful, emphasized and slow speech.

      This paper investigates Iraqi EFL university students’ production of the two forms mentioned above. The sample chosen includes twenty fourth year students, of which ten are males and the other ten are females from the Department of English of the College of Languages of the University of Duhok in Kurdistan Region of Iraq in the academic year 2020-2021.  The material tested is six connective words which represent the commonest ones in every-day co

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Increasing of Oil Field Productivity by Implementation of Re-entry Horizontal Injection Well, Case study
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Water flooding is one of the most important methods used in enhanced production; it was a pioneer method in use, but the development of technology within the oil industry, takes this subject toward another form in the oil production and application in oil fields with all types of oils and oil reservoirs. Now days most of the injection wells directed from the vertical to re-entry of full horizontal wells in order to get full of horizontal wells advantages.
This paper describes the potential benefits for using of re-entry horizontal injection wells as well as combination of re –entry horizontal injection and production wells. Al Qurainat productive sector was selected for study, which is one of the four main productive sectors of Sout

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Food Applications of Monosodium Glutamate Salt Produced from Bacillus subtilis EN3A1-P19U7
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The aim of this study was to get monosodium glutamate (MSG) flavor, which was obtained from glutamic acid, that produced from local isolated from Bacillus subtilis EN3A1-P19U7 which genetically improved, from Bacillus subtilis EN3A1-P19U7, and applied in sausage chicken meat, mayonnaise and vegetable and lentil soup, it has been added MSG product in this study at different concentrations with the use of chicken broth cubes (Maggi) as a commercial flavor for comparison, and it was conducted sensory evaluation of these products and found that the addition of MSG product this study at the level of 0.6% to the sausage chicken and 0.6% to the mayonnaise and 0.15% to the vegetable and lentil soup, the results of sensory evaluation show not signif

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Comparison between the Product-Refill and the Equalization Oxygen Pressure Swing Adsorption Processes
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This work presents a design for a pressure swing adsorption process (PSA) to separate oxygen from air with approximately 95% purity, suitable for different numbers of columns and arrangements. The product refill PSA process was found to perform 33% better (weight of zeolite required or productivity) than the pressure equalization process. The design is based on the adsorption equilibrium of a binary mixture of O2 and N2 for two of the most commonly used adsorbents, 5A & 13X, and extension from a single column approach. Zeolite 13X was found to perform 6% better than zeolite 5A. The most effective variables were determined to be the adsorption step time and the operational pressure. Increasing the adsorption step

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of green colour on glass quality
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The study of green colour in glass has a special importance on the glass quality, specially the effect of ferrous oxides content of the limestone. Results obtained that there was a reduction in green colour when different ferrous oxide contents in the limestone were added in glass production, limestone sources from two quarries, and the first contains 0.67% ferrous oxide and the second posses less ferrous oxide.

Reduction of green colour showed higher transmittance12% and it could be suggested that reduction of ferrous oxides content in the limestone is of special importance on the optical properties of glass.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 20 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Poultry Sciences Journal
A precision use of thermostat in livestock monitoring system in a poultry house
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Nowadays, many new technologies developed in a lot of countries. These technologies are promising in many areas such as environmental monitoring, precision agriculture as well as in animal production. The purpose of this study was to define a better understanding of how new and advanced technologies affect the agriculture and livestock sector alike. Although agriculture and animal husbandry are among the most important sectors, advanced equipment and information technology cannot be used adequately. This situation leads to low production efficiency. It is also known that there can be a significant difference in temperature between the position of the climate control sensor (room temperature) and the area occupied by the animal. This study e

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The use of Prepared Zeolite Y from Iraqi kaolin for Fluid Catalytic Cracking of Vacuum Gas Oil
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The faujasite type Y zeolite catalyst was prepared from locally available kaolin. For prepared faujasite type NaY zeolite X-ray, FT-IR, BET pore volume and surface area, and silica/ alumina were determined. The Xray and FT-IR show the compatibility of prepared catalyst with the general structure of standard zeolite Y. BET test shows that the surface area and pore volume of prepared catalyst were 360 m2 /g and 0.39 cm3 /g respectively.
The prepared faujasite type NaY zeolite modified by exchanging sodium ion with ammonium ion using ammonium nitrate and then ammonium ion converted to hydrogen ion. The maximum sodium ion exchange with ammonium ion was 53.6%. The catalytic activity of prepared faujasite type NaY, NaNH4Y and NaHY zeolites

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