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Achieving the rule of tax justice\Adopting the application of the international standard IFRS 15: Applied research in the General Authority for Taxes - Companies Department
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                The research aims to achieve the basis of tax justice by making a comparison between the tax accounting process according to the application of the International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS15 and the tax accounting procedures currently used in the General Authority for Taxes to determine the annual and total tax differences, to give credibility and enhance transparency in the reports and financial statements of companies Long-term contracts when prepared in accordance with the requirements of applying the international standard IFRS15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”, which increases the possibility of relying on them when calculating taxes. Thus, the research problem is how to achieve the tax justice base for the two parties to the tax accounting according to the adoption of the application of the international standard IFRS 15 by the long-term contracting companies, which makes the General Tax Authority account these companies annually according to what the financial statements show to reach the annual tax amount. The research is based on a basic hypothesis that adopting the application of the international standard IFRS 15 when conducting tax accounting achieves the basis of tax justice for long-term contracting companies and the public treasury of the state.

         After studying and analyzing the financial statements of some long-term contracting (construction) companies, the research showed a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that the application of the international standard IFRS 15 will not affect the total revenues, whether when applying the previous international accounting standards or the local accounting systems (the unified accounting system and the Iraqi accounting base No. / 1), but changes in the policy of its distribution over the life of the contract in conjunction with the fulfillment of the performance obligations of the contract, which contributes to achieving the tax justice base for the two parties to tax accountability, and the research also showed a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of applying the international standard IFRS 15 by long contracting

companies The term, in order to contribute to the realization of the tax justice base when conducting the tax accounting process for construction companies to develop treatments for the obstacles that hinder the process of adopting the international standard IFRS15, through the study of laws, regulations and instructions that conflict with the application of the standard, on top of which is Income Tax Law No. 113 of 1982. (Amended).

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Applying the Percentage of Complete Method or the Complete Contract One on the Taxation of the Long – Term Construction Contracts: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب – قسم الشركات
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The research aims to shed light on the amount of proceeds annual tax for each of the way the contract total and percentage of completion method - see which is better - as well as the current problems arising from the application method of the contract in full in settling accounts tax - to identify problems - related to postpone settling accounts tax in accordance with the way the contract fully and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods through practical application , and then use the results as inputs to help in the decision to confirm the continuation of the GCT using a full decade in settling accounts tax for long-term construction contracts or forgo them.

Were the result of research the existence of

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation the Procedure for Recognition of Income Tax to Reduce Tax Evasion: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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  Tax state institution regards as one of the largest state institutions implementing the tax rules issuing be legislative body and achieving the goals of tax (financial, economic, social and political). So, the tax management should pay attention to the procedures enabling it to achieve those rules starting from the procedures of tax restrict and ending by tax allocation where the process of assessment the taxation must relaxing on modern methods. The problem of the study raising from that in spite of there is a low  obliging the taxable person (registered or not) to submit a declaration about his income and the achieved profit to be the base of taxation˒ where the other ways  are secondary ways helping in rejection of t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The aim of the research is to identify to what extent to which Malcolm Baldrige standards of total quality are applied in the after-sales services of a private sector company for electrical appliances, from the point of view of administrative leaders, in it. To achieve this aim a questionnaire has been used to measure the degree of application of Malcolm’s seven criteria for total quality, namely: (leadership, strategic planning, focus on the customer, measurement and analysis and knowledge management, focus in human resource and operation management and results of the company’s management), the research found that the company achieved a good level of the standard from the de

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Elements of the economic intelligence of the organization and its role in achieving economic growth: Applied research
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   The aim of the research is to demonstrate of the relation and the influence of the components of economic intelligence (strategic alertness, information security policy, impact policy) in achieving of economic growth (creativity, competitiveness, quality improvement). The questionnaire was used as a main tool for selected sample. Answers analyzed by using the statistical program (SPSS)  to calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, weight percentage, correlation, F test, and Squared factor (R2).

 The research derived its importance from the distinguished role of information systems in the work of industrial companies, and its impact toward achieving economic growth rates in its various activities. T

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of strategic cohesion in achieving organizational prosperity: Applied research in the National Insurance Company
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                The research aims to shed light on strategic cohesion and its dimensions represented by (strategic logic, organizational excitement, organizational founding, organizational synergy) and measure its impact on achieving organizational prosperity and its dimensions represented by (intellectual capital, innovation, infrastructure, organizational agility, sustainable competitive advantage). The research problem emerged by raising the main question, which is: Does the management of the researched company realize the importance of practicing strategic cohesion and its role in achieving organizational pros

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of International Monetary Fund in Planning monetary policy for Developing the Iraqi economy: An Applied Research for the Period (2004-2013)
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The developing countries, like our country Iraq suffer from deep comprehensive structural crisis, manifestations and a clear imbalance between the demand and the supply sides. The overall imbalance in the external balance. As a consequence, this caused the accumulation of foreign debts or failure in the implementation of economic development programs. The countries which are forced to resort to the International Monitoring Funds, and the World Bank for assistance and to express an opinion on policies that include restrictions controls that belong to the monetary, and fiscal side group, imposed on the economies crisis, as a condition for returning to normal which called reform programs. The organize of the events of radical changes in the

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between organizational justice and empowerment and their impact on achieving organizational commitment (field study in the Department of Labor and Vocational Training)
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The research has deal with the relationship between organizational justice and empowerment and their impact on the achievement of organizational commitment in the office of Labour and Vocational Training. To study the research problem which is represented a sense that employees with low levels of organizational justice and empowerment and the reflection on the organizational commitment of the employees, so that Has been collecting data and information relating to research by designing a questionnaire, were distributed to a sample of (50) people in the office mentioned, and the results of the study to confirm the research hypotheses. and the key results of the research was the presence of correlation relationships and the effect o

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of IFRS 16 on the quality of financial reporting For the Iraqi economic units Applied to the General Company of Iraqi Airways
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The rental activity receives "significant" interest from accounting organizations interested in issuing accounting standards worldwide, such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). As leases represents an important source of finance for economic units as an alternative to financing assets through purchase or borrowing. Professional organizations have focused on addressing the situation of extra-budgetary funding through which the lessee hides many leases that are classified as financing without It shows in the budget, which gives an incorrect picture of the reality of the financial situation of economic unity, IASB has issued IFRS 16, which terminates off- Balance s

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The contribution of the tax authorities to increase the tax revenues: An applied research on a sample of the supporting bodies in the health sector for the period 1998-2008
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the research was exposed to a study the importance of the role of the supportive entities in providing the useful information to the tax administration and their ability to extend the level of the tax base of taxpayers, through the improvement of the tax payers determination and their tax settle for the purpose of increasing the tax revenue, and shed light on the legal evidence through which these entities become officially assigned to perform a supplementary task to the General Committee for Taxes GCT, to help it to perform its task efficiently, and to study the reasons of the weak cooperation of the supportive entities and their reluctance to provide useful information which leads to limiting the tax base.

The research data hav

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adopting International Financial Reporting Standard No. (9) Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement of Accounting for Shares and its Reflection on the Financial Statements of Companies
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Many financial institutions invest their surplus funds in stocks, either to obtain dividends or for trading purposes and to obtain profits from the difference between the cost and the selling price, and investment in shares represents an important part of the financial position of financial institutions applying to the common accounting system of banks and insurance companies, in addition to their impact It is clear on the result of the activity of these institutions.The aim of the research is to define what the shares and their types are, and to indicate the accounting treatments needed to move towards the process of adopting the International Financial Reporting Standard No. (9) and its reflection on its financial statements. I

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