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The effect of progressive income tax on inflation in Iraq for the period from 1995 to 2020 : applied research
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                Inflation is one of the important issues that the economic authorities in all countries of the world care about, where the loss of money for its function is one of the most important and largest inflationary effects that this phenomenon leaves on the economy, and Iraq, like other countries, has had its share of the problem of inflation for a long time due to the circumstances that He went through it, whether it was the wars he fought or the economic blockade that was imposed on him in the nineties of the last century. Economically, the problem of inflation is addressed through the use of fiscal policy tools, including tax increases in order to absorb the cash surplus. Therefore, the research problem was an attempt to answer the following question And during the research period from 1995 to 2020: _ Do progressive income taxes affect inflation rates? In order to achieve the aim of the research, a descriptive-inductive method was chosen in presenting the theoretical foundations, while on the applied side, the analytical and quantitative approach was used to analyze the financial data obtained from the General Authority for Taxes and the Ministry of Planning.

                 The researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are:

 1- The inflation rate began to rise significantly in Iraq in the nineties, especially after the decisions of economic sanctions, and the inflation recorded a remarkable increase, reaching its highest rate in 1995, then the rate decreased in 1996 after Iraq’s agreement with the United Nations (oil for food and medicine) and the problem of inflation increased after the events of 2003, due to the cessation of productive institutions from work and the imbalance between the economic sectors.

 2- The inflation rate decreased in 2009, reaching 2.8%, due to the coordinated measures between monetary and fiscal policy in order to achieve economic stability and eliminate inflation and recession.

 3- According to the results of the functions that appeared in the statistical analysis: Income tax had no significant effect on inflation, which indicates that the imposition of income tax is not considered a solution to this economic problem (inflation).

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Emotional Tranquility For The Student Applied And It Relationship To Cognitive Representation Of Experience Curriculum.
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The role of teacher of kindergarten plays an important role in the educational institution for kindergarten role in  the educational institution  for kindergarten and the failure of its role in the development of the mental processes  of children kindergarten means failing in this institution .and hence the importance and effectiveness of the role of the student applied section kindergarten application period it is there fore necessary to be aware of the importance of learning. in preschool and good professional setting and enjoy a significant level of psychological and social systems and mental qualities and study is the urgent need to find generations hare systematic thinker's mind so stay away from memorization and trad

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Change of the Total Solar Radiation Above Baghdad City for the Period from 1985.1989 By Using Satellite Antenna Data
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 The solar radiation plays an important role on the energy balance of the earthatmosphere, which is the main source of energy.  Also the solar radiation is a main factor of all applications which use a solar energy as renewable energy source.  The purpose of this research is to study the monthly average changes for solar radiation for the period from 1985 to 1989 by using satellite Antenna Alignment from (NASA). The result shows that the monthly average radiation changes from one year to another because of the changing of it component of atmosphere, (gases, clouds and Aerosols) and as an enhancement for this conclusion, we compared the results with the monthly average radiation at clear atmosphere where the change was slig

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Problematic of Non Performing Banking Loans in Iraq and the Methods of Treatment
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The banking system considered as one of the most important intermediate circle between creditor and debtors it is mean the most important funding rings in economic activity, whether finance takes the a consumer or investment form and therefore it is the main base to stimulate economic activity both on the demand side, both consumption and investment and therefore of the main motivating factors for economic growth.

The banking system depends in achieve its goals on the grants and loan recovery, or what is known credit process and according to what the importance referred to the role of the banking system, it is important to ensure the safety and efficiency of the mechanisms of banking device and safety is

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
فارسی Practical application of Jean René Ladmiral's model in translation from Arabic to Persian: کاربست عملی الگوی ژان رنه لادمیرال در ترجمه از عربی به فارسی
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Translation is a dynamic and living process that cannot be considered equal to the original text and requires the appropriate structure, language, thought and culture of the target language, and the translator's intellectual, linguistic and cultural influences inadvertently penetrate into the translated text. It causes heterogeneity of the destination text with the source text.

Admiral's theory is trying to help by providing components and suggested approaches to resolve these inconsistencies. In the meantime, in addition to the mission of putting words together, the translator must sometimes sit in the position of the reader and judge and evaluate the translated text in order to understand its shortcomings and try to correct it a

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Tharthar-Tigris Canal on the Environmental Properties of the Tigris River Northern Baghdad, Iraq
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The present study is considered the first on this sector of the Tigris River after 2003. It is designed for two aims, the first is to demonstrate the seasonal variations in physicochemical parameters of Tharthar-Tigris Canal and Tigris River; the second is to explain the possible effects of canal on some environmental properties in the Tigris River. Water samples were being collected monthly. Six sampling sites were selected, two on Tharthar Canal and four along the Tigris River, one before the confluence as a control site and the others downstream the confluence with the canal. For a period from January to December 2020, nineteen physicochemical parameters were investigated including air and water temperature, turbidity, electrical cond

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Study for the Informal Settlement Supposed to Be Distributed by the Iraq Government for Poor People in Baghdad City - Republic of Iraq
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This paper set forth the spatial suitability of the informal settlement supposed to be distributed by the Iraqis government to poor people. The Iraqi government identified 9 locations of informal settlement in Baghdad city and acceptance it as a reality as a help for them to getting home. In this paper I discovered the suitability of those locations which one will be suitable more than others for living. The analysis process was applied using the GIS environment – spatial analysis. According to the results, It has been identified as the most important measures to identify which one of these areas suitable for development for housing by using some criteria (Distance from the city center, Proximity from transport routes, Proximity of high v

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of music therapy in lowering high blood pressure in patients with diseases of sugar
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      Faces of the individual in his life many stressful events, which includes expertise undesirable, and events may involve a lot of sources of tension and the risk factors and threats in all areas of life, and this would make the stressful events play a role in the genesis of many diseases physical.            

The high blood pressure is one of the most Actual manifestations of mental stress in the present scale physical disorders which may frequently in men relative to women, which may be caused by spasms in the blood vessels.      

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
معالجة التضخم في الاقتصاد العراقي
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لا يتسع هنا المجال لأستعراض كامل الخلفيات التاريخية التي انتجت اوضاعنا الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية المتأزمة الحالية، وجل ما يمكن قوله هو ان الشعب العراقي وخلال ما يربو على ربع قرن لم يحصد سوى عدد من الحروب والعقوبات الدولية فالازمات التي ولدت الرعب والجوع المستمر للشعب حتى يومنا هذا.

لقد كان الاقتصاد الوطني اول واكبر المتضررين من تلك الازمات ومن سياسات الدولة غير العقلانية فكانت ال

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance evaluation criteria"Applied Study in the General Company for the manufacture of glass and ceramics"
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Contemporary management is interested in the process of performance assessment  because of its significance in the field of planning and controlling the multiactiveties to attain its goals and uncovering digression of virtual performance after comparing it with the plan or equitable performance.

Digression is analyzed to enable management control centers of authority.

Assessment process significance is closely related by setting definite categories to evaluate the economic activity to know the ability to achieves aims.

This study concentrated on the most important categories that used to evaluate  company understudy with ather categories suggested to complete assessment process.

This study is in

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Prevalence of Parasites in the Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Zakho City, Kurdistan-Iraq
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Pigeons have accompanied humans since ancient time because they are used as a source of food, pets, hobby, and religious symbols. Pigeons have shown high prevalence rate of infection with gastrointestinal helminths and protozoan. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic infections in the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica) from October, 2017 to April, 2018, purchased from bird market of Zakho City, Kurdistan region. The samples were taken from 50 adult pigeons (28 males and 22 females). The birds were transferred to Parasitology Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Zakho University. In the laboratory, each bird was sacrificed and immediately the feather and skin of under wings, chest and the rest of the

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