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The initiative of the Central Bank of Iraq and its impact on some banking activities provided by private Islamic banks
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Islamic banks are distinguished by providing banking activities that are unique in providing them from the rest of the other types of banks, and these activities are a group of banking services provided by the bank to its customers, whether these banking activities are tangible or intangible. At the same time, it is a source of bank profits, as Islamic banks impose a percentage of Islamic Murabaha on those banking activities , However, these banks have developed new services that they provide with the funds of the Central Bank initiative launched at the beginning of (2016) due to the economic conditions that befell the country due to the (financial security) crisis that the country faced in 2014. To put forward initiatives, and among these initiatives is the initiative of the (1 trillion) Iraqi dinars, which was put forward by private commercial and Islamic banks .

The importance of research is highlighted in knowing the positive or negative impact that the Central Bank of Iraq’s initiative has on the activities offered by Islamic banks (the private sector) and on the activities of these banks. Islamic self-banking , As the research started from a basic assumption based on the success of the Central Bank of Iraq in its initiatives to support small projects, which amounted to (2 trillion) dinars, by positively affecting the operations and activities of private Islamic banks, The research relied on the inductive, deductive and analytical approach in analyzing the annual data of the initiatives submitted by Islamic banks according to the participation of Islamic banks in the research sample, and the research has several achievements, most notably (non-traditional monetary policies are one of the most important tools that central banks resort to at the time of crises , As happened during the Great Depression of 1929-1932 or the global financial crisis of 2008) and to a set of recommendations, the most important of which is (the use of unconventional monetary policy came to confront some financial crises, and since the seed of these crises has sprouted in the environment of the banking system, so it has become It is necessary to study the ways to improve the status of the banking system and develop transparency and safety procedures, as well as setting the necessary controls to prevent practices that are harmful to banking activity.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تصميم نظام مقترح لتخصيص مهام العمل لمحطات العمل وباعتماد الطرق الاجتهادية دراسة حال في الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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This research work dealt with the problem of layout the production line of engine of fan roof at the General Company for Electrical Industries (GCEI). It was observed that the assembly line of engine was unstable and subject to severe fluctuations. In addition the execution of tasks at some stations was observed to be very fast while at other stations was slow. This phenomenon resulted into bottlenecks between workstations, idle time, and work in process. The system design was used to assign tasks to work stations according to different heuristics (Ranked Positional weight techniques, longest Task Time, Most following tasks, Shortest tasks time, Least number of following task).

The study revealed that th

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استخدام قبعات التفكير الست على اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية واستبقائها لدى طالبات الصف الرابع الادبي في مادة التاريخ
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Problem: Find dimensions of the problem by answering the following question: what the effect of using the Six Thinking Hats strategy to acquire the historical concepts and retain the fourth-grade students in the subject of literary history. Importance of research: current research is gaining importance in many ways, including: 1. Keep pace with the new in the field of education and modern educational strategies. 2. Shed light on innovative education strategy in the teaching of history, which is one of the materials that need to renew the tragedy of instruction methods for students. 3. Out of the monotony and traditional way of teaching to a method and a new strategy to develop the teacher and the learners thinking skills through various

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Qur'anic rhetorical nuances in Persian literature: تاثيردقایق و لطایف بلاغی قرآن كريم در ادب فارسی
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Abstract: Persian literature, after the spread of Islam in Pars, received a lot of influence from the subtle and rhetorical details of the Holy Quran. This effect is more in poetry than in prose because the weights of Persian poetry are closer to the melody of the Qur'an and its weights.The effectiveness of most of the prose works is only in the Quranic themes and words. Persian poetry that has benefited from various sciences of rhetoric, including semantics, eloquence and rhetoric. The degree and manner of influence of each of the didactic, lyrical, epic and travelogue literary types is different from the rhetorical points of the Quran. The instructions under educational literature have benefited the least from Quranic rhetoric. The max

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الفارابي للعلوم النسانية
اثر استراتيجية نجمتين وامنية في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط م . د . انور عباس محمد
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يهدف البحث الى التعرف على اثر استراتيجية نجمتين وامنية في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسطولتحقيق هدف البحث تم اتباع المنهج التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي وتم تحديد مجتمع البحث بطلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط لجميع المدارس الثانموية والمتوسط التابعة لمديرية تربية الكرخ الثانية وتم اخنيار احد هذه المداس بصورة قصدية لتطبيق تجربة ابلبحث الحالي

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر سياسة السجلات المحاسبية المفتوحة كأحد آليات إدارة التكلفة في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية للشركات الصناعية المساهمة العامة الأردنية
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The aim of this research is to study and test the impact of the policy of open-book accounting as one of the cost management mechanisms in achieving the competitive advantage in Jordanian industrial public companies, to achieve the objectives of the study, a field study was conducted by surveying the views of a sample of the accountants of the Jordanian industrial public companies. Hence the arithmetical Means, the Standard Deviations, the Significant Value and the Simple Linear Regression are used to test the research hypotheses and to achieve the research goals. The results of the study showed that there is a statistically significant effect of the policy of open-book accounting as one of the cost management mechanisms in achieving the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
المغول في كتاب " التاريخ الغياثي " لعبد الله بن فتح الله البغدادي الغياثي (ت بعد سنة ٩٠١ هـ / ١٤٩٥م
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 10 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Trace Elements Levels in Iraqi Immunocompetent Patients with Toxoplasmosis
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Toxoplasmosis is a widespread infection usually caused by Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) parasite. It occurs in humans and other warm blooded animals, causing severe problems. It was found that there is an alteration in the trace elements concentrations levels associated with some human diseases. This study aimed to investigate the changes in the concentrations of some trace elements (Mg, Fe , Zn, and Cu) in the sera of 60 immunocompetent patients with chronic toxoplasmosis and 82 healthy individuals as a control group. Measuring the serum level of seropositivity rate of anti-T. gondii antibodies was done by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Kit, while the concentrations of trace elements were measured by absorption spectrophotometry

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Drug Information Resources in Iraqi Community Pharmacies (Conference Paper) #
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     Drug information resources are the information that is used in medications discovery, utilization, and management. Little information about different types of resources used by Iraqi community pharmacists is known. Therefore, the objectives were to determine drug information resources' type do the pharmacists used and the common drug information questions they faced during their work in community pharmacy. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in different Iraqi provinces and online self-reported survey was introduced through Google Form Software to an appropriate sample of graduated pharmacists who were working in a private community pharmacy and having at least one

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 04 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generalised Henstock - Kurzweil Integral with Multiple Point
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This paper deals with a new Henstock-Kurzweil integral in Banach Space with Bilinear triple n-tuple and integrator function Ψ which depends on multiple points in partition. Finally, exhibit standard results of Generalized Henstock - Kurzweil integral in the theory of integration.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fuzzy Soc-Semi-Prime Sub-Modules
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     In this paper, we study a new concept of fuzzy sub-module, called  fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module that is a generalization the concept of semi-prime fuzzy sub-module and fuzzy of approximately semi-prime sub-module in the ordinary sense.  This leads us to introduce level property which studies the relation between the ordinary and fuzzy sense of approximately semi-prime sub-module. Also, some of its characteristics and notions such as the intersection, image and external direct sum of fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-modules are introduced. Furthermore, the relation between the fuzzy socle semi-prime sub-module and other types of fuzzy sub-module presented.

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