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The Role of Benford’s law to appreciation the risk in financial transactions: Application study in Baghdad University

The financial fraud considers part of large concept to management and financial corruption, the financial fraud is appeared especially after corporate, that is Emerge agency theory, that is because recognize relationship between the management company and stakeholder, that is through group from constriction in order to block the management to fraud practice, that on the basis was choose another party in order fraud this practice and give opinion on financial statement, that consider basis decision making from stakeholder to basis the report auditor about creditability this is statement that reflect real activity for the company.The Auditor in order to lead work him Full professionalism to must using group from control Techniques, that is contributions to fraud detection, the Benford’s law is consider control tool and one from this Techniques that using in multiple sides in the Audit and control, and statically method provide indict to auditor about risk level in balances for accounts and transaction. The research aims to shed light the role of Auditor in risk appreciation and information control, and important Benford’s law in appreciation a fraud detection risk in financial fraud in audit.The Researchers have found gropes from conclusions its important; the Benford’s law is control tool contribution in appreciation a fraud risk actively, as well as the role it’s in the fraud detection. The researchers are grope recommendations important its should from Auditor using modern tools in audit and financial control, And the Benford’s is consider one from this technique.

Keyword: Benford’s law, fraud, detection risk.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Comparative Study of Serum Angiopoietin like Protein-8 and Hyaluronic Acid in Iraqi Hemodialysis Patients with and without T2DM

The current work was designed to investigate serum angiopoietin like protein-8 and hyaluronic acid among Iraqi hemodialysis patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus, and to find relationship between them, as well as if these patients are at risk of kidney fibrosis. Subjects & Methods: in this study, serum samples were obtained from (60) Iraqis patients with end stage renal diseases (ESRD)on hemodialysis (HD) (30 patients with T2DM (G2) and 30 patients withoutT2DM (G3)) in addition to (30) healthy individuals as a control group (G1), their ages ranged from (35-65) years. The patients attended the Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Baghdad. Results: the results in this study showed a highly a significant elevation inserum angiopoietin li

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 12 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain J Med Sci
Identifying Clinical and Biochemical Predictors of Seizures in Children with Acute Bacterial Meningitis: Insights from a Cross-Sectional Study

Background: The occurrence of seizures in bacterial meningitis is important, as it has been reported to increase the risk of complications; however, its frequency and predictors are not well studied yet. Objective: To assess the frequency, clinical, and biochemical predictors of seizures in children with acute bacterial meningitis. Method: A cross-sectional study recruited confirmed acute bacterial meningitis cases based on positive CSF culture and sensitivity among children aged 2 months to 15 years admitted to the Central Child Teaching Hospital emergency department in Iraq. Patients were divided into two groups based on seizure at presentation time. Demographic characteristics [age, gender, residence, duration of fever and disease, prese

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Publication Date
Mon May 16 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biomaterials
Histopathological and Biochemical Comparative Study of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Copper Sulphate Toxicity in Male Albino Mice Reproductive System

Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element for the efficient functioning of living organisms. Cu can enter the body in different ways, and when it surpasses the range of biological tolerance, it can have negative consequences. The use of different nanoparticles, especially metal oxide nanoparticles, is increasingly being expanded in the fields of industry and biomedical materials. However, the impact of these nanoparticles on human health is still not completely elucidated. This comparative study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) and copper sulphate (CuSO4 0.5 (H2O)) on infertility and reproductive function in male albino mice BALB/c. Body weight, the weight of male reproductive organs, mal

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Possible Protective Effects of Omega 3, Diazepam and their Combination Against Yohimbine-Induced Clonic Seizure in Mice: Comparative Study

     Yohimbine is actually confirmed in the United States to be utilized for erectile dysfunction; and recently such drug has become commonly used in body-building communities for its presumed lipolytic and sympathomimetic effects. But ingestion of such drug can bring about epileptic neurotoxic effects.

Many antiepileptic drugs can be utilized to counteract myoclonic seizure; furthermore, diazepam can be used to oppose such type of seizure; in addition, surrogate therapeutic options such as omega 3 may also be utilized.  

In this study, twenty-four (24) mice of both sexes weighing 20-25g were randomly-allocated into 4 groups (6 animals each group) as follows: Group I-

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 02 2024
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Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Pelargonium Graveolens leaf extract: characterization and anti-microbial properties (An in-vitro study)

Background In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the level of attention devoted to exploring capabilities of nanoparticles, specifically gold nanoparticles AuNPs, within context of modern times. AuNPs possess distinct biophysical properties, as a novel avenue as an antibacterial agent targeting Streptococcus Mutans and Candida Albicans. The aim of this study to create a nano-platform that has the potential to be environmentally sustainable, in addition to exhibiting exceptional antimicrobial properties against Streptococcus Mutans as well as Candida Albicans. Methods this study involved utilization of Pelargonium Graveolens leaves extract as a cost effective and environmentally sustainable app

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Energy Production And Management
Reducing Energy Consumption in Iraqi Campuses with Passive Building Strategies: A Case Study at Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering

University campuses in Iraq are substantial energy consumers, with consumption increasing significantly during periods of high temperatures, underscoring the necessity to enhance their energy performance. Energy simulation tools offer valuable insights into evaluating and improving the energy efficiency of buildings. This study focuses on simulating passive architectural design for three selected buildings at Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering (AKCOE) to examine the effectiveness of their cooling systems. DesignBuilder software was employed, and climatic data for a year in Baghdad was collected to assess the influence of passive architectural strategies on the thermal performance of the targeted buildings. The simulations revealed that the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 08 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment
High Performance Liquid Chromatographic and Areaunder Curve spectrophotometric Methods forEstimation of Cefixime in Pure and MarketedFormulation: A Comparative Study

Cefixime is an antibiotic useful for treating a variety ofmicroorganism infections. In the present work, tworapid, specific, inexpensive and nontoxic methods wereproposed for cefixime determination. Area under curvespectrophotometric and HPLC methods were depictedfor the micro quantification of Cefixime in highly pureand local market formulation. The area under curve(first technique) used in calculation of the cefiximepeak using a UV-visible spectrophotometer.The HPLC (2nd technique) was depended on thepurification of Cefixime by a C18 separating column250mm (length of column) × 4.6 mm (diameter)andusing methanol 50% (organic modifier) and deionizedwater 50% as a mobile phase. The isocratic flow withrate of 1 mL/min was applied, the temper

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The amusement of the Qur'an shown Of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, the Seal of the Messengers

The affliction is a remaining year and not a past incident, and the most evil people are the prophets - peace and blessings be upon them - and the most severe is the Imam of the Prophets Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - because they are exposed to harm from their people because of their call to a religion that violates the religion of parents and grandparents, the religion of injustice and injustice And polytheism and disbelief, and therefore the Qur'an had attitudes towards the entertainment of the people of affliction in general and our beloved - peace be upon him - in particular, this research came about the entertainment of the Qur’an for the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and many areas of ente

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2000
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

Several specimens of the avocet, Recurvirostra avocetta L. are found infected with
Himantocestus gigantivcus sp. nov. ( Cestoda , Diploposthidae) . This cestode is related to H.
blanksoni Ukoli 1965 but easily differentiated from it in having longer and wider strobila,
larger size of testes but lesser in number, cirrus situated in the middle of mature segment
histead of anterior third and slightly posterior to the middle in gravid segment instead of the
middle , ovary and vitelline gland are larger , and the uterus has more branches.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 19 2016
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences
Pre and postnatal morphological developments for the skull bones in guinea pig (Cavia cutleri)

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