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Impact of Contractual Budget In Support Of Sustainable Development Applied Research In The Ministry Of Housing And Construction And Public Municipalities
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The research starts from studying the contractual budget, which is one of the modern trends in preparing public budgets, both operational and capital, in addition to meeting the requirements of the global trend to achieve sustainable growth in all fields, whether financial or non-financial, and tools for the contractual budget have been identified (participation contracts, planning Implementation, monitoring) and studying its impact in supporting sustainable development through its dimensions (economic, social, and environmental). The method of the questionnaire was adopted as a main tool in collecting information on research variables and distributing it to a sample of (70) individuals who dictate positions of professional responsibility to achieve sustainable development. Within the directorates of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Public Municipalities, a number of statistical methods were used for the purpose of analyzing the data for the answers of the research sample and testing hypotheses through the help of the statistical program (SPSS) then verifying the validity of the hypothesis from which the research was launched and based on the results of the analysis the research was concluded with a set of conclusions and recommendations The most important of which is the necessity to rely on modern methods in preparing public budgets and preparing a prior plan that is considered as a guide. Adopting it in preparing public budgets in the future, in addition to strengthening the direction of sustainable development in state ministries, considering that they protect the rights of future generations from the current wealth.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of the Magnetic Abrasive Finishing System for Cylindrical Surfaces on the Surface Roughness and MRR
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Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the advanced finishing processes, which produces a high level of surface quality and is primarily controlled by a magnetic field. This paper study the effect of the magnetic abrasive finishing system on the material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra) in terms of magnetic abrasive finishing system for eight of input parameters, and three levels according to Taguchi array (L27) and using the regression model to analysis the output (results). These parameters are the (Poles geometry angle, Gap between the two magnetic poles, Grain size powder, Doze of the ferromagnetic abrasive powder, DC current, Workpiece velocity, Magnetic poles velocity, and Finishi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation suppliers according to the integration of the Quality Function Deployment and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
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The process of evaluating business processes, complex, repetition of procurement processes, need for raw materials and frequency of demand, which makes dealing with suppliers in the evaluation process, making the need for a process intervention in the process. Lighter on the other hand.

Many Iraqi companies suffer from problems related to suppliers, and cases of administrative and financial corruption are often raised regarding this type of contract and from this reality the necessity of researching this problem and trying to develop some solutions to reduce its impact on the companies' work, by using a method that works according to the standards adopted in Evaluation and selection of the supplier in the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analytical study on the implications of the GATS Agreement and its implications on the Egyptian banking sector
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International trade in services is becoming increasingly important as it is an economic activity that deals with invisible trade, which has become increasingly important in the balance of international trade. The establishment of the WTO is a starting point in international trade relations. It is responsible for all aspects of international trade, , And in view of the continued increase in international trade in services, the need for more internationally recognized rules has become more urgent, especially as it has been increasingly proven that the traditional framework of public services is inadequate to operate some of the most dynamic and innovative sectors of the economy. (GATS) to be the regulatory framework for this sector

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Sedimentary Structure and Determine the Diriction of the Old Current to the By Hassan Formation Northeast Iraq
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 This research deal the primary and secondary sedimentary structures in the By Hassan Formation in the three locations in the northeast of Iraq.          Can be recognize many geological structures such as cross bedding, planer bedding, graded bedding, channel structure and mud ball house deposit in the flood plain. The ether side this research study the direction of old current and sedimentary structure that made by the one direction current

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Personality types (The Enneagram) among the lecturers of Baghdad University and its relation to some variables
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The current study is aimed to identify personality types of the lecturers of Baghdad University as well as identify the prevailing types among the lecturers. In addition, the study aimed to identify the significant difference among personality types (The Enneagram) according to the variables of academic title and scientific major . One hundred and ninety four lecturers were involved in this study. In order to achieve the study's aims, the scale of (Baron& Wagele 1994) was used to measure the nine personality types (The Enneagram) that was translated by( Anwar Omar Ibrahim 2012). Some statistical analysis were used and the result demonstrated that Romantic types was found to be the most prevailing types among the lecturers of Baghdad

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine And Toxicology
Study the genotoxicity of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of adhatoda vasica on the roots of allium cepa L. By RAPD-PCR technique
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Xi'an University Of Architecture & Technology
The Effect of (Landa) Model on Acquiring Grammatical Concepts Upon His Request to the College of Administration and Economics University of Bagdad
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The current research aims to identify the impact of the (Landa) model on acquiring grammatical concepts among students of the College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad, and to achieve the research goal, the researcher has set the following hypotheses: There are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) between the average degrees Students of the experimental group who studied the Arabic language according to the (Landa) model and the marks of the students of the control group who studied the same subject in the usual way in the post test, there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) in the average differences between the test scores before and

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Surface Hardness Measurement of Stone and Improved Die Stone After the Addition of a Mixture of Chemical Additives with Different Proportion
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Background: Incorporation of chemical additives has long been a technique used to improve properties of the gypsum products. The purpose of this work was to study the effects of adding a combination of gum Arabic and calcium hydroxide to a type III dental stone and type IV improved die stone with different proportion. The effect on water/powder ratio, and surface hardness was determined. Material and method: Both material stone and die stone were blended with two proportion of additives so that each material was mixed twice but with different proportion of gum Arabic (0.1% and 0.2%) and calcium hydroxide (0.5 % and 0.3%). Data for hardness were subjected to two-way analysis of variance. Results: The results revealed that the chemical additi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Industrial Research
Study of the Effect of Epipremnum Aureum Extracts and Tribulus Terrestris L. as a Natural Alternative for the use of Industrial Antioxidants
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In this study, two types of local plants were chosen, the first is the plant golden pothos Epipremnum aureum and the second is the Iraqi Sheikh's chin plant Tribulus terrestris L, for the purpose of making a comparison between them in terms of their possession of chemical groups with antioxidant activity in order to use them as a natural alternative to using antioxidants Industrial that cause negative effects on human health, the samples were prepared using the method of water and alcohol extraction (ethanol 70%) for both plants. It revealed the presence of a number of chemical groups (tannins, carbohydrates, phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids) for both plants, the aqueous and alcoholic extracts. Coumarins are only found in the sheikh's chin pl

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 14 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
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One of the most important phenomena facing the athlete is the anxiety of sports competition, as he faces many psychological problems during training and in competitions of psychological tension, fear and anxiety that accompany him sometimes, which leads to affecting his level, and sports competition anxiety is a special type of anxiety that occurs in the athlete It is related to the attitudes of sports competitions and that participation in sports competitions and the associated emotional experiences are among the important factors that motivate the practice of sports activity and try to advance and develop his sports level. It is assumed that when the individual begins to practice any activity, he aims to reach a level or degree of achie

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