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Murabaha for real estate and its reflection on the profitability of Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank: applied research
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The Islamic Bank of Al-Nahrain offers a formula for financing the purchase of real estate through a deferred sale contract, through Murabaha to the order to buy, and the payment of the price is in the form of instalments that include (the purchase price of the profit and the mutual agreement on the real estate). This research aims to show the reflection of real estate murabaha on the bank's investments, by measuring the effect of real estate murabaha on the profits achieved by the Islamic Bank of Al-Nahrain Bank. The growth of 'real estate murabaha' realized from the 'amounts granted by Bank X, in addition to analyzing the financial ratios of profitability indicators, including (return on deposits Y2) and for the years (2016 - 2020) and semi-annually for each year. Murabaha of real estate during the year (2018) due to the change of some of the regulations related to Murabaha of real estate, but the bank was able to put in place a successful strategic plan to increase the return on Murabaha of real estate in the year (2019). Including the Corona pandemic.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
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Research On Crops
Effect of organic acid, amino acids and nano-fertilizer on growth, yield and nitrate concentration of lettuce plant under two farming systems
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Tribulus terrestris, Phoenix dactylifera and Nasturtium officinale Mixture on Some Reproductive Parameters in Male Mice
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The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the effect of the crude extracts mixture of three plants (Tribulus terrestris, Phoenix dactylifera and Nasturtium officinale) on semen quality,sex hormones and reproductive performance of mature male mice. A group of 25 male mice given 150mg/kg/day of the powder of the plants mixture with the food for four weeks and another three groups of 25 animals each given intraperitoneal injection from each of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts with a doses 75, 150, and 300mg/kg/day for two weeks. A remarkable increase in sperm concentration and motility with a decreased abnormal morphology was obtained in the experimental groups. A significant increase in hormones level were recognized in most grou

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Prediction the widths of maxillary and mandibular canines and premolars from the widths of maxillary incisors and first molars (Iraqi study)
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Background: This study aimed to use the combined mesio-distal crowns widths of maxillary incisors and first molars as predictors to the combined mesio-distal crowns widths of maxillary and mandibular canines and premolars. Materials and methods: The sample included 110 Iraqi Arab subjects with an age ranged between 17-25 years and class I skeletal and dental relations. The crown widths of maxillary teeth and mandibular canines and premolars were measured at the largest mesio-distal dimension on the study casts using digital electronic caliper with 0.01 mm sensitivity. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the relation between the combined mesio-distal crowns widths of maxillary incisors and first molars and the combined

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The question of demand: definition, divisions, and examples from the controversy of the scholars of jurisprudence.
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research summary

Praise be to Allah، and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger and His chosen one، his family، companions and his family and his family.

After that، this is a study on the question of the claim، as one of the controversial questions that are the mainstay of debates، and I looked at it: the limit of the question of the claim، its importance، its impact، its aspects of corruption، its sections، and the representation of its sections of the fundamentalist controversy;

The research was according to the following plan:

Introduction، in which she mentioned: the importance of the research topic and the reason for its selection، its questions، its l

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of the organization of markets, old and new in the holy city of Karbala
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Any city that has such a market and is organized, organized and established

And respect
Freedom of expression
Conflict resolution and conflict resolution

Which affected the growth of some markets
And religious th
The search for the return of economic and cultural activity and the emigration of some others
Cultural exchange and trade, which in turn
We took the problem that we are experiencing
Menia, the holy city of Karbala in the market organization, has suffered from fierce attacks
Economic and heritage
As well as tourism and tourism, as it depends on the abundance of visitors, tourists and residents in terms of needs and motivation

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prayer sessions are the truth and the opinions of scholars
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The ritual is a Sunnah between the two prostrations, not as some of the worshipers do, where he made it in the last tashahhud when the tasleematin, and it may be in the last tashahhud.
The assumption is Sunnah and most of the scholars say that in the middle tashahhud session as we have shown through research.
The Turks are Sunnah as well, and it is at the end of the prayer, whether it is double, triple or quadruple, whether it is naval or NAFTA, whether it is urban or travel, which is the view of most scholars from the three imams and others.
If we say weighting, say the audience of the three imams (Malik, Shafi'i, and Ahmad) is the most correct, and it is also the son of values, and if we say the choice is as Ibn Rushd said: by

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Scenography and the effectiveness of meaning in the theatrical space
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The elements of theater formation that fall within the spatial experience of the scenography of the show, which the directors work in in the imaginary theater, are important and have an aesthetic, intellectual and cognitive dimension, working to highlight reality in an aesthetic image surrounding space and space. And its relationship to the distinct, multiple and variable spaces above the stage, to produce theatrical signals and endless meanings through the possibility of infinite reconfiguration of the theater's space and its public and private space through the distribution of a group of blocks within the scenic image.
I dealt with in the first chapter (the methodological framework), which includes the research problem identified

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Security Intellectual Proposals of the Paris and the Wales Schools
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The study discusses ''The Security Intellectual Proposals of the Paris and the Welsh Schools'', which are considered one of the most important contemporary European monetary schools that emerged in the nineties  of the twentieth century, and how did it approach the concept of security, criticizing the traditional trend that prevailed during the Cold War period regarding limiting the concept of security to the state or to the military aspect (National Security), and an attempt to expand the concept to economic, social and environmental dimensions, as well as political and military dimensions. The most important proposals that the Wales School provided are “Security as an emancipation policy”, “ individual security”, and “The ro

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Development of the planning and architectural thought of the holy city of Kadhimia in line with the spirit of the time
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The evolution of thought, planning for Urban Communities in the second half of the twentieth century, through several successive stages. He was thought of planning urban communities depends on identifying the general plan for land uses of the project area as a basis for drawing charts the physical, social, economic, and put the general plan for land uses based on the terms of reference set by the number of experts in the ministries and agencies. I have lived cities in the Arab-Muslim region, during the transition period the natural and historic environment, urban, sophisticated balanced ways mentioned in the cultural, social, inspired by the teachings of Islam and the customs and traditions of the Arab social, put forth a set of

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study the effect of gamma Irradiation on the Superconducting Properties of HgBaSrCa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub>
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