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Years of service and academic achievement of kindergarten teachers and their relationship to promoting child mental health

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      يعد البيت المكان الاجتماعي الأول الذي تبنى فيه الصحة النفسية لدى الفرد منذ بداية حياته كطفل  في ظل أسرته ، إلا أن الروضة تمتلك على الرغم من ذلك أثراً تكوينياً مهماٌ في حياة الطفل وعلى شخصيته ، والتي لا يمكن ان يقلُّ عن أثر الايجابي للبيت ؛ ذلك أن المفهوم الجديد لدور الروضة لا يقتصر بمجرد كونها مكانًا تقوم فيها المعلمة بتزويد الاطفال بالمعرفة وحسب ، بل مجالا لمساعدتهم على نمو شخصيتهم وتعزيز إمكانياتهم داخل المجتمع ، والمعلمة بذلك تحمل رسالة تربوية تهدف من خلالها إلى احداث ما هو أشمل من مجرد اكسابهم التعليم والمعرفة ، الا وهي : بناء الشخصية المتكامِلة للطفل وإعداده ليكون مواطنًا صالحًا ، هذا بالإضافة الى الاهتمام بنموه البدني والعقلي والوجداني والنفسي والاجتماعي في آنٍ واحد  .

        لكن قد تتخذ معلمات الروضة خلال المواقف الصفية ، قرارات عدة في ضوء خبراتهن ومستوى تحصيلهن الاكاديمي ، وبناءا عليه ، فان عدم توفر تلك المتغيرين بصورة كافية يؤدي بهن الى اتخاذ قرارات غير صحيحة او سليمة قد يكون لها الأثر السيئ على مستوى نمو وتفكير الطفل ، وومن ثم  ينعكس على صحته النفسية .

      لهذا جاء البحث الحالي للتوصل الى معرفة علاقة سنوات الخدمة والتحصيل الاكاديمي لمعلمة الروضة بتعزيز الصحة النفسية لدى الطفل . ومن اجل ذلك ، قامت الباحثة باختيار ( 150 ) معلمة روضة ، وعلى اثره تم سحب من كل روضة مايترواح بين (7)الى (8) اطفال، أي بلغ الأطفال ( 150 ) طفلا وطفلة  . ثم تبنت الباحثة مقياس            ( السيد ، 2000 ) للصحة النفسية للطفل ، اذ تالف من ( 15 ) فقرة ، ومن اجل تطبيقه على عينة البحث ( الأطفال ) قامت الباحثة بإعادة استخراج معاملات الصدق والثبات له ، وبعد هذا الاجراء ، أدخلت الباحثة بيانات الدراسة ضمن برنامج الحقيبة الإحصائية ( SPSS  ) ، ولقد أظهرت النتائج ما يلي :-

  • ان الأطفال يتمتعون بمستوى طبيعي من الصحة النفسية .
  • كلما كانت المعلمة ذات سنوات حدمة أطول ، كلما كان لها علاقة اعلى بمستوى تعزيز الصحة النفسية لدى الأطفال
  • ليس هناك علاقة بين مستويات التحصيل الاكاديمي لدى معلمات الروضة وتعزيز الصحة النفسية لدى الاطفال

وبعد الحصول على نتائج البحث ، قدمت الباحثة مجموعة من التوصيات والمقترحات لمساعدة الباحثين على الاستفادة منها في دراساتهم المستقبلية .

الكلمات المفتاحية : سنوات الخدمة – التحصيل الدراسي – معلمة الروضة – الصحة النفسية – الطفل.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Electro-Facies and Petrophysical Properties of the Hartha Formation in Selected Wells of East Baghdad Oil Field

    The Hartha Formation is a major carbonate succession deposited during the Late Campanian period. The current study depends on four selected wells (EB 1, 2, 4 and 30) within the East Baghdad oil field to study electrofacies and petrophysical properties related to the reservoir characterization.

The Hartha Formation is divided into three electro-facies units using GR and SP logs in Petrel software. The upper unit of the Hartha Formation is composed mainly of limestone. The middle unit is composing of thick layers of shale. The lower unit is composed mainly of limestone with few shale layers. The three units are divided into three types of rocks in relation to the total porosity: 1. High-moderate active porosity rocks (type I)

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Scopus (2)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analytical Study of Soret and Dufour effect in the Electro-osmotic peristaltic flow of Rabinowitsch fluid model

The present paper concerned with study the of combined electro-osmotic peristaltic transport with heat and mass transfer which is represented by the Soret and Dufour phenomenon with the presence of the Joule electrothermal heating through a microchannel occupy by Rabinowitsch fluid. The unsteady two-dimensional governing equations for flow with energy and concentration conservation have been formed in a Cartesian coordinate system and the lubrication theory is applied to modify the relevant equations to the problem. The Debye-Hukel linearization approximation is utilizing to modify the electrohydrodynamics problem. The expressions for the axial velocity, the temperature profile, the concentration profile, and the volumetric flow rate are

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Practices of marketing deception and its impact on organizational reputation / applied research in the relics of Baghdad

     The research aims to enrich the subject of marketing deception, which is still in the concept stage at the level of the research sample and to allow future researchers to contribute to addressing the concept of marketing deception and linking it with other variables. The research problem is that is there a correlation between marketing deception and organizational reputation in Baghdad assets. What is the reflection of marketing deception on the organizational reputation in the assets of Baghdad? The research is concerned with shedding light on the reputation of the organization in terms of frequency of purchase, place of purchase, brand loyalty, and knowing the impact of marketing deception on these fact

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effects of silica addition on the structural, electrical and mechanical characteristics of MgAl2O4 spinel ceramic phase

The ceramic compound Mg1-xSixAl2O4 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) was prepared from nano powder of Al2O3 and MgO doped with Nano powder of SiO2 at different molar ratios. The specimens were prepared by standard chemical solid reaction technique and sintered at 1450 oC. Structure of the specimens was analyzed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray patterns of the specimens showed the formation of pure simple cubic spinel structure MgAl2O4 phase with space group of ̅ . The average grain size and surface topology were studied by atomic force microscopy. The results showed that the average grain size was about 73-90 nm. The DC electrical properties of the specimen were measured. The apparent density was found to increase and the porosity a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Tiger-Therthar channel and groundwater on the quality of Tigris river water at meeting point

This study was done to find the effect of Tigris-Therthar channel on the water quality of Tigris River to face the climate change which causes decreasing in water resources, in addition to decreasing in its quality. Nine stations were chosen located on Tigris River, Tigris-Therthar channel, Groundwater, and Therthar lake. The results indicated that the TDS increased in summer season, and the effect of Tigris-Therthar cannel was limited, also the effect of groundwater was limited, but there was an indication refers of possibility of increasing these effects on the quality of water. The study recommends observing the Tigris River through a programme to identify any change in water in future.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
A PhD Research Effectiveness of Nurse’s Knowledge and Practices Program Toward Care of Patient Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass


Objective : the aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of nurse’s practices and knowledge program toward care of patient with cardiopulmonary bypass .Methodology: A pre-experimental design (one group pretest- posttest design) was used to carry out this study in three governmental hospitals in Baghdad ( Iraqi Centre for Heart Diseases , Ibn – Albitar Centre for Cardiac Surgery and Ibn – Alnafees Centre for Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery ) for the period from 15th of May 2022 into 20th of April 2023.The construction and development of the program and instruments had carry out by the researcher to measured the purposes of the study , twenty two nurses was purposively assigned for the study group . The

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis ,Characterization and Study of Liquid Crystalline Behavior of New Bent Core Mesogenes Derived From Isophthalic Acid

Two series of bent core mesogen containing 1,2,4-traizole ring [X]a-e and [XI]a-e were synthesized by many steps starting from esterification of isophthalic acid with methanol to yield diester compound [I] which was converted to their acid hydrazide [II] and the acid hydrazide reacted with ammonium thiocyanate or phenyl isothiocyanate to yield compounds [III] and [IV] , respectively . Then cyclization by 4% NaOH to yielded 1,2,4 traizole-3- thiol compounds [V] and [VI], respectively, afterword adding hydrazine hydrate to yield compounds [VII] and [VIII] .These compounds condensated with different substituted aldehyde to give new Schiff bases[X]a-e and [XI]a-e,respectively. The synthesized compounds were characterized by melting points ,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Precision of pachymetric measurements with Scheimpflug –Placido disc cornealTopography and comparison of these measurements with ultrasonic pachymetry

Back ground: Several devices with different physical bases have been developed for the clinical measurement of corneal thickness, they classified into 4 categories: Scheimpflug photography based, Slit –Scanning topography, optical coherence tomography (OCT) based and ultrasound (US) based.Objective:To evaluatethe precision of the new Scheimpflug –Placido disc corneal topography in measurement of corneal thickness and to compare the measured values with that obtained by US pachymetry.Methods: Setting of this study is Lasik center in Eye Specialty Private Hospital. Baghdad. Iraq.Eyes of healthy subjects were examined with the Sirius topography.3 consecutive measurements of central (CCT)and thinnest (TCT) corneal thicknesses were obtain

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of One-Axis Daily Tracking and Fixed PV Module in Baghdad, Iraq

An attempt was made to evaluate the PV performance of one-axis daily tracking and fixed system for Baghdad, Iraq. Two experimental simulations were conducted on a PV module for that purpose. Measurements included incident solar radiation, load voltage and load current. The first experiment was carried out for six months of winter half of year to simulate the one-axis daily tracking. The azimuth angle was due south while the tilt angle was being set to optimum according to each day of simulation. The second experiment was done at one day to simulate the PV module of fixed angles. It is found that there is a significant power gain of 29.6% for the tracking system in respect to the fixed one. The one-axis daily tracking was much more effect

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation the efficiency of different techniques for extraction and purification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)

This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different techniques for extraction and purification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). An isolate of the virus free of possible contamination with other viruses infecting the same host and transmitted by the same vector Bemisia tabaci Genn. was obtained. This was realized by indicator plants and incubation period in the vector. Results obtained revealed that the virus infect Nicotiana glutinosa without visible symptoms, while Nicotiana tabaccum var. White Burley was not susceptible to the virus. The incubation period of the virus in the vector was found to be 21 hrs. These results indicate that the virus is TYLCV. Results showed that Butanol was more effective in clarification the

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