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Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension: Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension
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The aim of the present research is to identify the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension among postgraduate students at the University of Samarra according to the variables of the department,  gender,  age,  and employee or non-employee, and revealing the relationship between the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension. The research sample consisted of (75) students randomly selected from postgraduate students at the college of Education. The researcher applies test –wisdom of (Mellman & Ebel) and measurement of preoccupation with learning prepared by (Al-zaabi 2013) also, the researcher used the scale of the psychological stress by (Abu Assaad 2011). To process the collected data, the researcher used frequencies, averages, standard deviations, T-test, Persson correlation coefficient, analysis of the mono-variance, the coefficient of Schiffe and correlation coefficient (Kendalls tau_b). The results reached that the study sample has a good level of probationary wisdom with differences of statistical significance according to the variable of the department in favor of the students of the department of Arabic language. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences among the variable of sex, age and employee or non-employee variable in regard of test wisdom. The finding found that the study sample was characterized by an average level of preoccupation with learning, with no significant statistical differences according to the department, gender, age, and employee or non-employee variable in term of preoccupation with learning. The research sample revels a low level of psychological tension with no statistically significant differences according to the department variable, gender, age, and employee or non-employee in regard of psychological tension. There is no significant correlation between the test wisdom of all its strategies and each of the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension.

Key words: eligibility test, test-wisdom, engagement, psychological tension

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using TD-ABC technology to determine idle production capacity: An applied research in Al-Wasat Oil Company
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The aim of the research to apply TD-ABC technology to determine the idle capacity of the central oil companies (oil field east of Baghdad), as a modern cost management technology based on time-oriented activities (TD-ABC) is used by industrial companies in general and oil companies on In particular to build a sustainable Calvinist pillar and make future decisions by identifying idle energy to gain it a competitive advantage, the descriptive analytical approach has been adopted in calculating and analyzing the company’s data for 2018, and the most prominent conclusions of this research are managing idle energy and the task of applying cost technology on the basis of time-oriented activities and providing Convenient spatial infor

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
The Effectiveness of the Movement in Graphic Design
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The movement is considered one of the important factors which attracts the receiver attention in designing artificial works in general, and especially in the advertisements, moreover the subject of the movement in the designing advertisements needs more care and study by the scholars. From this importance and from reaching to the basic streams of the research topic (the effect of the movement in the graphic design) the problem of the research has been set according to the following wonder:

  • What is the designing process that establishes the movement in the commercial advertisements designs?


      The researche

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The rule of leading the boy in prayer
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God Almighty has imposed on us obligations and set limits on us, and among these obligations is the prayer, which is considered a pillar of Islam. And recently on the statement of its importance, and through extensive explanations, they elaborated on the statement of its pillars, its obligations, its Sunnahs, its rituals, and its bodies, and it is known that the imam in prayer is an important part of the parts of prayer. Whoever assumes this responsibility must be aware of these conditions, the most important of which is jurisprudence in religion, and there has been a disagreement between the jurists, especially the owners of the four schools of thought, about who is qualified to lead the imamate, and this is within many and wide details

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
The concept of metaphor in the contemporary sculpture
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Despite the importance of this term in linguistics and rhetoric ancient and modern literary forms in general, is that it is possible to use in clarifying the foundations of the relationship hidden and manifest between shapes in models art adjacent or successive spatially, as the artwork plastic in general and sculpture in particular consists of formal structure somewhat similar to the structure in any language text and we can decode these blades structure and analyze the implications and come to their meanings and re-read and interpreted under the guidance of the concepts and techniques of neighboring developed primarily for linguistic analysis of texts or launched from their references. This split search to four chapters included the fi

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the reality of the transportation network in Iraq
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Transportation network could be considered as a function of the developmental level of the Iraq, that it is representing the sensitive nerve of the economic activity and the corner stone for the implementation of development plans and developing the spatial structure.
The main theme of this search is to show the characteristics of the regional transportation network in Iraq and to determine the most important effective spatial characteristics and the dimension of that effect negatively or positively. Further this search tries to draw an imagination for the connection between network as a spatial phenomenon and the surrounded natural and human variables within the spatial structure. This search aiming also to determine the nat

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the uncle in Islamic jurisprudence
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There is talk of the Prophet ﷺ proud of his relative, which is the uncle, and the importance of this subject, this search for doctrinal matters related to the two things between us: the interest of the Prophet ﷺ responsible, and also responsible forbidden marriage and marriage as it is forbidden to marry the uncle, and in the uncle language: mother's brother, aunt Her uncle may spend his uncle's nephew, the uncle may embrace his nephew, the uncle shall be the guardian of the little or the small, not to cut off the uncle if he steals from his nephew's money. "

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the monkey in Islamic jurisprudence
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The provisions of the monkey in Islamic jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of sports marketing in achieving the competitive superiority of the organization: a case study in a sample of the Iraqi Premier League clubs
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The organization of sporting activities at the local and international levels requires a lot of money, which has increased interest in marketing in the sports field, as it is one of the modern topics that represent the basic knowledge needed by the sports marketer and which represents one of the basic concepts to enhance the benefits and returns of sports clubs. The research problem was the weak awareness of the members of the administrative body of Iraqi sports clubs of the role of sports marketing in the dimensions of competitive superiority and not exploiting them in the optimal way that enables clubs to achieve competitive superiority. The research aims to know the role of sports marketing in competitive superi

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Divine orders Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them): Divine orders directed to his prophets (peace be upon them)
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ملخص البحث:

    ان الله تعالى هو الذي خلق جميع المخلوقات ، والذي بيده الموت والحياة وان كل هذه المخلوقات تحتاج الى اوامر ، وهذه الاوامر الالهية وجهها الله لعبادة بوساطة انبياءه ( عليهم السلام) فكانوا هم اول المستسلمين والمنقادين لأوامره ، فجاءت الآيات الكريمة مخاطبة للأنبياء واقوامهم بشكل عام ولنبينا محمد (r) بشكل خاص.

اما عن المضمون البحثي فقد جاءت مادته مقسمة الى ثل

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accounting system in the recovery from the impact of financial crisis
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          This study aims to identify the concepts of financial crisis and its reasons of creation , also explain the effects of the accounting disclosure and the International Accounting Standards in current financial crisis, In addition to,  indicate the role of accounting in the reform of the financial system from the impact of financial crisis.      

       The  methodology of this study orientied to two main aspects, the first is an identifying approach through exploring the opinion of financial experts, the second aspect is based on an analytical approach to satisfy the requirements  of experts to get there opi

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