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Media concepts in social studies and national textbooks in public education in light of media education standards and the nature of Saudi society
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The study aimed to reveal the degree of inclusion of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in general education in light of the criteria of media education and the nature of the Saudi society. Additionally, to identify the estimations of the participants in the study of the importance of including media concepts in these books, and to build a matrix of the range and sequence of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in the grades of Saudi general education. The study followed the descriptive approach in both descriptive analysis of the textbooks and descriptive survey of the study participants who were (203) students in the schools of boys and girls in general education in Makkah. The study used two data collection tools: the content analysis card for textbooks (18 books for students) and the questionnaire of the participants' estimations in the study, as ensuring the validity and reliability of the tools. The data were processed using the statistical program (SPSS) according to a set of appropriate statistical tests. The results of the study led to the preparation of a list of (156) media concepts distributed in (13) fields. The results of the content analysis revealed a very low inclusion of the media concepts in the books of social and national studies. While, the participants' estimations in the study revealed high degree of importance of inclusion of media concepts in those books. In view of this, a model for the matrix of the extent and sequence of the media concepts was designed in the books of social and national studies in Saudi general education.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 14 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Personal Digital Assistant Acceptance in Nursing Education
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Objective:To measure the acceptance level of the Personal Digital Assistance (PDA)’suse among nursing students as a tool of education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Methodology: Eighty-nine nursing students participated in this cross-sectional descriptive study by completing a questionnaire based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Davis. Two dimensions were explored and evaluated; (1) the applicability of the TAM model in assessing this technology; and (2) the overall percentage of students’ agreement on the different TAM variables. Results: This study presented significant positive influence bet

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The problem of defining the vocabulary of teaching Arabic language methodology in media colleges
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This study examined the problem of identifying the vocabulary of the methodology of teaching Arabic language in the faculties of Media. The researcher noticed the existence of an overlap between the syllabuses of the general specialization of the Arabic language and its Media sections in the universities with the special professional vocabulary that suits the study of the media student. Thus ,this study is regarded as a real attempt to present a methodological model of media language that concerns with fillfuling students ‘linguistic and knowledgeable needs relying on measuring their benefits from the methodological Arabic curriculum .  Key words:problem,  teaching’ methodology of Arabic language, media language.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
The problem of overlapping concepts in the interpretive practices of literary text (The texts of Shakespeare model)
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The scientific studies that deal with Herminutia (interpretation) as the art of reading the interpretation practiced by the recipient after his understanding of the literary texts and works of art that he sees or read them so that these readings to make the act of reading and allow him the opportunity to mature and rational reflection of each text or artistic work.

Based on this, the researchers considered the establishment of the problem of their research through the search for the problematic overlap of concepts in the interpretive practices of the literary text?

The second chapter dealt with the definition of the term interpretation as well as interpretation as a theory and concept, and then the indicators reached by t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family violence, its causes and effects on society (women and children)
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Summary of the research Family violence, its causes and effects on society (women and children). Search Goal: The current research aims to identify: 1. Causes of family and social violence (for children and women). 2. How to process. research importance : Domestic violence is a major and devastating problem that has a negative and direct impact on children in particular and women or mothers in general. The problem of domestic violence is linked to many factors and individual, social, economic, psychological and environmental variables, which makes one theory that claims to be inaccurate. It is difficult to understand the nature of family violence without linking it to some of the concepts related to it. The negative effects that may lead

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Audiences Atitudes tworads environmental issues in the public broadcasting service
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The category of those who agree with the phrase: The Environment and Life Program warns me of the environmental damages resulting from the issue of using black oil in electrical generators in residential neighborhoods came first, with a high rate of 81.4%. With the environment, the public always turns to the public broadcasting service and its programs to provide knowledge so that it can avoid it. Thus, the respondents' attitude towards this issue was positive.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of the probing questions in the collection of literature for students of the Kurdish language department in the College of Education / Ibn Rushd for the Humanities
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    The goal of this research to identify the effect of the probing questions in the collection of material literature with students of the Kurdish language department, to achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has chosen a sample from the students of third stage of the Kurdish language Department, Faculty of Education / Ibn Rushd as a field for the application of experiment.The number of sample  reached (71) students divided into two groups represented two divisions of the experimental groups under study to the style of questions sounding by (35) students, and represented the other division of the control group, which studied in the way normal and by (36) students, as rewarded r

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Education and Dramatic Recruitment of the Clown character in Child's Theater Shows
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The research is dedicated to study technical and dramatic recruitment of the clown character in Child's Theater Shows This research consist of four chapters ; first chapter is dealing with the problem of the research which defined by the following question :" Does the educational and dramatic recruitment of the clown character achieved in Child's Theater Shows?"The research is summarized in sets of points such as :•Make use of this research for the benefit of employees in the child's theater , especially directors, actors, technicians, workers and dress designers .•To benefit concerned educational institutions in the field of child's theater ; such as : child's culture house , theater & cinema office which are belonging to the ed

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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To track scientific developments and achievements, for example, that (achieved) after the Second World War until this moment, make each of us in absolute amazement. He invented the computer, discovered the genetic factor (DNA), and discovered the drawing of the human genetic map, going up to the moon, penetrating outer space by satellites, getting close to distant planets, producing jet planes, microprocessors, and lasers, in addition to enabling a person to create a layer of The material is extremely thin and extremely imaginative. It has also become possible for a person to "dig lines that do not exceed 20 billion meters of thickness." The human being was also able to collect things an atom and build an efficient and high-precision con

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
“Usages of the Youth in the Emirati Society for the Dubbed Turkish Series on the Arab Satellite Channels and the Satisfactions Achieved”
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The research topic is summarized in the importance of studying the measuring the extent of the university youth’s exposure in the Emirati Society to those series and the resulting achieved satisfaction. The most important results and recommendations of the study are as follows: a high rate of the respondents’, sample individuals, exposure to the dubbed Turkish series since it is evident that almost three-fourths of the study individuals watch the dubbed Turkish series,.”. The most significant positive aspects of the dubbed Turkish series are: “they focus on the most important tourist attractions in Turkey” and “ improving the audience›s knowledge and information on the traditions of the Turkish society”. The most apparent

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Preservation of the mind and its development Makassedi study in the light of prayers Almathur
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A great abbey in the Shari'a, and is therefore destined to be preserved in many texts and by methods
There are many prayers in the Qur'an and Sunnah to encourage them
They have a clear relationship with the preservation of the purposes of the Sharia in general, and with a purpose
Save the mind in particular, but the scholars - the mercy of God - when they declare that the costs of Sharia
Due to the preservation of my intentions in the creature, they limit their words to orders and intentions, and are not exposed
In particular,
If they were included in the texts of the Shariah and Tawjiyatiya,
To be related to the preservation of the purposes of the law, which confirms the words of the former leaders, and light the li

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