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Media concepts in social studies and national textbooks in public education in light of media education standards and the nature of Saudi society
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The study aimed to reveal the degree of inclusion of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in general education in light of the criteria of media education and the nature of the Saudi society. Additionally, to identify the estimations of the participants in the study of the importance of including media concepts in these books, and to build a matrix of the range and sequence of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in the grades of Saudi general education. The study followed the descriptive approach in both descriptive analysis of the textbooks and descriptive survey of the study participants who were (203) students in the schools of boys and girls in general education in Makkah. The study used two data collection tools: the content analysis card for textbooks (18 books for students) and the questionnaire of the participants' estimations in the study, as ensuring the validity and reliability of the tools. The data were processed using the statistical program (SPSS) according to a set of appropriate statistical tests. The results of the study led to the preparation of a list of (156) media concepts distributed in (13) fields. The results of the content analysis revealed a very low inclusion of the media concepts in the books of social and national studies. While, the participants' estimations in the study revealed high degree of importance of inclusion of media concepts in those books. In view of this, a model for the matrix of the extent and sequence of the media concepts was designed in the books of social and national studies in Saudi general education.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Dealing of the Providers of Sport Media Content with Crises : (The Department of Media of the Ministry of Youth and Sports a Model)
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In a report by Transparency Organization in 2010, Iraq has 200 newspapers, magazines, sixty-seven radio stations and 45 satellite TV channels. The increase in these figures is measured in days or weeks and not months and years. This fact confirms the importance of studying content providers, especially youth sports content, for two reasons: the first is that young people constitute the highest percentage in Iraqi society, with all the potential involved in shaping the future aspects; the second reason is that for years sport has become an important pillar in people's lives not only in the entertainment aspect as it was seen in the past; Rather, sport has an influential presence in politi

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations of Iraqi companies and their role in the marketing of national products
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based on the importance of public relations in companies, I will discussed the issue of public relations and its role in marketing national products, given what these companies represent of great importance in terms of providing products and services to large segments of Iraqi society, which necessitated the need to search and investigate the role and importance of activities that Provides public relations in Iraqi companies in all categories( public, private and mixed).
the study tables and theirinterpretations, results and recommendations, and the studyreachedseveralresults, including the positive and the negative, the positive including the success in marketing the products by the number of companies in the Fairswhere the level of

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The aim of the present research is to study the dissolution and transport process of
benzene as a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) in saturated porous media.
Unidirectional flow at water velocities ranged from 0.90 to 3.60 cm/hr was adopted to study
this process in a three dimensional saturated sand tank (100 cm×40 cm×35 cm). This tank
represents a laboratory-scale aquifer. The aquifer was constructed by packing homogeneous
sand in the rectangular tank. The experimental results were used to characterize the
dissolution behavior of an entrapped nonaqueous phase benzene source in a three dimensional
aquifer model. The time invariant average mass transfer coefficient was determined at each
interstitial velocit

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Dictionaries in the News.. In the light of Semiotic analysis,
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We refer in this research into linguistic binaries, try rounding of simiaei news analysis. It is known that there are branches of Linguistics called social Linguistics, divided into communicative Linguistics and media. Perhaps the best justification for the inclusion of a new curriculum in media studies is a semiotic analysis of the news. I›ve turned the speech, language and communication studies in relation to different disciplines, many research projects, and returned only old curriculum, speed shift in thought, proportional to the revolution in information and communication technology, for reality imposed on the entire world, researchers are the first affected by this enormous humanitarian Almanza. Alsimiaaeon still shy away from an

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of e-learning standards in auditing in auditing the performance of customer capita: applied research
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                  In light of the corona pandemic, educational institutions have moved to learning and teaching via the Internet and e-learning ,and this is considered a turning  point in course of higher education in Iraq in particular and education in general, which generated a great challenge for educational institutions to achieve the highest possible levels in practices and processes to reach the highest quality of their outputs from graduate students to the labor market that auditing performance by adopting e-learning standards is one of the effective tools that help the management of educational institutions by providing information on the ex

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring the Historical Concepts of Kindergarten Children
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Historical concepts are among the concepts that are difficult to present to the pre-school child except by using modern techniques, as well as the difficulty of making visits to all historical monuments and going back to antiquity and the lack of studies in this area, therefore, we need an attractive medium that children love which is able to convey some abstract concepts that are difficult to teach to children using traditional methods, and among these activities that the kindergarten provides to children are the stories through which they develop their linguistic wealth, consolidate their religious and spiritual inclinations, refine their correct morals, and form their proper attitudes, knowledge and life concepts.


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Causality Analysis of the Nexus between Higher Education and Income Distribution in Iraq
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The achievement of economic and social welfare for individual is the main target to all policies that adopted by all countries worldwide either were economic, social, political or others. The obtaining of education by individuals and especially the higher education is one of the most important determinates in achieving the wellbeing and lasted economic development. This is because via the higher education new fields can be opened in front of individuals in order to get adequate jobs associated with their scientific specialization. This is allowing educated individuals gain higher income that can reduce the gap of income inequality.

Thus, this paper aims to analysis the n

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Behavior of Copper and Carbon Steel in Acidic Media
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The corrosion behavior of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) has been studied. The corrosion inhibition of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) by Ciprofloxacin has been investigated. Specimens were exposed in the acidic media for 7 hours and corrosion rates evaluated by using the weight loss method. The effect of temperature (from 283 ºK to 333 ºK), pH (from 1to 6), inhibitor concentration (10-4 to 10-2) has been studied. It was observed that sulphuric acid environment was most corrosive to the metals because of its oxidizing nature, followed by hydrochloric acid. The rate of metal dissolution increased with incre

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
MyBotS Prototype on Social Media Discord with NLP
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The continuous growth in technology and technological devices has led to the development of machines to help ease various human-related activities. For instance, irrespective of the importance of information on the Steam platform, buyers or players still get little information related to the application. This is not encouraging despite the importance of information in this current globalization era. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an attractive and interactive application that allows users to ask questions and get answers, such as a chatbot, which can be implemented on Discord social media. Artificial Intelligence is a technique that allows machines to think and be able to make their own decisions. This research showed that the dis

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
"THE COMMUNICATOR AND THE FACTORS INFLUENCING HIS JOB IN UNIVERSITY PRESS": " A survey study of the managers of administrative departments of public relations and media at Iraqi Universities. "
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The research problem lies in the lack of accurate scientific perceptions concerning the reality of the communicator and the factors influencing his job. The research is aimed at introducing the communicator in the university press, clarifying the obstacles facing him, and uncovering the level of his job satisfaction and his visions of developing his work.

The researcher adopted the survey method in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data using a questionnaire.

 A set of results and conclusions has been reached, most importantly are:


*The communicator performs multiple missions including writing, editing, and collecting info

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