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اثر العصف الذهني في تحصيل طلبة الصف الثاني متوسط بمادة التاريخ
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أولاً : مشكلة البحث :

أن مشكلة البحث تتمثل بوجود حاجة لتحسين الطرائق والأساليب المتبعة في التدريس ولذلك اتجهت البحوث في مجال التربية وعلم النفس إلى تحديد طرائق التدريس المناسبة لتطوير التفكير.         

ومن هذه الأساليب الحديثة  العصف الذهني بوصفها من اكثر الطرق التي قد  تؤدي إلى تحفيز الطلبة وأثاره القدرات الإبداعية لديهم في حقول التربية والتعليم والتجارة والصناعة والسياسة فضلاً عن العديد من الجهات ذات العلاقة والتي تستفيد من التـطور العـلمي والتـربوي لمـواكبة الـتطورات الـجارية في العالم ومنها مجتمعنا العربي بصورة عـامة وقــــطرنا العـراقي بصـورة خـاصة (مروان ،1999:ص17)

أن المجتمعات المتقدمة لم تحرز تقدمها الحالي ألا بفضل اعتمادها على أساليب التفكير وطرق بحثه الدقيقة ويعد العلم في عصرنا الحالي سلاح الأمم الوحيد في معركة التقدم والرقي واكتساب القوة، فلم تعد المسألة أعدداً بشرية فخمة ولا مساحات شاسعة وانما أصبحت القوة لمن يمتلك ناصية العلم والاختراع .

وتتجلى مشكلة البحث بـــ
  • اعتماد التدريسيين على طرائق التدريس الاعتيادية ( الإلقائية ) التي تجعل من الطالب مستمع فقط ويردد ما يقوله مدرس المادة


  • أن كثيراً من الدراسات أكدت على أن الاسئله الامتحانية تعتمد على المستويات الدنيا من التفكير ( حفظ واستذكار ) واهمال المستويات العليا من التفكير ( التحليل والتركيب والتقويم ) ( نعمان ،1993: ص 13 ) ( محمد ، 1987 : ص 12 )

      ولذا ترى الباحثة وعلى حد علمها ونتيجة لاطلاعها على الدراسات التي تخص موضوع البحث أن هناك قصوراً واضحاً للدراسات التي تتوجه نحو طريقة العصف الذهني وندرتها في ميدان طرائق التدريس وكأحد الحلول المقترحة لمواجهة هذا القصور استهدفت الباحثة التعرف على أثر العصف الذهني  في التحصيل الدراسي لطلبة الصف الثاني متوسط في مادة التاريخ

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
( the effect of Cognitive Acceleration strategy and random excitement strategy in achievement of geography material and developing the reflective thinking for students of literary fifth class)
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The research aims to find out the effect of Cognitive Acceleration strategy and random excitement strategy in achievement of geography material and developing the reflective thinking for students of literary fifth class . 

  the researcher depended a partial control experimental design with the three groups(the competence groups of the pre & post tests), The sample is deliberately selected  from first AL-Rusafah Directorate General of Education in Baghdad.  AL.fardoos Interme

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
An Instructional Design According to the Active Learning Model and Its Effect on Students' Achievement in Chemistry for Fifth Intermediate Stage
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The objective of the research is to identify the effect of an instructional design according to the active learning modelsالباحثين in the achievement of the students of the fifth grade, the instructional design was constructed according to the active learning models for the design of education. The research experience was applied for a full academic year (the first & the second term of 2017-2018). The sample consisted of 58 students, 28 students for the experimental group and 30 students for the control group. The experimental design was adopted with partial and post-test, the final achievement test consisted of (50) objectives and essays items on two terms, the validity of the test was verified by the adoption of the Kudoric

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
وقائع المؤتمر الدولي 8 للغة العربية / دبي
أثر استعمال ستراتيجية الابعاد السداسية في تحصيل طلبة كلية الادارة والاقتصاد في مادة اللغة العربية العامة
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of a proposed program to solve the problem of mixing Arabic letters similar to the voice of students in the second grade primary
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a program to address the problem of mixing similar letters in the Arabic language for students in the second grade of primary and to achieve the goal of the research. The researcher followed the experimental method to suit the nature of this research and found that there are statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote tests, The effectiveness of the proposed educational program. At the end of the research, the researcher recommends several recommendations, the most important of which are: 1 - Training students to correct pronunciation of the outlets, especially in the first three stages of primary education (primary) and the use of direct training

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of the probing questions in the collection of literature for students of the Kurdish language department in the College of Education / Ibn Rushd for the Humanities
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    The goal of this research to identify the effect of the probing questions in the collection of material literature with students of the Kurdish language department, to achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has chosen a sample from the students of third stage of the Kurdish language Department, Faculty of Education / Ibn Rushd as a field for the application of experiment.The number of sample  reached (71) students divided into two groups represented two divisions of the experimental groups under study to the style of questions sounding by (35) students, and represented the other division of the control group, which studied in the way normal and by (36) students, as rewarded r

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التعليم المصغر وتطبيقه في برامج إعداد معلمي مادة التاريخ
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مشكلة البحث:

بين الحين والآخر تتصاعد الصيحات مطالبة بإصلاح النظام التعليمي لكي يتوافق هذا النظام مع ما يحدث في العالم من تطورات علمية وتكنولوجية تترك بصماتها على مختلف قطاعات الحياة .

ويعد المعلم وبلا شك ركنا أساسيا في هذا النظام ،وذلك لما للمعلم من تأثير أساسي في عملية التعليم والتعلم . ماذا يجدي إذا ما طورنا مناهجنا، واحسنا مباني مدارسنا، وأكثرنا من الوسائل والتقنيات ،ولم نوفر المع

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استراتيجية الخريطة الذهنية في اكتساب المفاهيم الجغرافية لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الادبي في مادة الجغرافية
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The present study aimed to impact Strategy mental map in the acquisition of geographical concepts at the fifth-grade students in the literary geography classes. To achieve the objectives of the research formulated researcher null hypothesis (no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of students who Adersna using a mind map, and who Adersna using the method usual in the acquisition of concepts geographic fifth grade literary). Has chosen researcher design Altjeribeachtar researcher Design The partial adjustment for both experimental and control groups Pachtearlakedzab concepts. The sample Seateetmthel graders secondary schools under the Directorate General of Educational Baghdad Rusafa II has c

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of the Portal System in Achievement Motivation and Cognitive of Fifth Grad Students in Geographic Literary Material
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The study aimed to identify the impact of the use of systemic approach in the collection of geographical material and cognitive motivation when fifth grade students of literary, experimental design researcher adopted a partial seizures, and telemetric to two unequal one experimental and the other officer.
The sample consisted of fifth grade literary students from secondary (inherent) for Boys in Baghdad (the Republic of Iraq. (By Mjootain, and the number of students of each group (30 students). And has rewarded the two groups, in the variables (chronological age, average scores half-year, degree IQ),
Promising researcher himself requirements of research to determine the scientific material and teaching plans and the formulation of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Strategies of brain-based learning theory and its impact on the achievement of students of the Department of Art Education in Teaching Methods
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The aim of the current research is to reveal the effect of using brain-based learning theory strategies on the achievement of Art Education students in the subject of Teaching Methods. The experimental design with two equal experimental and control groups was used. The experimental design with two independent and equal groups was used, and the total of the research sample was (60) male and female students, (30) male and female students represented the experimental group, and (30) male and female students represented the control group. The researcher prepared the research tool represented by the cognitive achievement test consisting of (20) questions, and it was characterized by honesty and reliability, and the experiment lasted (6) weeks

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of the strategy of asking clustered questions on the acquisition and retention of the general Arabic language subject among students of the College of Languages
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An experiment in the semester, the second semester of the academic year (2022-2023), and the data used was not processed (the second test for two independent, inaccurate samples, the Bermon correlation coefficient, and the Spearman correlation coefficient), and the following results were reached: There is a statistically significant difference at the level of ( 0) average, 05) between the third grade who studied the plan for asking cluster questions, and between the average of those who studied the special feature according to the traditional method of selecting achievement, and enjoyed completing the specialization, choosing the experimental group, because the strategy of asking cluster questions is one of the externalities that... Lear

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