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التكوين الاجتماعي والثقافي ودورهما في التنميةالمستدامة
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ان العلاقة بين البناء الأجتماعي والثقافي والتنمية المستدامة ، علاقة عضوية ومتبادلة التأثير ، فالبناء الأجتماعي هو أحد الأعمدة الرئيسة الذي تدور حوله عمليات التنمية المستدامة . وبالثقافة يصنع الأنسان القيم الفكرية والروحية والمادية ، ويترجم فلسفته الى أنماط سلوكية ، ومواقف حياتية ، فبغير الثقافة تبقى الموارد البشرية والطبيعية مجرد خامات أولية غير موظفة لصالح الأنسان والمجتمع . فالتنمية الأجتماعية والثقافية مترابطتان ومتلازمتان من أجل تحقيق حياة أجتماعية أفضل للفرد والمجتمع .

أن تحقيق هذا الترابط العضوي بين خطط ومشاريع التنمية يعتمد الى حد كبير على القرار السياسي الذي تتخذه السلطة في أي قطر ، وعلى المشاركة الجماهيرية من أجل تنفيذ أهداف التنمية المستدامة . أذ أن التنمية المستدامة تعد الهدف الأخير لما تقوم به البلاد العربية من جهود لتطوير مجتمعاتها ، ووسيلتها العلمية لتحقيق ذلك هو الأخذ بمنهج التخطيط الثقافي والأجتماعي .

وقد تضمن البحث اربعة فصول

*الفصل الاول تناول تحديد مفهوم البناء الاجتماعي ونظرة تاريخية للبناء الاجتماعي والنظريات التي تناولت مفهوم البناء الاجتماعي.

*اما الفصل الثاني فتناول مفهوم الثقافة الخصائص العامة لها والثقافة والمجتمع العربي ثم النظريات التي تناولت مفهوم الثقافة.

*اما الفصل الثالث تضمن مفهوم التنمية المستدامة ومبدائها ومشكلاتها ودور المؤسسات الثقافية في التنمية المستدامة واخيراً الثقافة والتنمية المستدامة.

*وقد تضمن الفصل الرابع الاستنتاجات والتوصيات التي توصل اليها الباحثان.


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the Use of Social Media Networks (SMNs) in Knowledge Sharing, by Using Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) A Study Conducted in Some of Iraqi Universities
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   SMNs like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp,..etc. are among the most popular sites on the Internet. These sites can provide a powerful means of sharing, organizing, finding information and knowledge. The popularity of these sites provides an opportunity to measure the use them in knowledge sharing, which needs a special scale, but unfortunately, there is no special scale for that. Thus, this study supposes to use SCT as a scale to measure the use of SMNs in electronic knowledge sharing due to it has been used to measure knowledge sharing with its traditional form. This study can help the decision-makers to use these SMNs to share the academics’ knowledge in educational institutes to the communi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental tax and its role in sustainable social development
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  The research aims to diagnose the relationship between the environmental tax and the development of the sustainable social dimension, where the environmental tax is considered a tool in promoting sustainable development according to its economic, social and environmental dimensions through the application of legislation and instructions for environmental protection, and that imposing an environmental tax will have a clear impact in achieving the dimensions of sustainable development and compliance With regard to the social dimension, the research relied on the financial data for the years (2019-2022) in obtaining information. The research reached a set of results, the most prominent of which was

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Social Heritage of Mamage in Baghdad City
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Marriage as a social case began Almighty God created Adam, peace be upon him then created from the rib Eve to be the first couple of human beings on the face of the earth and the formation of the first social family in the land, human and picked up this social reality through the generations, but in different shapes and purposes, but the mating process is one. So I got the divine religions and organized that life, especially in Islam, as explained every aspect of the life of the role and practice of marriage and had a large share in this organization and I got many Quranic verses and the Hadith.
With different civilizations, many of the marriage ceremony appeared in ancient societies take several forms of marriage.
But marriage and

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
اساسيات (التنظيم المكاني –الاجتماعي ) في تخطيط المجمعات السكنية
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التفاعل الاجتماعي لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية
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Man derives his sense of his humanity through contact with others, he needs them to enhance the continued existence and enter into personal relationships in order to enrich his being, it says Murray (in the presence of necessary physical and social cultural center and it cannot be in isolation).

      And equal to deprive an individual of talking with others and participation in the life stripped of his humanity, nor has achieved a sense of satisfaction, security, love and friendship, but through belonging to the group, which lies in the psychological composition.

      The most important

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Privacy Violation in Social Media Sites
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Technological superiority of the means of communication and media has allowed these methods to dominate and are replaced by alternative positon of traditional media. The internet with its advantages and benefits benefited in various areas of life, especially media and achieve what no previous technology could achieve and any technology what comes after it can't be isolated from the internet. Today, the internet is the cornerstone of communication and connection in the world and the most important means of public and personal communication at the same time. The interactive feature of the internet and the cancelation of space and time restrictions create a new media that allowed everyone to express what they wanted freely. The internet app

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Statistical analysis from a Gender perspective
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This research is a theoretical study that deals with the presentation of the literature of statistical analysis from the perspective of gender or what is called Engendering Statistics. The researcher relied on a number of UN reports as well as some foreign sources to conduct the current study. Gender statistics are defined as statistics that reflect the differences and inequality of the status of women and men overall domains of life, and their importance stems from the fact that it is an important tool in promoting equality as a necessity for the process of sustainable development and the formulation of national and effective development policies and programs. The empowerment of women and the achievement of equality between men and wome

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social intelligence and its role in demonstration the Potential abilities for individuals
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          The following research is marked by "social intelligence and its role in demonstration the potential abilities for individuals." The discussion dealt with the concepts of contemporary is very important because of their significant role in influencing the work of the Organization, as adopted link between the concepts of social intelligence and the potential role of the first to show the second .The research hypotheses tested in three health institutions in the city of Mosul, the research community is represented (Al-Salam Hospital and General Hospital and the son of ether), while the sample were the leaders of these institutio

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للمعلومات
Social Networking sites and their role in publishing Scientific knowledge
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The current research aims to highlight the role of social networking sites in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the importance of their use by researchers, and the researcher relied on the descriptive approach and the survey method. Among the data collection tools are the questionnaire and paper and electronic sources. Among the most important results that the research came out with: The number of the subscribers’ sites was (14) sites, and the most used social sites for receiving and Disseminating Scientific knowledge are: Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger and YouTube. All respondents receive tacit knowledge (Exchange of Messages and News) through social networking sites, and few of them do not receive explicit kn

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قياس الخوف الاجتماعي لدى أطفال الرياض
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The research seeks to measure stigma on the children of kindergarten and get to know the differences between males and females and between kindergarten and preschool in social fear. Has been verified by the researcher was true scale of social fear after the drafting of paragraphs (43) items, and display it on a group of experts , has proven its validity after some amendments , bringing the number of paragraphs in its final form (29) items . was statistical analysis of the paragraphs of the brokered power-discriminatory , it is clear that all paragraphs distinct and statistically significant, as well as to find a relationship degree of para-class items consistency . was to ensure the stability of the scale in a re-test , as the stability

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