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أتجاهات طلبة التعليم التقني نحو الزواج المبكر
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مشكلة البحث واهميته :-

    تنبع مشكلة البحث الحالي من الآثار الاجتماعية سواء أكان على مستوى الفرد أم المجتمع . أذ العزوف عن الزواج مشكلة اجتماعية بل انها مشكلة حقيقية , فهناك عزوف من الشباب عن الزواج وقد اصبح العدد كبيرا في السنوات الأخيرة  وقد بينت إحصائية متخصصة بأن عدد العازفين عن الزواج يقدر بأكثر من مليون شاب وشابة (2-2ص3) . وهذا يعود لأسباب عديدة فقد يكون العامل الاقتصادي هو الذريعة التي يتمسك بها شباب اليوم للعزوف عن الزواج مما يشكل خطرا كبيرا على المجتمع في الوقت الذي نحتاج فيه إلى زيادة أعداد أفراده , هذا من جهة ومن جهة أخرى يستطيع الشاب تحصين نفسه ضد كل ما يسيء إليه من انحرافات سلوكية أو علاقات جنسية غير سوية مما يترتب عليه نتائج صحية ونفسية واجتماعية في وقت نريد للفرد نشأة صحية مبنية على قيم وتقاليد مجتمعنا العربي الإسلامي سواء أكان ذكرا أم أنثى .

 ومن هنا جاءت أهمية البحث الحالي لان شباب الأمة هم رجالها وقادتها في الغد القريب ومنهم شباب الجامعات والمعاهد الذين هم عماد المستقبل وعليهم سيقع العبء الكبير في تطوير المجتمع وتقدمه بمختلف مجالاته لأنهم يشكلون مادتها الأولية ويتفاعلون مع قدراتها العلمية . فلا بد من إجراء دراسة تتناول هذه الشريحة وهي - شريحة الشباب – فأن فرصة الطالب الجامعي في اختيار شريكة حياته هو في سنين دراسته الجامعية ويحلم بفتاة احلامه ، وكذلك الفتاة فهي تحلم بفتى أحلامها يمكن ان تختاره من خلال وجودها في الجامعه او المعهد . لان العمر يكون متكافئ بينهما .

ويعد سن الزاوج عاملاً مهماً لداوم الرابطة الزوجية بين الزوجين ، هذا من حيث العلاقة المباشرة ، أما العلاقة غير المباشرة ، فأكثر ما تؤثر في النسل من حيث قوته وضعفه ، ويستحسن أن يكون عمر الزوج القانوني والوسطي اكبر من عمر الزوجة من خمس سنوات الى خمسة عشر سنة ، وإذا كان أحد الزوجين اكبر من الآخر بخمس وعشرين سنة فان هذا الزواج يكون مغايرا للطبيعة وضدها ، فيكون اصحاب هذا الزواج غالبا ما غير مسرورين و غير سعداء ، وقد لا تبالي المرأة احيانا من أن تتزوج برجل متقدم في السن طمعا بمال أو جاه أو نفوذ وسلطان ، مما يدفعها في آخر المطاف إلى الندامة والأسى والتحسرعلى ما قد سلف (18 – ص15). وأن التكافؤ الإنساني الصحيح بين الرجل والمرأة ، والشراكة القائمة على هدف مشترك هو وحدة الاسرة . لقد اتفق علماء الاجتماع على أن الشخص المتزوج زواجا سليما يكون اكثر فاعلية و اتزانا في مجال الحياة اليومية ، وأن الزواج عنصر أساسي للمسؤولية الحقيقية للرجل والمرأة على حد سواء ، هذا من جهة ومن جهة اخرى فأن الزواج المبكر سيؤدي الى تشكيل أسرة بوقت مبكر ويكون الولد أو البنت عونا لوالديه في سن معينة (1- 1 ص4) .

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works
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those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works. The unprecedented technological development the world witnesses nowadays has been providing brilliant medical service to the human being including examination, diagnosis and the treatment or follow up. However, such works hide behind potential risks threatening people's lives and such risks my be discovered within the limits of now – how and technical knowledge prevailing the time of rendering the medical service. Also this the question is raised on how to keep up between the safety of the patients and such risks are being unknown by the provider and questioning them contradicts the justices. subsequently, can the patients (affected) acquire the compensat

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Obstacles to development in the field of education
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Education is the most powerful and important weapon in fighting poverty and unemployment because it provides students with new skills that appropriate the new market requirements and fair distribution of natural resources. It also transfers knowledge, skills, and ethics over generations. Education aims to create effective leaders who go under training and rehabilitation process, create a new human and instill faith, generate the creativity and innovation, and keep abreast with scientific process, updating curriculum, and finally, applying the technical education

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نحو نحو نظام لغوي عربي متوازن في المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة
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     Human Rights The word of graduation in the Arabic language to many meanings may be the most appropriate of what Al-Ragheb Al-Isfahani said in the right: is the coming of the thing from saying or doing at the time it must and in the form that must be, so the term human rights includes the following:First: A party has the right and another duty to.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Risk Factors and Early Detection of Diabetes Mellitus in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Women
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Background: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis show predominance of metabolic disorder characterized by overweight, central obesity, dyslipidemia, and impaired glucose tolerance, specifically, few studies have explained insulin resistance in this disease.
Objective: The aim of the present study is to examine insulin resistance and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus in middle age Iraqi women with early rheumatoid arthritis.
Patients and methods: This work involved seventy female with early rheumatoid arthritis. Who was attending to the National Diabetic Center (NDC) of Al-Mustansiriya University and 35 healthy subjects as a control group. From all subjects blood sample was drawn in fasting state to measure the biochemical para

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serum Cystatin C as a Predictor of Acute Kidney Transplant Rejection
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Background: Accurate and rapid assessment of allograft function is essential. Cystatin C has recently been proposed as an alternative marker of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Its diagnostic value for the longitudinal assessment of graft function has not been addressed well.
Objective: To study the validity of cystatin C as an early marker and predictor of acute transplant rejection in the first week post transplantation.
Subjects and Methods: Sixty six renal transplants recipients recruited. The study conducted in four renal transplantation centers in Baghdad for the period from September to December 2011. Serum creatinine and cystatin C concentrations measured 48 hours before transplantation and day 3 a

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Promoting Clinical Breast Examination as A screening Tool for Breast Cancer in Iraq
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Breast cancer constitutes about one fourth of the registered cancer cases among the Iraqi population (1)
and it is the leading cause of death among Iraqi women (2)
. Each year more women are exposed to the vicious
ramifications of this disease which include death if left unmanaged or the negative sequels that they would
experience, cosmetically and psychologically, after exposure to radical mastectomy.
The World Health Organization (WHO) documented that early detection and screening, when coped
with adequate therapy, could offer a reduction in breast cancer mortality; displaying that the low survival rates
in less developed countries, including Iraq, is mainly attributed to the lack of early detection programs couple

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Empowerment and its impact in technical innovation Administrative An analytical study In General Company for electrical Industries
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based search on two variables two main (Administrative empowerment ) and (technical innovation) target detection relationship and influence between the five dimensions (the delegation of authority , personnel training , effective communication, work teams , motivating employees) and
(technical innovation) conducted research in General Company for electrical Industries , and through the sample included the views of managers in the various administrative levels poll

And adopted a researcher at a major tool for data collection is questionnaire designed to find, as was the contents of the questionnaire analysis according to the Statistical Information System ( Spss), The (55) to identi

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 16 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Technological Maturity and its role in reinforcing the quality of auditing: An analytical study in Iraqi audit offices
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This paper discusses the role of Auditors' Technological Maturity in reinforcing the quality of auditing profession, through focusing on the concepts of Technological Maturity and quality of auditing profession, as well as designing a proposed model for Technological Maturity which includes five evolutionary and sequential stages, and this proposed model would contribute to reinforce the quality of auditing. This proposed model will be employed in the field of auditing profession because the importance of the development and investment in this profession and the importance of the need for specialized knowledge in Information Technology, and the result of a proposed model is development of technological knowledge for the auditor to reach

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نحو نظام نحو نظام لغوي عربي متوازن في المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة
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We must live in an era dominated by the call for equality between men and women, in which the voices of advocates of gender integration were heard. After women opened their doors to compete with their brother, Knowledge, and culture in the various forms of life, language as a science of the time and knowledge of the other had to match this reality and express the most accurate expression of this task

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
نحو الجملة البسيطة المعقدة
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نحو الجملة البسيطة المعقدة

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