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مقترح تصميم منهج جغرافي في ضوء التعليم عن بعد وتدريسه للمعلمين في الكلية التربوية المفتوحه في العراق لتجويد العملية التعليمية الجامعية مستقبلا
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     لقد إزدادت التطورات العلمية والتكنولوجية ولاسيما المعلوماتية زيادة في العلوم والحقائق والنظريات والإكتشافات بصورة مذهلة، وكذلك زيادة فروع في العلم والمعرفة ففي كل يوم نشهد قيام فروع أو تخصص معرفي جديد، إضافة إلى تفجر المعرفة التي ساهمت في بناء قنوات الفروع والتخصصات العلمية القديمة والجديدة (عبد الغفور 2001 ص8).

     فالثورة في مجال العلم والمعرفة والمعلومات والإتصالات جعلت العالم أكثر إندماجاً من خلال حركة الأفراد ورأس المال والسلع والمعلومات والخدمات وإنتقال المفاهيم والأذواق والمفردات الخاصة والعامة بين الثقافات المختلفة والحضارات الأخرى. فهي بلاشك ستكون الطاقة المولدة والمحركة في القرن الحادي والعشرين في كل سياقاته الإقتصادية والسياسية والإجتماعية والثقافية والتربوية فالثورة العلمية والمعلوماتية في عالم الكمبيوتر الذي أخذ يزداد في السرعة الكفاءة والتخصص ويتحول من المغناطيس إلى الضوء ومن الضوئي إلى الرقمي ومن الثبات إلى المتحرك ومن الجامد إلى الناعم في المادة إلى الخلية العضوية وبذلك ساهم في تحويل البيانات المعلوماتية والمعارف إلى سلع وخدمات موزعة تدر أرباحاً تفوق كل القطاعات الإنتاجية الأخرى إذ تحولت تكنولوجيا المعلوماتية إلى أهم مصدر من مصادر الثروة من القوى الإجتماعية والسياسية والثقافية الكاسحة في العالم .

     وفي الضوء ما تقدم قابل هذه الثورة العلمية والتكنولوجية زيادة في سكان العالم بسبب التحسين والتطوير في الطب والرعاية الصحية وأرتفاع المستوى المعيشة أنظر إلى الرسم البياني الذي يمثل الزيادة في نسبة سكان العالم .

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مدى وعي المرأة في قدرتها على تأثيث وتنسيق منزلها في مدينة المكلا
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ملخص البحث :-

المنزل هو الشغل الشاغل لكل انسان لانه المكان الذي يجد فيه راحته ويعبر عن ذوقه ويعكس شخصيته وهو بمن فيه يشكل وحدة عمل وانتاج يتطور بمرور الزمن .

من خلال ملاحظة الباحثة لكثير من النساء في مدينة المكلا انهن يقعن في اخطاء مختلفة عند تأثيث منازلهن بسبب جهلهن اساليب التخطيط السليم لشراء الاثاث او تنسيقه في فراغات المنزل المختلفة . ولكي تصل الباحثة الى هدف البحث كان لا

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Risk Analysis in Group Life Insurance: An Applied Research in the General Iraqi Insurance Company
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Insurance actions has become a task of the vital foundations on    which the international economy depends, where its presence helped in the development of economic resources in which human resource is considered the most important of these resources. Insurance companies play the biggest role in protecting this resource and minimizing the impact of the dangers that verify this condition.Human has worked hard to get rid of the dangers and its harm, and to devise many ways to prevent them. A risk management is considered within human’s creations in order to create a society with fewer negative risks impacts.

                On this basis, th

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Parents' Efficacy for Child Healthy Weight Behavior in Elementary Schools in Hilla City
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Objectives: The study aims to (1) Assess the parents' efficacy for child healthy weight behavior. (2) Identify the difference in parents’ efficacy for child healthy weight behavior between the groups of parent’s gender, family’s socioeconomic status, child’s gender, and child’s birth order, (3) Find out the relationship between parents’ age, child’s age, child’s body mass index, family’s socioeconomic status, the number of children in the family and parents’ efficacy for child healthy weight behavior.
Methodology: A descriptive correlational study is conducted for the period from November 11th, 2018 to March 25th, 2019 to assess the parents' efficacy for child healthy weight behavior. The study was carried-out in (

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relational leadership and its effect on organizational energy (A comparative study in the Rafidain and Rashid banks)
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This research aims to test the relationship between "relational leadership as an independent variable and organizational energy as a dependent variable. The current research variables are among the recent and important variables for the development of organizations, and for the purpose of explaining the relationship and influence between the variables, a set of goals has been formulated, including providing the interested and scientific and theoretical information explaining the nature of the variables The research, and the extent to which its causes are reflected in the research sample to increase the interest of the research organization’s organization and make it more appropriate to the required performance in light of a cha

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of tax exemption in attracting foreign investment and the possibility of activation in the Iraqi economy
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The tax exemption, whether wholly or partially, and for an unlimited duration of the investment or for a limited period of few years, is one of the encouraging things to the flow of foreign capital. And if necessary, impose tax on the profits of the invested capital, the promotion requires that not be discriminatory taxes or payments in the amount of money with the need to avoid double taxation. The tax exemption is granted by the government and the feature according to the law of a natural person or legal entity seeking from the government purports to achieve a set of political goals, economic and  social development. The reduction of taxes or grants partial exemption is one of the factors that encourage attract of direct foreign i

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 1989
Journal Name
مجلة متحف التاريخ الطبيعي
The Role of Specific Amino Acids in the Protection of Escherichia coli Against B-Lactam Antibiotics In Vitro
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ABSTRACT The role of specific amino acids namely cysteine, methionine, threonine and asparagine in the protection provided by vamin solution against B-lactam inhibition to E. coli was evaluated in vitro. In minimal medium, Cells were treated with 32 ug/ml of penicillin G, carbencillin, hostacillin, cloxacillin and cephalotin in the presence of specific amino acid supplementations. Deletion of specific amino acids from the media abolished the protection provided by vamin. Threonine was essential for the protection of cells against all tested antibiotics, while cysteine was essential for protection against carbencillin and cephalotin Deletion of methionine or asparagine abolished the protec- tion against carbencillin and to a less extent ce

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Internal music in the poetry of guidance In the era of Islam and its effects Artistic and semantic
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In this research entitled "Internal music in the poetry of guidance in the era of Islam and its artistic and semantic implications" dealt with the following:
 Preface, which addressed the importance of internal music in poetry, and its close association with poetry, and the poet himself, to reveal what is touring himself and revolves in his imagination.
 Repetition of all kinds: repetition of letters, repetition of words, and repetition of phrases: It showed what this repetition of strengthening the melody, and linking parts of words within the same house, or the poem, and create a special musical atmosphere to spread a certain significance and to confirm the meanings and accompanied by musical accommodation.
 Anaphysic

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Property Tax and its Effect in increasing Tax outcome: (An applied Research at The General Commission of Taxes)
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The Search stressed on the importance of the role of property tax as a tributaries of the state budget that depend on it to cover the side of public expenditures, along with the rest of the other types of taxes through a review of the tax  framework and tax proceeds and stand on the research problem and its effects, according to the following logic  questions : -

  1. What is the contribution of property tax in the overall tax revenue?
  2. Are there any certain problems in collection of property tax?
    3. What are the factors that lead to a negative impact on the outcome of the property tax?
    4. How do we strengthen the role of the property tax in the overall tax revenue?

   This r

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Principles of war and jihad to protect the environment and civilians in times of war in Islamic Sharia
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Research summary

Islam protects the environment and civilians in peace and war, and in international humanitarian law protection of the environment and civilians in international conflicts only. As for wars and internal conflicts, it is not within the jurisdiction of international humanitarian law. In Islamic law, the principles of protecting the environment and civilians are fixed in all wars and conflicts, whether internal or external, local. or international.

Islam laid down moral principles in war, including:

- Preserving the environment and avoiding corruption in the land by burning trees and killing animals unnecessarily.

- Not to be exposed to non-combatants, including women, boys, the elderly, the disa

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accountability measures in enhancing the results of the federal budget in government spending units
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The role and procedures for accountability in the spending units significant impact in enhancing the results of the budget it is found by studying and comparing the results of the implementation of the budget for the research sample for a period of two years to repeat the same deviations and irregularities of Guanyin, regulations and instructions that have occurred in implementation results and two consecutive Kaltjaoz customizations and low rates of implementation and the lack of exchange of allocations Finance despite the presence budget note that such remarks are always indicate in regulatory reports, but these observations repeated Bostmr in the results of the implementation of the budget. Which clearly reflects the absence of the ro

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