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مقترح تصميم منهج جغرافي في ضوء التعليم عن بعد وتدريسه للمعلمين في الكلية التربوية المفتوحه في العراق لتجويد العملية التعليمية الجامعية مستقبلا
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     لقد إزدادت التطورات العلمية والتكنولوجية ولاسيما المعلوماتية زيادة في العلوم والحقائق والنظريات والإكتشافات بصورة مذهلة، وكذلك زيادة فروع في العلم والمعرفة ففي كل يوم نشهد قيام فروع أو تخصص معرفي جديد، إضافة إلى تفجر المعرفة التي ساهمت في بناء قنوات الفروع والتخصصات العلمية القديمة والجديدة (عبد الغفور 2001 ص8).

     فالثورة في مجال العلم والمعرفة والمعلومات والإتصالات جعلت العالم أكثر إندماجاً من خلال حركة الأفراد ورأس المال والسلع والمعلومات والخدمات وإنتقال المفاهيم والأذواق والمفردات الخاصة والعامة بين الثقافات المختلفة والحضارات الأخرى. فهي بلاشك ستكون الطاقة المولدة والمحركة في القرن الحادي والعشرين في كل سياقاته الإقتصادية والسياسية والإجتماعية والثقافية والتربوية فالثورة العلمية والمعلوماتية في عالم الكمبيوتر الذي أخذ يزداد في السرعة الكفاءة والتخصص ويتحول من المغناطيس إلى الضوء ومن الضوئي إلى الرقمي ومن الثبات إلى المتحرك ومن الجامد إلى الناعم في المادة إلى الخلية العضوية وبذلك ساهم في تحويل البيانات المعلوماتية والمعارف إلى سلع وخدمات موزعة تدر أرباحاً تفوق كل القطاعات الإنتاجية الأخرى إذ تحولت تكنولوجيا المعلوماتية إلى أهم مصدر من مصادر الثروة من القوى الإجتماعية والسياسية والثقافية الكاسحة في العالم .

     وفي الضوء ما تقدم قابل هذه الثورة العلمية والتكنولوجية زيادة في سكان العالم بسبب التحسين والتطوير في الطب والرعاية الصحية وأرتفاع المستوى المعيشة أنظر إلى الرسم البياني الذي يمثل الزيادة في نسبة سكان العالم .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2005
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
الاوضاع العامة ليهود العراق قبل الهجرة القانونية
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الاوضاع العامة ليهود العراق قبل الهجرة القانونية

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
العراق وسياسة حسن الجوار تجاه تركيا وايران
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العراق وسياسة حسن الجوار تجاه تركيا

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Negative Reflections of Ottomans and Persian struyy on Iraq (1508 – 1914)
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Continuous conflict between Parisian and Ottoman states the results that Iraq became as
aground for their battles which leads to their own interests in Iraq which are shape their
strategy. The conflict continues for long time. In spite of, they signed many treatments and
protocols between the two sides, as Arzarom treaty , the first and the second, Tahran protocols
, and Astana protocol. This conflict, no sides of them to dose any part of their land, but these
treaties leaded to a big loss to Iraq ,which lost parts of it's land and water area in Ahwaz and
shatt AL-Arab, so, Iraq became as a smoth target for their interests, and lost its
sovereignty,and lost self-govern of the country country . so the research conclud

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Iraq's Public Budget for 2015 Ambition & challenges
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One of the most critical functions of the government is the devising and planning for the Public Budget for the coming years. Studying any budget of any given state would directly reflect on its intentions and collective direction during a certain time span. Since all allocations represent the government's agenda and time plan for coming years. And the size of each allocation would measure the priority of each budgetary item. Because of the eminent importance of the public budget planning in Iraq, a country of abundant riches and human resources that flow in the national economy, we present this research that would cover the resources versus expenditures of Iraq's public budget endured by the government to sustain its various sec

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) - general information about the verb in Russian: Определение глагола в форме повелительного наклонения (императива) - общая сведения о глаголе на русском языке)
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      The article examines the definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) _ general information about the verb in Russian .

       A verb in Russian is one of the parts of speech that unify all parts of speech, expressing the meaning of action, movement, process in grammatical forms of time, type, mood, face and voice. The imperative mood is a grammatical feature of the verb expressed through several forms of the verb that urges someone to do things. In other words, imperative mood or (imperative) : -  one of the single meaning of the form . The form of the imperative expresses a supplicatio

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Damage Currency Swap the Resulting From Government Departments Dealing With Trade Bank of Iraq From
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Interested current Research measuring damage currency Swap by converting The ministry of higher Education and scientific Research money The Iraqi dinar To U.S dollar by Trade Bank Of Iraq , And that The damage Generated resulting from Deferent Between the Exchange Rate adopted From Central Bank of Iraq and Market Exchange Rate adopted by The Trade Bank Of Iraq , and Which led to the greet damage ( losses ) in Bearing by the ministry, which led to the reduction of the financial allocations for licensed curriculum outside of Iraq , and this in turn leads  to reduction in the number of students Sender ( scholarships )  outside Iraq.

Where the estimated loss (damage) that suffer by the Ministry of H

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Faithful representation of accounting information according requirements width financial statements depending on international standard (IFRS-15) revenue from contracts with customers: Applied research in a sample of the joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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This study seeks to identify the possibility of achieving the property of faithful representation of accounting information and measure it by using the standard approach based on mathematical and statistical equations by comparing two financial periods before and after the application of (IFRS-15) Revenue from contracts with customers, during the period. (2014-2018), for the financial statements of the mixed joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, which is one of the main pillars of the economic structure of the country, as a joint investment between the state and the private sector, and has importance in many aspects, including support for projects of public companies, S Absorption and employment of labor, as well as ra

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Tax Planning Policy Directions for The Development of The Tax Outcome in Iraq for The Years (1990- 2010): An Applied Research at The General Board of Taxes
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The importance of research is to be considered by highlighting the tax policy in Iraq which extended for successive measurement of the amount of tax receipts for respective periods, the research problem represents security, economic and political issues that Iraq suffered which were very difficult since Nineties of the last century until now that led to a lake of clarity in tax policy trends, volatility in it and finally reflected on the tax revenues increase or decrease. One of the main recommendations of the research is: (The necessity to develop a deliberate strategy for tax policy in Iraq which should take into account financial, economic, and social goals in appropriate way).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of supervisory control requirements on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Iraq: Case Study: Islamic Cooperation Bank for Investment and Development for the years (2015-2018)
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Given the importance that the Iraqi banking system in general and Islamic banks in particular, there must be effective supervisory oversight of these banks, as supervisory oversight has an essential and effective role in the development and evaluation of the performance of banks, through the application of legal controls and rules. Banking aimed at making sure that its financial centers are safe, protecting depositors' funds, and achieving both monetary and economic stability. This research studied and evaluates the mechanisms and tools used by the Central Bank of Iraq in the supervision and supervision of these banks. Therefore, the research aimed to measure the type and direction of the relationship between the requirements of supervis

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Return Variation on Investment as a Function for the Difference of Market Share: An Applied Research on a Sample of Private Banks listed in Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX)
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    The research specified with study the relation  between the market share for the sample research banks and the amount of the achieved revenues from the investment, where the  dominated belief  that there potentiality enhancing the revenue on investment with the increase of the banks shares in their markets after their success in achieving rates of successive growth in their sales of sales and to a suitable achieve  market coverage for their products and they have dissemination and suitable  promotion activity, the  market share represented the competition  for the banks, and the markets pay attention to the  market share as a strategic objective and to maintain them also increasi

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