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مقترح تصميم منهج جغرافي في ضوء التعليم عن بعد وتدريسه للمعلمين في الكلية التربوية المفتوحه في العراق لتجويد العملية التعليمية الجامعية مستقبلا
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     لقد إزدادت التطورات العلمية والتكنولوجية ولاسيما المعلوماتية زيادة في العلوم والحقائق والنظريات والإكتشافات بصورة مذهلة، وكذلك زيادة فروع في العلم والمعرفة ففي كل يوم نشهد قيام فروع أو تخصص معرفي جديد، إضافة إلى تفجر المعرفة التي ساهمت في بناء قنوات الفروع والتخصصات العلمية القديمة والجديدة (عبد الغفور 2001 ص8).

     فالثورة في مجال العلم والمعرفة والمعلومات والإتصالات جعلت العالم أكثر إندماجاً من خلال حركة الأفراد ورأس المال والسلع والمعلومات والخدمات وإنتقال المفاهيم والأذواق والمفردات الخاصة والعامة بين الثقافات المختلفة والحضارات الأخرى. فهي بلاشك ستكون الطاقة المولدة والمحركة في القرن الحادي والعشرين في كل سياقاته الإقتصادية والسياسية والإجتماعية والثقافية والتربوية فالثورة العلمية والمعلوماتية في عالم الكمبيوتر الذي أخذ يزداد في السرعة الكفاءة والتخصص ويتحول من المغناطيس إلى الضوء ومن الضوئي إلى الرقمي ومن الثبات إلى المتحرك ومن الجامد إلى الناعم في المادة إلى الخلية العضوية وبذلك ساهم في تحويل البيانات المعلوماتية والمعارف إلى سلع وخدمات موزعة تدر أرباحاً تفوق كل القطاعات الإنتاجية الأخرى إذ تحولت تكنولوجيا المعلوماتية إلى أهم مصدر من مصادر الثروة من القوى الإجتماعية والسياسية والثقافية الكاسحة في العالم .

     وفي الضوء ما تقدم قابل هذه الثورة العلمية والتكنولوجية زيادة في سكان العالم بسبب التحسين والتطوير في الطب والرعاية الصحية وأرتفاع المستوى المعيشة أنظر إلى الرسم البياني الذي يمثل الزيادة في نسبة سكان العالم .

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the level of unemployment in Iraq by using the user / product schedule for 2010
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Economic performance is one of the most important indicators of economic activity and with the performance of the economy progress varied sources of output and increase economic growth rates and per capita national income, and to recover the business environment and increase investment rates and rising effectiveness of the financial and monetary institutions and credit market. Which leads to increased employment rates and reducing unemployment rates and the elimination of many of the social problems and improve the average per capita income as well as improve the level of national income.

The input / output tables is a technique mathematical indicates economic performance

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the Stability of Iraqi Banking System according to Basel III
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Banking reforms in many countries have focused on the efficiency enhance of the banking sector, including Iraq, in terms of indicative steps based on recommendations, policies and standards developed by international organizations, foremost of which are Basel III. In this paper, it has tried to highlight the reforms in Basel III and the impact of these reforms on the stability of the banking system in Iraq. As the research derives its importance from the idea that the sound banking system consists of a group of banks capable of employing their assets and obligations efficiently in financial intermediation and enjoying financial solvency. The stability of the banking system is an important factor in achieving the leading role of t

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measurement of emotional disorders in young people Who suffer from unemployment in Iraq?
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Generally, there are many problems that people run into; unemployment is one of these common diseases which usually hits the whole communities leaving crucial effects (economic, social, and psychological) that are difficult to handle them. The current study aims to identify the level of emotional disorders among Iraqi unemployed alumni for the academic years (2013-2016). To this end, the researchers have prepared a questionnaire to measure (anxiety, depression, and anger): these criteria distributed over (30) item. As for sample, it limited to (50) male and female student. The findings of study have revealed that the whole sample showed a high level of emotional disorders, and anger disorder showed higher level than the level of (depress

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the relationship between inflation and the tax revenue in Iraq for the period 1990-2010
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The Iraqi economy has suffered for a long period of inflation because of the Iraq war and the resolutions and the sanctions that were imposed on Iraq, this phenomenon overshadowed at various aspects of the economy including the tax revenue that the State seeks to optimize the total income for the budget, the research covers the years 1990-2010, these years have been divided according to the country's economic variables.

The research  adopted on econometrics analysis that is based on the information and data available on topics and has been using statistical methods to test functions are formulated.

Research concluded that rates of inflation and GDP impact is limited to direct taxation and indirect in current prices a

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Women's Rape in Iraq between Legislation and Social Norms: A Critical Discourse Analysis
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Recently, women's rape has been a pervasive problem in the Iraqi society. Thus, it has become necessary to consider the role of language and its influence on the common beliefs and opinions about rape in the Iraqi society. Thus, taking into consideration the critical role of language and its impact on the perception of human reality and the social development based on people's beliefs and principles of life has become highly indispensable. Therefore. The aim of this article is to address this problem critically from legislation and social norms in NGOs' reports (2015; 2019) with reference to some provisions from the Iraqi Panel Code (1969; 2010). Therefore, the researchers examine the discursive strategies and ideological viewpoints in t

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
التضخم في العراق واحتساب مساهمة المجاميع السلعية فيه للمدة 2004 - 2009
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The inflation phenomenon inherent to all economies in the world, including Iraq, and to find out the reasons for this phenomenon must be measured impact on the national economy, and is the index of consumer prices of the most common measure of inflation in order to find the means and the treatments needed and this can be reached through the study of the role of aggregates   Commodity and its impact on the general trend of cash inflation, in  Iraq for the period 2004 2009 to determine the groups lead to inflation in Iraq, where it emerged that the group rent is ranked first in the proportion of its contribution to the index of consumer prices, and food group is ranked second. The fuel and lighting group ranked third.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Enhancing national security through foreseeing the economic intelligence system in Iraq
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         Economic intelligence represents a modern field of knowledge that has been and is still the focus of many studies and research, including this research that deals with economic intelligence and its role in strengthening Iraqi national security - an analytical study. Economic development and economic development without security, and in a situation such as that of Iraq, which is still suffering from conflicts, conflicts and the effects of wars, as well as the unstable conditions in its regional environment, the directions of that relationship cannot be determined except through the availability of accurate information, indicators, full knowledge of reality and the pos

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The evaluation of the procedures of excution the national strategy of unti - corruption in Iraq (2014-2010)
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    Corruption has become the subject of great interest, and the subject of research and scrutiny in recent years, because of its penetration in all fields of life,  whether these fields are political, economic, social, and administrative. It is one of the biggest challenges and problems that are facing communities. Therefore, this study is focused on the evaluation of measures implementing the national strategy to combat corruption in Iraq.

This study was launched, first because of its intellectual dimensions to ensure a conceptual presentation of the strategy and operational management in general with a special focus on the processes of implementation and control str

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
محاولة لصياغة برنامج تمويلي متكامل لدعم المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في العراق
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تعمل البنوك والمؤسسات المالية كوسيط مالي بين أصحاب المدخرات والودائع من جهة ومستخدمي هذه الأموال من جهة أخرى، وممارسة هذه الوساطة المالية بين الطرفين توضح العلاقة التي ينشأ عنها الائتمان، فالائتمان علاقة بين طرفين أولهما تزيد موارده على احتياجاته وهم (المدخرون) والثاني تزيد احتياجاته على موارده وهم (المقترضون)، وطبيعة العلاقة التي تنشأ بينهما تأخذ أحد شكلين: مباشر دون وساطة من أي طرف خارجي، أو غير مباشر عن

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 08 2022
Journal Name
مجلة حمورابي
العقيدة العسكرية للمنظمات الارهابية الحرب اللامتماثلة في العراق عام 2014 انموذحا
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