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العولمة وانعكاسها على التذوق الفني لطلبة المرحلة الاعدادية
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مشكلة البحث

              وتعد مرحلة المراهقة من اصعب المراحل التي يمر بها الفرد واخطرها اذ يطلق عليها بمرحلة التفكير المجرد ، وهي مرحلة حاسمة في حياته اذ تتكون لديه معالم الشخصية .أنهم خزين الامة الحقيقي من الطاقات الحيوية التي لا تنضب لذا يجب الاهتمام بهذه الشريحة من المجتمع وتطويرهم وتوجيههم لاسلم الطرق للحفاظ على مستقبلهم ومستقبل الامة وسلامتها الفكرية والعلمية.

       ومن سمات الطلبة في مرحلة المراهقة هي التغيرات النفسية التي تنمو مع نموهم وتصاحبها الصراعات النفسية وتقلب الآراء والتطلع الى المستقبل بصورة انتقالية سريعة .

وقد ظهر في السنوات الاخيرة من القرن الماضي النظام العالمي الجديد والذي يطلق عليه " ظاهرة العولمة " من خلال وسائل الاعلام ووسائل الاتصال كافة ، بدأت تصل الينا ، وبما ان مرحلة المراهقة الاكثر تطلعاً الى التجديد في مسار حياتهم والاسرع تأثراً بمضامين ومفاهيم العولمة . اذ ان التلفزيون والانترنيت وغيرها من وسائل الاتصال الفعالة التي لها تأثيراً كبيراً على القيم الاجتماعية والاخلاقية والتربوية للشباب تنعكس على سلوكهم وميولهم واختياراتهم المستقبلية وتذوقهم الفني ، فأن دعوة العولمة لبناء ثقافة كونية , تؤثر على الخصوصية الثقافية للمجتمع والابتعاد عن التقاليد والمعتقدات.

       وهذه تعد مشكلة جديرة بالبحث ، فمن خلال الدراسة الاستطلاعية التي قام بها الباحثين في المدارس الاعدادية لوحظ ان هناك تعلقاً عند الكثير من الطلبة الى الالعاب الالكترونية الحاسوبية وبرامج الانترنيت والتلفاز التي باتت تشكل حاجة ملحة عند الكثير منهم , فبالوقت الذي كان يقدم المنفعة العلمية والثقافية والخدمية نراه اليوم يلتهم كل الوقت الذي يمتلكوه وانعكاس ذالك على سلوكهم وتذوقهم الفني .

       لذا وجد الباحثان الخوض في هذا المجال ، فقد دعت الحاجة الى القيام بالبحث الموسوم " العولمة وانعكاسها على التذوق الفني لطلبة المرحلة الاعدادية " .

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Stressful Life Events and their Relationship to Life Skills in Middle School Students
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The current research aims to identify the stressful life events among middle school students in terms of gender (male-female), academic branch (scientific-literary), and the Life Skills of the students of the preparatory stage in terms of gender (male-female), and academic branch (scientific-literary). Additionally, the study aims to identify the relationship between stressful life events and life skills in middle school students. A sample of (200) students who were selected randomly from the Directorate of education of Baghdad Karkh/ III was used in this study. To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher has adopted two scales, the stressful life events scale for the researcher Al-Sultan (2008), and the life skills

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
Representations and perceptions of anxiety about the future of artistic expression for students in middle school
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The tensions and crises and the psychological pressure as well as the rapid changes and great development which is taking place in the present time. And  witnessing community of wars and conflicts that give rise to future concern among members of the community in general and students in particular, as it included the current research a number of chapters, the First chapter contains the research problem, the important goal, then set researcher terminology that has defined and contained in the title of research in the form (concern the future, artistic expression, middle school). The Second chapter included three sections, the first included the nature of adolescence and traits, characteristics and pr

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Exploring the Effectiveness of two Scales for Measuring Cultural Intelligence of the Preparatory School Students
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The present study aims at exploring tow cultural intelligence scales of preparatory school students. It also aims at finding out the statistically significant differences according to gender and specification. Accordingly, the present study seeks to answer the following questions:

  1. Is there cultural intelligence of the preparatory school students?
  2. Is there any statistically significant differences according to gender and specification variables?
  3. Is there a scale more effective than cultural intelligence scales?

The stratified random sampling method is used to for selecting the sample of (216) students of scientific and humanistic specifications from

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive Beliefs and Their Relationship to Self-Organized Learning Strategies at the Preparatory Stage
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The study aims to identify the level of cognitive beliefs, as well as to identify the level of self-organized learning strategies among intermediate school students. The study also aims to identify the differences in the level of self-organized learning strategies among intermediate school students in term of gender, branch (scientific, literary). In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher designed a scale to measure the cognitive beliefs. As for the scale of self-organized learning strategies, the researcher adopted a scale of (Pintrich et al. 1991), which was translated by (Izzat Abdelhamid, 1999) , For self-organized learning strategies, the sample consisted of (400) students from the research population, whic

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measurement of Appreciation of Clothes of University’s Students
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Clothes are considered a means of aesthetic and artistic expression that help to hide the flaws of the body and highlight its merits , it has importance in people's lives as it reflects the individual's idea of himself and his personality. Whereas  the appreciation  in clothing  is a reflection of a person's sense of artistic components and the application of this sense to the clothes of his choice. Regarding the differences in clothing tastes by the university students according to the following variables (gender, specialization, stage of study,  age, monthly income), the current research is considered quantitative descriptive research that is concerned with studying a phenomenon that exists in reality, measuring it

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
" أثر استراتيجية الجيجسو في تحصيل مادة الجغرافيا وعمليات العلم لدى طالبات المرحلة الاعدادية"
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The goal of current researcher to know the impact of strategic Jigsaw in the collection of hypertext and geographic operations of science students at the preparatory stage And that by checking the following 1.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional degrees in the average achievement in the subject of geographical 2.There is no difference statistically significant at the significance level 0.05 between the experimental group students who were studying strategy Jigsaw and between the control group students who studied in the usual way traditional av

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effectiveness of teaching the theory of TRIZ in expressive performance and the development of creative thinking among preparatory school students
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The current research aims to find out (the effectiveness of teaching TRIZ theory in the expressive performance and the development of creative thinking among preparatory school students)
To achieve this, the researcher adopted on an experimental design is located in women with partial seizure experimental designs field in order to achieve the goals of the research, has sample consisted of two divisions seminars Mentzmtin in junior high school Diyala for Boys, and divided the sample of (60) called on the two groups, the first pilot of ( 30) student, and the other officer and number (30), student, and studied researchers experimental group theory TRIZ, while he studied the officer in the traditional manner, the researcher conducted a pa

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر برنامج التعبئة النفسية في مواجهة أحداث الحياة الضاغطة لدى طلاب المرحلة الاعدادية
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The Stressful Life Events consider one of the important thing in humans life in different period of life even school period,   where it is deal with vital period of life which is the youth period that represent the hope and precious resources that nation depend on it in building her civilization, structure anddevelopment  ,they are part from the present and whole future .As the great effect of stressful life event on humans , increase the need to put a program about psyching-up which consider one of the modren and effective programs.The aim of current search:1.   Measure the level of stressful events at the junior high school  studen

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 04 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثار العولمة الاقتصادية على البيئة والإنسان في العراق
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مشكلة البحث واهميته:-

          اخذ موضوع العولمة قدراً وافياً من الاهتمام سواء على المستوى الاكاديمي او على مستوى اجهزة الاعلام والرأي العام ومختلف التيارات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية ، فلا يخلو أي لقاء اقتصادي او سياسي او اجتماعي من الحديث عن العولمة اذ نشرت العديد من الابحاث والدراسات وعقدت الكثير من الندوات والمؤتمرات لدراسة العولمة وبيان اثارها ولعل ذل

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using Computer in program BasedStudying for Student in Jordan
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This study aimed at investigating the effect of using computer in
Efficiency of Training Programme of Science Teachers in Ajloun District in
1- What is the effect of using computer in program for the two groups
2- ( the experimental and control group ) .
3- Are there any statistics different in the effect of using computer
program for the two groups ?
4- Are there any statistics (comparison ) or different of the effect of the
effect of using computer program refer to the sex (male or female )?
The community of the study consisted of all the science student in
educational directorate of Ajloun district for the academic year 2009 –
2010, they are (120) ( male and female) . The sample of the study<

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