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بناء وتطبيق مقياس مفهوم المواطنة لدى طلبة الجامعة
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تعد المواطنة مبدأ ومرجعية دستورية وسياسية لا تلغي عملية التدافع والتنافس في الفضاء الاجتماعي ، نضبطها بضوابط الوطن ووحدته القائمة على احترام التنوع وليس على نفيه ، والساعية بوسائل قانونية وسلمية للافادة من هذا التنوع في تمتين قاعدة الوحدة الوطنية ، بحيث يشعر الجميع بان مستقبلهم مرهون بها ، وانها لاتشكل نفيا لمحو حياتهم ، وانما مجالا للتعبير عنها بوسائل منسجمة وناموس الاختلاف وافاق العصر ومكتسبات الحضارة ، ولا يكتمل مفهوم المواطنة على الصعيد الواقعي الا بنشوء دولة الانسان تلك الدولة المدنية التي تمارس الحياد الايجابي تجاه قناعات ومعتقدات وايديولوجيات مواطنيها بمعنى ان لا تمارس الاقصاء والتمييز تجاه مواطن بسبب معتقادته او اصوله القومية او العرقية فهي مؤسسة جامعة لكل المواطنين وهي تمثل المحصلة الاخيرة لمجموع ارادات المواطنين (محفوظ ،2005 : 3 ).

وعليه ينبغي ان تعمل الجامعة ومن قبلها المراحل التعليمية الاخرى على تنمية مفهوم المواطنة عند الطلبة ، غير ان هذا يتطلب قياس درجة توافر مفهوم المواطنة عند طلبة الجامعة ، اذ في ضوء هذا التكميم يتمكن المعنيين والمسؤولين عن التعليم من تحديد احتياجات تنميتها واساليبه بدقة ، لان القياس يحول السمة الى كم او رقم لايختلف عليه اثنان ويسهل عملية التقويم والمقارنة بموضوعية (Ghiselli,et al , 1981 :23 ) .

الا ان عملية القياس تتطلب توافر مقياس موضوعي لقياس السمة معد على البيئة او المجتمع الذي تقاس فيه تلك السمة، ونظرا لعدم توافر مقياس لمفهوم المواطنة معد ومطبق على طلبة الجامعو على قدر اطلاع الباحث يتسم بالخصائص القياسية التي تحد من اخطاء القياس التي لابد ان تكون في القياس النفسي بشكل عام لذا فان مشكلة البحث الحالي يمكن ان تنبثق من الحاجة لمثل هذا المقياس وتحدد بعدم وجود مقياس يمكن استخدامه في قياس مفهوم المواطنة عند طلبة جامعة بغداد.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Shape of Round house as an Effective Strategy in the Collection of Art Education Students
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The two researchers selected the problem of research which represented with the following asking: Does the use of the shape of Round house strategy have effectiveness in the collection of students of the Department of Art Education of the subjectof teaching methods?
The research aims to "measure the effectiveness of Strategy shape of Round house in the collection of students of the Department of Art Education for the material teaching methods" and to verify the aim of the research two zeroassumptions was identified to measure the level of achievement in the subject of teaching methods of third stage students in the Department of Art Education –College of Fine Arts.
The research community included the students of Art Education Dep

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Contemporary Iraqi arts techniques and their reflection on the products of the students of Art Education
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The techniques of contemporary Iraqi painting and their reflection on the productions of students of art education is an important subject in the field of painting at the theoretical and practical levels in academic study, whether theoretical or practical. Al-Iraqi is one of the arts with historical roots and a distinguished position among other artistic genres. Painting has received a sufficient level of development through the use of various contemporary techniques to advance it for the better.
The methodological framework included the problem of research and the need for it, and then the importance of research came in shedding light on the techniques of contemporary Iraqi painting, and the impact of these techniques on the producti

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Secondary Schools Students' Exposure to Risk Factors in Al-Najaf City
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Objective: The study aim to evaluate secondary schools students' exposure to risk factors in Al-Najaf City. Methodology: Descriptive study conducted in Al- Najaf City/Iraq on students at secondary schools, those aged (12-24) years old, for the period from the 13ed of November 2015 and up to 4ed of August 2015. The sample included secondary school from those schools . Data is collected through a constructed questionnaire, reliability and students (intermediate and secondary) (540) student; (270) male and (270) females who are selected randomly content validity process has been determined for the instrument. Dat

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of the Teacher in Facing Intellectual Extremism among High School Students
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The study aimed to identify the role of the teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in high school students, and identify the differences of statistical significance in the role of teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in secondary school students according to gender variable (males, females) and the duration of service (less than 5 years more than 5 years), the sample was consisted of (100) teachers with (50) male  and (50) female in the city of Bayaa, Dora and Sadiya, the measure of intellectual extremism was applied by the researcher, and the study reached a role of the teacher in facing the intellectual extremism at Secondary school students, and the existence of differences of statistical significance in the role

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Educational Novelty And Its Relation With Visual Thinking With The Students Of Artistic Education Department
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The two objectives of the current research are :-

  1. Uncover the views and opinions of the students of Artistic Education Department about the relation between educational novelty and its relation with visual . 
  2. Identifying the capabilities of the students of artistic education department .

            The society of the research is the  fourth class students of artistic education department -  College of Fine Arts  ( 83 students from both sexes ) .  It was chosen ( 60 ) students sample of  from both sexes by the researcher in order to conduct test upon them .The researcher has adopted descr

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم
فاعلية استراتيجيات تدريسية مقترحة على وفق انموذج بناء المعرفة المشتركة في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط وكفاءتهم الرياضية
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building marketing culture and reflection on the mental image Search for a pilot sample of managers in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry
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          The subject of marketing culture and mental image is one of the important topics in the field of management. There is no study that combines these two variables. The research is important because of the increasing importance of the subject. The future direction of the company in question will support the company's economic and marketing responsibilities. And reflect the company's mental image, as a culture that contributes to changing the reality of the organization investigated by polling the views of a sample of managers in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry, which (30) out of the (65) individual, and There are two hypotheses of research: There is a significant

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Increased interest in the subject of the image because of its great and growing link to the life of the individual and society and its impact on the overall political, economic and cultural conditions. This interest is no longer confined to the images of people or institutions, but has become beyond that to the images of countries and peoples and the impact on bilateral relations between them,

However, we find that the image of the Iraqi abroad remained vague and has not been scientifically recognized and the most that we can generalize are the features of the image of Arabs and Muslims abroad; and assume that the image of the Iraqi applies to them as the Iraqi is in the end an Arab or Muslim.

Based on this, the research

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Factorial Structure of The Emotional Intelligence Scale to Bar-On Applied on Students from Preparatory School in Baghdad City.
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The aim of the study was to know the factors analysis of scale Bar-On & Parker, post analysis is found fourteen factors for the first degree of the scale. Also we extracted five factors from the second degree.

  The scale consists of (60) items , applied on sample of (200) students (Male &Female ) age (15-18) years randomly chosen from preparatory schools . The scale unveiled satis factors  validity and reliability. An others aims is to low the  emotional  Intelligence level and  know the difference of statistical in sex , age variable and the specialization variable .The result was no difference of statistical in sex and specialization variable , but the difference appear

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Assessing English Language Knowledge of the Scholarship Students in the Scientific Colleges and the Preparatory Year at the Islamic University of Madinah.
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This research aimed to identify the level of English language knowledge among the students of scientific colleges and the preparatory year (scholarship students) at the Islamic University of Madinah. The research was limited to identifying students at the meanings of vocabulary and grammar of the English language. The researcher used a descriptive approach to achieve study goals. It applied three tools to collect information from the targeted sample; first, a test for determining the level of students in the achievement of vocabulary which applied to (69) students. Second, a test to determine the level of students in the English language grammar, (73) students took part. Third, a survey to get students’ opinions about the program of te

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