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بناء وتطبيق مقياس مفهوم المواطنة لدى طلبة الجامعة
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تعد المواطنة مبدأ ومرجعية دستورية وسياسية لا تلغي عملية التدافع والتنافس في الفضاء الاجتماعي ، نضبطها بضوابط الوطن ووحدته القائمة على احترام التنوع وليس على نفيه ، والساعية بوسائل قانونية وسلمية للافادة من هذا التنوع في تمتين قاعدة الوحدة الوطنية ، بحيث يشعر الجميع بان مستقبلهم مرهون بها ، وانها لاتشكل نفيا لمحو حياتهم ، وانما مجالا للتعبير عنها بوسائل منسجمة وناموس الاختلاف وافاق العصر ومكتسبات الحضارة ، ولا يكتمل مفهوم المواطنة على الصعيد الواقعي الا بنشوء دولة الانسان تلك الدولة المدنية التي تمارس الحياد الايجابي تجاه قناعات ومعتقدات وايديولوجيات مواطنيها بمعنى ان لا تمارس الاقصاء والتمييز تجاه مواطن بسبب معتقادته او اصوله القومية او العرقية فهي مؤسسة جامعة لكل المواطنين وهي تمثل المحصلة الاخيرة لمجموع ارادات المواطنين (محفوظ ،2005 : 3 ).

وعليه ينبغي ان تعمل الجامعة ومن قبلها المراحل التعليمية الاخرى على تنمية مفهوم المواطنة عند الطلبة ، غير ان هذا يتطلب قياس درجة توافر مفهوم المواطنة عند طلبة الجامعة ، اذ في ضوء هذا التكميم يتمكن المعنيين والمسؤولين عن التعليم من تحديد احتياجات تنميتها واساليبه بدقة ، لان القياس يحول السمة الى كم او رقم لايختلف عليه اثنان ويسهل عملية التقويم والمقارنة بموضوعية (Ghiselli,et al , 1981 :23 ) .

الا ان عملية القياس تتطلب توافر مقياس موضوعي لقياس السمة معد على البيئة او المجتمع الذي تقاس فيه تلك السمة، ونظرا لعدم توافر مقياس لمفهوم المواطنة معد ومطبق على طلبة الجامعو على قدر اطلاع الباحث يتسم بالخصائص القياسية التي تحد من اخطاء القياس التي لابد ان تكون في القياس النفسي بشكل عام لذا فان مشكلة البحث الحالي يمكن ان تنبثق من الحاجة لمثل هذا المقياس وتحدد بعدم وجود مقياس يمكن استخدامه في قياس مفهوم المواطنة عند طلبة جامعة بغداد.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Concept of moderation in the Islamic political thought
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Abstract : The concept of moderation is one of the important concepts that have been discussed in political thought in general and in Islamic political thought in particular. It concerns the status of moderation and balance and the need of Islamic societies to apply them in contemporary times. The Islamic societies faced challenges facing Islamic advancement. And the right, which is the middle between the excessive and the excessive -and the exaggeration and cost-, and between negligence and default, moderation and integritybetween both two sides are: excessive and negligent". In addition, the concept of moderation and its intellectual roots have been sought in the Holy Quran and the noble prophetic, and the search for its charac

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
In-betweenness and Liminal Selfin Amiri Baraka's Dutchman
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This study deals with the thems of "in-betweeness" in the modern Afro-American Drama, drawing upon the accumulated literature of the colonial and postcolonial studies. In-betweeness appears in these studies under the canopy of the terms mimicry, hybridity and liminality which refer to a transformative, in-between state of being. It also refers to themutual relations holdingbetween man and his cultural space.

This concept is fitting the Afro-American playwright Amiri Baraka's plays and his violent, revolutionary theatre. In his play Dutchman (1964), Clay, the protagonist, is a good example of the two-ness or in-betweeness. He finds difficulty choosing between the ethnocentric white culture and the black culture.He allows

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of peaceful coexistence and its obstacles in Iraq
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This research deals with the study of the obstacles to peaceful coexistence in Iraq. Therefore, our hypothesis is that these obstacles are not attributed to one reason or to one source. Therefore, peaceful coexistence among the components of Iraqi society remains fragile and vulnerable to collapse and threat at any moment. This society, which is already in need of social relations, needs more than ever to coexist and consolidate it. Through the exercise of democracy in Iraq in a manner that guarantees rights and duties for all, to restore mutual trust between the components of this community in a way that feels they are citizens of the state.


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
مفهوم الدولة ونشوءها عند ابن خلدون
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مفهوم الدولة ونشوءها عند ابن خلدون

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of leadership patterns on the phenomenon of jop burnout among employees at Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University
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This study deals with the impact of leadership styles in its three main dimensions (democratic, autocratic, lenient) as an independent variable of the dimensions of functional combustion (emotional stress, inhumanity, personal achievement). The research sought to achieve a set of goals, the most prominent of which are: studying the reality of the researched organization to identify the leadership patterns used in its management and its impact on the phenomenon of functional combustion, Moreover, knowing the extent of support for these established patterns and their contribution to mitigating the phenomenon of functional combustion in the organization's environment, and testing the impact of these leadership patte

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Cognitive Strategies on Iraqi EFL College Students’ Writing Anxiety
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Writing in English language demands both mental skills and a suitable level of language proficiency. Some studies showed that writing anxiety has an impact on the acquisition of language learning. This study; however, teaches the cognitive strategies (PLAY & WRITE) as a writing strategy, so as to decrease students’ use of it when experiencing writing anxiety at the academic writing level. The sample has been (100) second-stage Department of English learners at the College of Education (Ibn –Rushd), in the University of Baghdad-Iraq. They have been randomly selected and divided into experimental and control groups; (50) students in each group. To achieve the objective of the study, SLWAI questionnaire has been distributed to the e

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
مجلة اداب المستنصرية
اثر استعمال نظرية التلقي في تحصيل طلبة قسم اللغة العربية لمادة الادب الاسلامي في كلية الآداب في الجامعة العراقية
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? A MEDIA CONCEPT: (Socio-Cultural Linguistic Analysis)
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It is easy to talk about democracy, but it is difficult to practice. We talk about postmodernism, but difficult to be embodied in the ground. Yet, the age of democracy and modernity at the same time prompted the researcher to try to find a media concept for it. It does not mean that this concept has not yet formed. But the rooting of democracy and the approaching of states and groups towards it, made it necessary to by studied again.

The relationship between democracy and the media has made them look like one concept. The existence of one is linked to the existence of the other. The reality is only a linguistic formulation, but the social and cultural aspect is related to democracy origin

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
the purposes of belief The concept of the purposes of belief and its importance: The first requirement: the concept and the aim of contractual purposes, The second requirement: the importance of nodal purposes
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This research deals with the definition of the concept of nodal purposes, And what is related to it, from its aim and importance, And for the purposes of the importance of Streptococcus In trying to understand the nodal truths For different minds, Especially with those who object to the introduction of belief in purposes studies, This research has two requirements:

 The first requirement: the concept and the aim of contractual purposes,It consists of two branches, The first is in the concept of nodal purposes, And it dealt with the definitions in terms of language and terminology And what we see is proportional to what aim

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Analysis of BIMD Double Clad MMF -MZI Using Optiwave Simulation
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This work focused on principle of higher order mode excitation using in- line Double Clad Multi-Mode Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (DC-MM-MZI). The DC-MM-MZI was designed with 50 cm etched MMF. The etching length is 5cm. The tenability of this interferometer was studied using opt grating ver.4.2.2 and optiwave
ver. 7 simulator. After removing (25, 35, 45, 55) μm from MMF and immersing this segment of MMF with water bath contained distilled water and ethanol, in addition to, air. Pulsed laser source  centered at 1546.7nm ,pulse width 10ns and peak power 1.33mW was propagated via this interferometer Maximum modes were obtained in case of air surrounded media which are 9800 and 25 um removed cladding layer, with peak power 49.800 m

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